Gustl (and List)...ahh...another Zen calendar reader!!  Love it...we keep ours 
prominently displayed for daily reading.  
     I agree wholeheartedly with your comments.  It continues to occur to me 
throughout this discussion that certain methods of inquiry into certain types 
of phenomena are not necessarily useful into other types of phenomena.  Of 
course, this is also the basis for the argument..."my way or the highway."  
Well, I know...I know...I have experience that to date "science" cannot explain 
and consequently calls it "coincidence."  LOL  No difference between that 
response and the one I get from the "fundamentalist" Christian (or to be more 
inclusive, I should say "religionist" to include anyone who clings to something 
written in a book rather than being open to their experience) when showing 
him/her striations of rock that reveal millions of years of earth history and 
not a world made in 6 days that I must take it on "faith."  LOL 
becomes obvious to me both sides are "mixing metaphors," so to speak, rather 
than seeking common ground.  Sad.  What truth might otherwise be discovered or 
revealed...and especially...lived?  I want to suggest that controversy, 
wherever we may find it, is oftentimes due to misconceptions of the truth and 
it challenges all interested parties to set aside their definitions and 
differences and seek common ground, as your mystics do, who "also recognize 
that one does not conflict with the other if one has a right understanding."  
Mike DuPree

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gustl Steiner-Zehender" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "robert and benita rabello" <>
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Can these people be trusted with our planet?

> Hallo Robert,
> Sunday, 28 January, 2007, 14:18:41, you wrote:
> rabr> David Kramer wrote:
> ...snip...
>>>Pointing out that religious claims are not supported by any evidence
>>>is not ridicule, it's a statement of fact.
> rabr> Pointing  out  that atheism is just a substitution of one belief
> rabr> system  for another is also a statement of fact. In terms of not
> rabr> being supported by evidence, you need to define what constitutes
> rabr> acceptable  evidence  and  what  should  be  rejected. If your a
> rabr> priori   assumption   is   that  God  doesn't  exist,  you  will
> rabr> immediately  reject  and ridicule anything that doesn't fit your
> rabr> preconceived concept of what constitutes valid evidence.
> ...snip...
> The  problem  is  Robert, with fundamentalists of any stripe including
> atheists,  is  that  they refuse to pick up the tools of understanding
> when  they  lay  right  in  front of them. They would all rather cling
> tenaciously  to their cherished BELIEFS rather than take the effort to
> use  the readily available tools and acquire understanding. If you get
> Christian  fundamentalists  they  dismiss  everything with, "The bible
> says..."  and  their  minds shut down. With the scientific athiests it
> is,  "That  is  all  subjective and there is no evidence..." and their
> minds  shut  down.  Neither  are  willing to admit that their own puny
> understanding  of  science  or religion is at best limited and faulty.
> There  is more which we don't know than that which we do. They wish to
> apply the same rules to very different kinds of knowledge. It is worse
> than  comparing  apples  and oranges. It is more like comparing apples
> and  horse  manure.   I  think  that  most  of  the  problems which we
> encounter  on  this  list  revolve  around cherished beliefs and stiff
> necks.   One side will not allow that the other may have a valid point
> or that either may have it wrong somewhere.
> At the very heart of all religion is mysticism and when you get a room
> full of mystics of whatever belief system together what you get is not
> argument  over  picayune matters but rather agreement on fundamentals.
> This  is  because  they have picked up the tools, done the experiments
> and  reached  a  "scientific consensus of truth" which is demonstrable
> through their changed lives and actions.  They recognize that there is
> a   difference   between   sacred   and   profane   (religious   and
> scientific/worldly)  knowledge  and  accord  each  its proper place in
> their  lives.  They also recognize that one does not conflict with the
> other if one has a right understanding.
> A couple of quotes:
> "A mystical experience is not any more unique than a modern experiment
> in   physics.  On  the  other  hand,  it  is  not  less  sophisticated
> either...The  complexity  and  efficiency of the physicist's technical
> appartus  is  matched,  if  not  surpassed,  by  that  of the mystic's
> consciousness...A  page  from a journal of modern experimental physics
> will  be  as  mysterious to the uninitiated as a Tibetan mandala. Both
> are  records  of  inquiries  into the nature of the universe." FRITJOF
> "Consider  a three-story building. The first floor is where we usually
> live.  The  second floor is the level of kensho, or enlightenment. The
> third  floor is the domain to which Dogen summons us, and to reach it,
> obviously,  you  have to go by way of the second. But some people quit
> at the second floor, mistakenly believing they've arrived at the roof.
> And  also  let  me remind you that above the roof lie boundless skies.
> Thus,  the  reality  of our practice is that we must clarify ourselves
> endlessly." KO'UN YAMADA
> Religious or otherwise, fundamentalists seem to be stuck on the second
> floor  or  somewhere  on the stairs between the first and second.  The
> quest  for  knowledge,  wisdom  and  understanding  end  and cherished
> beliefs take over.
> Happy Happy,
> Gustl
> -- 
> Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
> ********
> We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
> ********
> The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, 
> soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, 
> without signposts.  
> C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
> ********
> Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen, 
> daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht 
> gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
> ********
> Those who dance are considered insane by those who can't
> hear the music.  
> George Carlin
> ********
> The best portion of a good man's life -
> His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
> William Wordsworth
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