From Grain

Nyéléni – for food sovereignty


*"Food Sovereignty is the right of peoples, communities, and countries to
define their own agricultural, pastoral, labour, fishing, food and land
policies which are ecologically, socially, economically and culturally
appropriate to their unique circumstances. It includes the true right to
food and to produce food, which means that all people have the right to
safe, nutritious and culturally appropriate food and to food-producing
resources and the ability to sustain themselves and their societies."
From: Food Sovereignty: A Right For All, Political Statement of the NGO/CSO
Forum for Food Sovereignty. Rome, June 2002*

Nyéléni 2007 – World Forum on Food Sovereignty will be held in Mali on 23–27
February 2007. The meeting will bring together 600 delegates from five
continents to reaffirm the right to food sovereignty and to begin an
international drive to reverse the worldwide decline in local community
production of food. The forum has been organised by an alliance of social
movements – including Friends of the Earth International, Via Campesina, the
World March of Women, the Network of Farmers' and Producers' Organisations
of West Africa (ROPPA), the World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers
(WFF) and the World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP) – who took a deliberate
decision to hold it in Africa (

Rural Africa has been devastated by three decades of free trade and
anti-peasant policies imposed on the continent's governments by the World
Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organisation (WTO),
the United States and the European Union. Today thousands of rural and urban
families suffer from hunger, despite the continent's abundance of natural
resources. But the fightback has begun. Mali, where the conference is to be
held, is one of the first countries in the world to have made food
sovereignty a national policy priority.

As becomes clear in our interviews with two leading activists – Mamadou
Goïta from Mali, and P.V. Satheesh from India – different strategies are
being adopted in different parts of the world in the fight for food
sovereignty. Yet campaigners worldwide are united by the common goal of
recovering for local people the right to decide what food they should
cultivate and what methods they should use. Even though the way food
sovereignty is implemented may vary widely, its successful practice is easy
to identify (see boxes on Bangladesh and Peru on pages 16 and 17).

*Mamadou Goïta*

Mamadou Goïta, a social economist, is executive director of the Institute
for Research and the Promotion of Alternatives in Development (IPAR) in
Mali, West Africa.

*When was the term 'food sovereignty' first coined?*

It has been used since 1996, when people for the first time realised they
needed a new concept. We became aware that the term "food security", which
we had used until then, was not adequate and that the international
community was manipulating the term to fool us. We realised that the giant
food corporations were taking advantage of the WTO negotiations on trade in
food, and of all the talk about food aid, to gain control over food
production worldwide and to make everyone dependent on them for food. In
Mali we realised that the food we were eating was starting to come from all
over the world – from western countries, from India, and so on. We realised
that we were being hoodwinked, that we were being told that, just because we
had enough food to eat, we had food security. But this was not the case.
Corporations might even make food cheaper, but this did not mean that we had
real food security. If there were to be a dispute with the country that was
supplying us with food, the trade could stop. What would happen then? Our
population could even go hungry. There is also the term "food sufficiency".
We use this to describe a country that is self-sufficient in the production
of food. But this term is not what we need either, for it isn't precise: it
doesn't tell us whether the food is available to all the population or what
kind of food is being produced.

Food security and self-sufficiency are technical terms. Small farmers felt
they needed a broader concept that brought a political dimension to the
discussion about food.

*So how do you define food sovereignty?*

Food sovereignty has two elements. First, it means the right of every
person, of every group, of every nation, to choose what it eats. This is
very important. To allow the population, on the basis of its cultural,
spiritual and ethnic heritage, to choose what it wants to eat. And second it
means that people have the right to decide freely how they will produce what
they want to eat, without being influenced by other nations or outside
institutions. They have the right to decide, according to their culture and
their beliefs, with whom and in what way they will produce their food. And
when I say food, I mean all the food we eat, both crops and animals. So food
sovereignty enshrines our right to eat what we want to eat, to produce what
we want to produce, and to do it in the way we want to do it. It is a deeply
political concept and it has many dimensions.

