This whole subject is making me feel sick... I can't take the visual image 
of it all.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Liposuccions: a new source of biodiesel :-)

>Are we talking about grain fed lipofat vs range fed?  Range
>fed would require walking around and bending over, causing less fat
>and more lean meat, whereas grain fed requires only bending over,
>like we are already used to, plus easier to engineer and enrich the
>grain for the highest quality lipofat.  Mike


What about the comparative Omega-3 fatty acid content?

Is the grain a fossil-fuels dependant industrial monocrop a la ADM?
Not carbon-neutral lipofat then, hm.

What will be the effect of this kind of biofuel on tortilla prices in
Mexico? To say nothing of Tyson's bottom line, let alone the Nikkei

And what about MOA disease (Mad Overweight Americans) - are feed
regulations in place to ensure that you're not eating each other's

Let them eat grass, that's what I say.

Actually, a certain list member made some liposuction by-product
biodiesel four years ago but kept quiet about it because he wasn't
sure the world was ready. Or something like that.



>----- Original Message -----
>From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Fred Finch
>To: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:24 AM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Liposuccions: a new source of biodiesel :-)
>Wait a minute...  I think we have a potential new field of
>employment for many Americans!  We would generate our own fuel
>reserves by sucking out the fat of our asses at the same time  we
>suck off the fat of the land!  Granted it would not be sustainable.
>Kind of like what Tyson foods does to chickens.  We could have
>literal fat farms!  Produce the fat and render the fat.
>What a great idea!
>On 2/13/07, M&K DuPree
>LOL LOL LOL LO:L...Get off your lazy fat asses and REJECT REAL ID...LOL LOL
>LOL Mike DuPree
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "frantz Desprez"
>To: <<>>
>Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 8:40 AM
>Subject: [Biofuel] Liposuccions: a new source of biodiesel :-)
> > :-)
> > Liposuccions: a new source of biodiesel! A norwegian businessman, Mr.
> > Lauri Venøy, will settle in Miami in Florida to launch a production of
> > biodiesel starting from greases resulting from liposuccions. 60% of the
> > Americans are in overweight and a great number of them has recourse to
> > the liposuccion. For Mr. Lauri Venøy, that can represent a lucrative
> > market in the field of renewable energies. The norwegian contractor is
> > currently in talks with the Jackson Memorial American hospital for the
> > signature of an agreement, which would enable him to acquire 11.500
> > liters of human grease resulting from liposuccions each week, and thus
> > to produce 10.000 liters of bio-diesel.
> >
> > BE Norway number 71 (8/02/2007) - Embassy of France in Norway/ADIT -
> >
> >
> > Liposuccions : une nouvelle source de biodiesel !
> > Un homme d'affaire norvégien, M. Lauri Venøy, va s'installer à Miami en
> > Floride pour lancer une production de biodiesel à partir des graisses
> > issues des liposuccions.
> >
> > 60 % des Américains sont en surpoids et un grand nombre d'entre eux ont
> > recours à la liposuccion. Pour M. Lauri Venøy, cela peut représenter un
> > marché lucratif dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables.
> >
> > L'entrepreneur norvégien est actuellement en pourparler avec le très
> > grand hôpital américain Jackson Memorial en vue de la signature d'un
> > accord, qui lui permettrait d'acquérir 11 500 litres de graisse humaine
> > issue des liposuccions chaque semaine, et ainsi de produire 10.000
> > litres de bio-diesel.
> >
> > BE Norvège numéro 71 (8/02/2007) - Ambassade de France en Norvège / ADIT
> > -

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