They will probably just get a slap on the wrist, but thats better than
nothing.  And maybe, just maybe, the US might think twice before selling
weapons to Israel.


Israel 'broke US arms deal terms'
  *Israel probably violated the terms of its arms deals with Washington by
using US-made cluster bombs in Lebanon last year, a US government report

The state department looked into Israel's use of cluster bombs in civilian
areas of southern Lebanon during its conflict with Hezbollah.

US-made weapons are sold to the Israeli military with restriction on their

Cluster bombs can scatter hundreds of small bomblets over a wide area, and
their use has been widely criticised.

The International Committee of the Red Cross called for a ban on the use of
cluster bombs in populated areas, because of the indiscriminate civilian
deaths they caused.

And Amnesty International has criticised Israel for its use of cluster bombs
in the final days of the conflict.

*Military aid*

The US government has now sent a preliminary report on its investigation
into the matter to the US Congress.

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the report delivered to
Congress was not a "final judgement".

He refused to elaborate on the report's conclusion, but said the terms
agreed with Israel for the use of US-supplied munitions were "likely" to
have been violated.

"This is a preliminary finding and because it also involves the agreements
about use (of munitions), which are classified, I cannot get into the
details," he added.

Congress will now consider the report before deciding whether to take any
further action against Israel.

Israel has consistently maintained it uses cluster bombs in line with
international law.

Last November Israel's military said it would investigate how the bombs were
used during the conflict.

Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said Israel would co-operate fully
with the US inquiry.

"Israel takes the concerns raised by the US very seriously. In our response,
we have been as detailed, as forthcoming and transparent as possible," he

The US is Israel's biggest military donor, offering about $2bn of aid and
assistance each year.

Paul Webber
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