The first dimension is the seed issue, which is related to research in our
countries. In Africa the national research institutes belong today to
multinational corporations or to bilateral bodies funded by multinational
corporations. This means that we don't have any sovereignty over the type of
research that is carried out. We can only do research into things that they
want us to do research into, so seed research is not happening in areas we
consider important. This has to change. The second dimension is the question
of land tenure, access to land. You cannot talk about food sovereignty
unless those who produce food are involved in managing the land they work.
They have to be fully involved in it, to build the fertility of their land.
So the question of land tenure has to be settled in the process of
constructing food sovereignty in a country. A third dimension is financial:
how we are funding our farming in terms of access to credit and to other
means of production? For farmers to be able to produce in a sustainable way
– and sustainability is an integral aspect of food sovereignty – they need
access to certain types of funds. Adequate funding is essential to food

All this is very important for a country like Mali, where more than 80 per
cent of the population lives in the rural areas. Nearly all of this
population lives from the land – cattle-rearing, fishing, crop farming and
so on – and more than 97 per cent of these are small-scale farmers. So it is
very important to be very clear about the kind of farming we are defending.
Are we talking about small-scale production or industrial production? If
it's the latter, we are excluding almost all the population. The second
criterion is: who are we producing for? Are we producing export crops? This
is what is happening in most countries in West Africa. Farmers are producing
cash crops to have money in their pockets and no one cares about producing
food for the local population. Take Benin, Burkina Faso, even Chad. In these
countries the best-organised crop is cotton. The decision-makers are not
putting money into staple foods such as maize, sorghum and millet. This is a
choice they have made and this choice is against food sovereignty. It is
giving priority not to food but to money-making.

*Is it different in Mali?*

In Mali it used to be like that but we are getting the government to change.
Now our policy is being increasingly conducted by farmers' organisations.
It's a process and we have a dialogue. Sometimes the government does what we
want but at other times it refuses. If the government behaves wrongly, we
denounce it. But if the government behaves well, we support it. Little by
little the government is beginning to understand that it is important to
listen to what we are saying. In this sense our democratic process is a
success. It's not enough, for the process has to be strengthened, but at
least we have made progress. Our strong card is to tell the government that
it cannot construct a successful agricultural policy without involving

*Are the farmers well organised?*

Yes. The National Coordination of Farmers' Organisations (CNP) is strong.
This is composed of all the main farmers' organisations in the country and
it has a few people, like myself, who provide technical support, analysis
and training. This allows the CNP  to debate with the government on an
informed basis and to come up with concrete proposals. So, at times, the
government says, "OK, just tell us what you want to do, the methodology you
want to use." So we help the Coordination to develop their methodology,
particularly in the process of getting issues debated throughout the
We have done this on the recent farm policy law. We held debates throughout
the country on land tenure issues, agricultural research, rural investment,
credit schemes for rural areas, and so on. People debated everything at
grass-roots level. All the ideas that came out of the debate were brought to
regional level. We have eight regions in Mali. And then the issues were
taken to national level. There they were debated with other groups in civil
society. Then we prepared the first draft of the new law and a memorandum
for farmers. We put in the memorandum the key things that we wanted to
defend in law, and that is how the issue of food sovereignty was raised. It
was decided that food sovereignty would be the key principle of our
agricultural policy. I facilitated the workshop that decided this.

We gave the document we had prepared to the government but we didn't end the
process there. We had allies in the National Assembly, who monitored what
was happening. And, in fact, the government did not present to the Assembly
the document we had given them. They had taken out some things and put in
others. Some deputies came to the CNP and asked for our original document
and checked it against the Bill the government had presented, which we
called the "genetically modified" copy of our document. In three days they
found more than 300 alterations. They restored the original version and it
was this document that was debated in the assembly. When the bill was put to
the vote in mid-2006, over 100 farmers' representatives from different
regions went to the assembly, and the Bill was approved.  Now we are working
on the implementation of the new law.

*Why was it decided to hold the conference on food sovereignty in Mali?*

The   decision   was  taken  at  international  level. There were many
reasons. First of all, it is the first time a country has decided to put
food sovereignty at the centre of its agricultural policy. We have a
commitment from decision-makers to do this. We have shown that dialogue is
possible. People are saying that they want to go to Mali and see how we have
managed to do this. Second, Mali is an important space to debate Bt cotton,
because the resistance is in this country. If you take all the West African
countries, the main resistance is in Mali and, to a lesser extent, Benin.
Mali is pushing the government to take a position against GMOs and it was in
Mali that we held an international tribunal to debate the pros and cons of
GMOs. We also organised the World Social Forum, where we hosted 21,000
people. So we have some capacity for holding meetings, though Nyéléni should
be far smaller.

*P.V. Satheesh*

P.V. Satheesh is director of the Deccan Development Society, Andhra Pradesh,
southern India.

