>From the Basel Action Network


South Korea Breaks Rank with anti-Basel Ban Block

Environmental Groups Laud Move, Critical of Japan and US Toxic Trade Policy
Joint Press Release from BAN, Greenpeace, and GAIA

 7 December 2006 (Manila, Philippines; Nairobi, Kenya) – Environmental
groups lauded South Korea's support, together with the Arab region,
Ethiopia, Tanzania, Norway, for the early entry into force of the
Basel Convention's Ban Amendment, which prohibits developed nations
from exporting toxic wastes to poorer countries, during the
deliberations of the Eighth Conference of Parties of the Basel
Convention, held in Nairobi, Kenya last week.
The Basel Ban Amendment issue came after the European Union urged
countries to settle the cloud raised by Art. 17 (5) of the Basel
Convention over the entry into force of amendments to the treaty. The
US and Canada disagreed with South Korea's interpretation, with the US
continuing its vocal opposition of the Basel Ban Amendment during the

South Korea's move is a significant break from the JUSCANZ, the block
of countries that includes Japan, US, Canada, Australia, and New
Zealand, who have stridently opposed the Basel Ban Amendment since its
introduction in 1995. It also comes at a critical time where global
outrage is high against the toxic chemical waste dumping last
September that happened in Cote d'Ivoire that killed seven and injured
scores of people.1

"The tragedy and injustice that continues to beset nations like Cote
d'Ivoire should have stopped yesterday," said Richard Gutierrez of the
Basel Action Network - Asia-Pacific. "It is high time for the few
countries such as the US and Canada to cease their obstructionist
efforts against the early entry into force of the Basel Ban and
respect the will of the rest of the world."

Environmental NGOs present in the Nairobi meeting were also critical
of Japan's efforts to establish waste colonies around Asia through the
use free trade bilateral agreements (FTA).2 The Japanese FTAs contain
significant provisions allowing Japan unobstructed pathways to send
toxic wastes to its poorer Asian neighbors undermining the Basel
Convention's obligations to minimize generation and transboundary
movement of toxic wastes, as well as the environmental justice
provision of the Basel Ban Amendment.

"We need an industrialized Asian nation to lead the way towards a
toxic waste free Asia, and Japan is failing miserably at this," said
Beau Baconguis of Greenpeace Southeast Asia. Added Manny Calonzo of
the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives: "With South Korea's
sentiment in Nairobi, there is hope that a new leader can emerge to
guide the rest of the Asian region away from Japan's toxic waste


Richard Gutierrez, BAN Asia-Pacific, Tel: +63.02.9290376, e-mail:

Beau Baconguis, Greenpeace Southeast Asia, Tel. +63.02.4347034,

Manny Calonzo, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA),
Tel. +63.02.929.0376, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1 For more information see BAN Press Release at:

2 The latest move by Japan came last 9 September 2006, when Japan and
the Philippines signed the Japanese-Philippines Economic Partnership
Agreement (JPEPA). The treaty is being considered for ratification by
the two countries. For more information see:

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