Yes in fact the tragedy of 09 11 ironically gave us a glimpse of just 
how true this is.  The no fly period  gave climatologists an 
unprecedented opportunity to see just what the effects of sulfur 
emmissions from high flying jets has on our current environment.  
Sufuric acid has a very high albido value ( reflectance) and is 
currently doing a significant part in holding back the effects of 
increased greenhouse gasses.  During the no fly period solar insolation 
values showed a marked increase.  Ahh it is ironic that if we were to go 
to completely sulfur free fuels today, tomorrow our global warming 
headache would be pounding that much harder.  So do we then look to 
poison the ecosystems with acid rain in order to allow ourselves to go 
on pumping carbon?  lol.  ( shakes head sadly)


Keith Addison wrote:


>Ken Caldeira, a scientist at the Carnegie Institution, says the most 
>promising idea may be to spray tiny sulphate particles into the upper 
>atmosphere, where they will reflect incoming sunlight. Nature has 
>already done the proof-of-concept work: volcanic eruptions spew such 
>particles into the air, and the cooling effect is well documented.

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