*How is food sovereignty different from food security?*

The whole of civil society was obsessed with food security for a very long
time. It was a good obsession, because everybody knows that the poor are
deprived of food and that they must have access to food. But, with this
obsession, people forgot to ask how the food was produced and how they would
have access to it. The food industry, the big corporations, realised that
this oversight gave them an opening. But it was only in 1996, at the World
Food Summit in Rome, when it was declared that trade could be a tool of food
security, that alarm bells began ringing. We realised that we had made a
great mistake and that we had allowed the food giants to hijack the term.
This was not what we wanted. We needed a new term. So Via Campesina – I
think it was them – coined the term 'food sovereignty'.

Now for peasant communities, rural communities and indigenous communities,
food sovereignty means the right to produce their own food, and not to
obtain it from the big agro-giants in the supermarkets. It means asserting
their right to their culture. To deny people their food is a political act.
That is the way you suppress and subvert cultures, because food is an
integral part of a people's culture. So, if you don't eat the food you are
used to, and you are fed another kind of food just to fill your belly, it's
an insult to your civilisation. I come from south Asia. We have a millennial
history of producing our own food. And, if the United States, which is only
a few centuries old, comes and tells us that we are inefficient in producing
food, that they should produce it for us and that we should just produce
cash crops, like cotton, tobacco, sugar cane and so on, then they are
insulting our whole civilisation. And they are defending a false idea of
efficiency, for transporting food over thousands of miles is a profoundly
inefficient act, if you look at the real costs. If in the past century oil
was the tool of neo-colonialism, then in this century food and seeds are its
tools. So, considering all these aspects, food sovereignty has become the
dominant issue for us today.

*So families in India that you work with are practising food sovereignty,
even if they don't call it by that name?*

It is in their genes to produce all the food they need. They never look for
food outside their communities. I know hundreds of women who have never in
their entire lives gone to the market to buy food. Take the village-level
women's groups, or sanghams, that we have in the Medak district of Andhra
Pradesh. They practise biodiversity-based agriculture, which emphasises the
cultivation of coarse grains, such as sorghum and various kinds of millet,
that have been grown in this region for centuries. As the land is rain-fed
and extremely dry, these crops have adapted over generations to flourish in
local conditions, without irrigation or chemical fertilisers, pesticides or
herbicides. They are much more nutritious than polished white rice. These
crops also provide a variety of materials to meet people's needs, such as
stalks and husks to feed animals, dry systems to build fences, straw to
thatch their huts and fibres to make ropes. These sangham women also use
inter-cropping and rotation techniques to grow other crops – pulses,
vegetables, fruit and medicinal plants. They are not only preserving
biodiversity but also enhancing it. As they don't use chemicals, there is
also abundant "uncultivated food", such as plant greens, tubers and small
animals. In fact, during times of duress, these uncultivated foods can
provide between 40 and 90 per cent of people's food. But now there is an
attempt to subvert this culture and make these people dependent on food from
the market. It is this that communities are resisting.
Last year the world changed from being a predominantly rural society to a
predominantly urban one. There are billions of people in the cities who need
to be fed. Can these ecological systems of farming produce enough to feed
all these people?

This is a question I'm always being asked: can we feed the world without the
so-called benefits of the Green Revolution? Well, let's be clear. The
movement of people from rural to urban areas has destroyed rural systems and
produced millions of deprived, brutalised people. The food sovereignty
movement wants to reverse this and take people back to rural areas. Besides
this, there is mounting evidence that yields under our systems are higher,
sometimes 30–40 per cent higher, than under modern production systems. I
have first-hand experience of what our communities have done in recent
years. They have brought marginal land back into cultivation. They have
produced food not only for themselves but also for the landless, the
artisans, the people who are not cultivators in their communities. Very
recently they have started doing what we call "hunger mapping", and found
out who are the really destitute in their communities and have started food
kitchens for them. It's not rich people who are doing this, but people with
very low cash incomes who have gained enormous confidence through the food
sovereignty process and believe that they can take care of everybody. The
ecological production of food provides other important benefits. It gives
people health security, nutritional security, livelihood security. People's
knowledge plays an enormous role here. Take the Aztec kingdom. They
classified their soil in 28 different ways, whereas modern science uses only
4–5 classifications. Traditional systems are very complex, very
knowledge-based. Modern knowledge systems are simplistic in comparison. So
we have a system that provides people with multiple security, as against
this Green Revolution, which gives you neither health nor  nutrition and
destroys livelihoods. There are other advantages to our system too. If a
community produces food in an ecological way, it doesn't need to fight with
anyone else, for it has multiple security. There are already conflicts over
water between India and its neighbours, between different provinces and
communities. So the moment you reject water-intensive, energy-intensive food
production systems and come back to ecological modes of production, you are
promoting peace. And peace itself solves a lot of other problems.
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