Thought this might be of interest. (go to page 11)

The cabin has a composting toilet.  There are two large holding tanks
for water.  The filtration system consists of UV light to kill
bacteria and microfilters to pull out sediment.  There are plans to
add an awning to catch rainwater for the tanks.  Energy and heat for
the exhibit are provided by a biodiesel generator and by large
photovoltaic panels which are also used to recharge batteries.

It can house a family of four in 480 square feet.  For travel, it
compresses into 1/3 that footprint (6 ft x 20 ft - ISO shipping  
container dimensions).

Clearly designed for fair-weather use, but some interesting ideas I think.
Deployable emergency housing?  No need for grid, compact, portable,
can be moved like a shipping container, set up quickly.

Put a container garden on the fold out deck and plant something that  
produces food quickly (radish, leaf lettuce, sprouts, spinach) if  
climate is favourable.  Perhaps supply coldframes or mini-greenhouses  
if not.


Darryl McMahon
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy

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Darryl McMahon
It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who will?

The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy

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