February 14, 2007

Big Biotech is Forcing Farmers to Buy GMO Seeds

The Plot Against Mexican Corn


The "diableros" (hand truck hostlers) from Lagunilla market clustered 
around La Lupita's Ricos Tacos in the rough and tumble barrio of 
Tepito were not smiling. "Yesterday these cost me six pesos. Today, 
it's eight. Tomorrow, who knows, ten?" complained Rodrigo Aldama, 28, 
pointing at the three greasy tacos on his paper plate, "Vitamin T is 
rich man's food now." Vitamin T, a staple of urban diet here, 
includes tacos, tostadas, tamales, tortillas, and most any kind of 
street food concocted from corn.

The steep jump of tortilla prices here this January to as high as 18 
pesos a kilo (they were six in November) have unleashed a storm of 
protest and suspicion. "Someone's getting rich on my 'ricos tacos' 
but it isn't me" lamented Lupita Perez. Many point fingers at the 
corn distribution system, which is run by transnationals.

Rodrigo had another theory: "the tortilla is Mexico but now they want 
us to eat white bread like the gringos." Others see even more 
sinister motives behind the sudden spike in tortilla prices which the 
government of freshman president Felipe Calderon blames on short 
supply and high prices for white and yellow corn - the opening of the 
Mexican milpa or corn patch to genetically modified corn.

World corn prices are currently at an all-time high due to burgeoning 
interest in ethanol production as a petroleum substitute. In Mexico 
the price of corn has been pushed upwards by the cost of diesel and 
petrochemical fertilizers and pesticides despite the fact that Mexico 
is a major oil producer. Crop failures due to drought, flooding, and 
even ice storms have contributed to the price surge. But whatever the 
immediate causes, the dismantlement of government agricultural 
programs and the brutal impacts of the North American Free Trade 
Agreement have deepened the crisis in Mexican corn production.

Competing with highly subsidized U.S. farmers is driving their 
Mexican counterparts into bankruptcy. Whereas south of the border, 
guaranteed prices for farmers' crops is a thing of the past, 
corporate corn growers north of the Rio Bravo can receive up to 
$21,000 an acre in subsidies from their government, enabling them to 
dump their corn over the border at 80% of cost. The impact of this 
inundation has been to force 6,000,000 farmers and their families 
here to abandon their plots and leap into the migration stream, 
according to a 2004 Carnegie Endowment study.

This assault on poor farmers down at the bottom of the food chain 
will be exacerbated at the end of 2007 when all tariffs on U.S. corn 
are abolished. Meanwhile President Calderon seeks to tamp down 
tortilla prices by importing up to 2,000,000 duty-free tons to 
augment what Mexican farmers can or cannot produce. Such a solution 
is guaranteed to drive more farmers off the land. Even worse is that 
much of the new influx of NAFTA corn will be transgenic.

A great deal of the 36,000,000 tons of corn Mexico has imported from 
the U.S. in the past six years is genetically modified - 40% to 60% 
estimates the environmental group Greenpeace, reasoning that U.S. 
producers, barred from dealing GMO corn in Europe and Japan are using 
Mexico as a dumping ground for the grain.

GMO corn began pouring into Mexico in 1998 and by 2001 was being 
detected in the remote sierras of Oaxaca and Puebla, a region in 
which maize was first domesticated seven millenniums ago - both BT 
and Starlink strains (Monsanto and Novartis brands) were found in 
Oaxaca's Sierra de Juarez in 2001 and 2002. 11 out of 22 corn-growing 
regions in the two states registered readings of contamination as 
high as 60% in a 2002 government study that was suppressed by the 
Secretary of Agriculture.

Although Mexico imports millions of tons of transgenic corn, it 
remains a crime here to plant genetically modified seed. In 1998, the 
National Biosecurity Commission, an interdisciplinary body that 
involves the health and agricultural secretariats, declared a 
moratorium on planting genetically modified corn until its impacts 
could be determined, and the ban remains in place although under 
heavy attack from big biotech and agribiz and transnational grain 
purveyors like the Cargill Corporation which now controls much of 
Mexican corn distribution.

To keep the industry at bay, the Biosecurity commission now grants 
permits for "experimental" stations where the grain can be grown 
under government supervision - the Monsanto corporation is now 
testing its "YieldGuard" brand corn on hundreds of hectares in 
Sinaloa state, the most prolific corn-producing state in Mexico. A 
spillover of YieldGuard in Sinaloa could contaminate a big chunk of 
the existing corn supply.

Despite the prohibitions on planting, there is plenty of transgenic 
corn tassling up in the Mexican milpas these days. Some of it is 
accidental. Massive imports of NAFTA corn distributed in rural 
regions through state-owned Diconsa warehouses threaten vast swatches 
of the Mexican "campo." Diconsa trucks are old and the roads rough 
and the GMO corn blows off into the wind contaminating cornfields for 
miles around.

Although more and more licenses are issued every year for 
experimental planting, producers groups are now threatening to plant 
GMO corn without government permission - "If the moratorium is not 
relaxed, we will start planting the transgenic corn in the spring 
cycle" warns Perfecto Solis, director of the U.S.-Mexican 
agribusiness giant Corn Products Systems.

Despite the prohibitions, big corn growers have been sewing 
transgenic maize without government permission for years. Roberto 
Gonzalez Barrera, "El Rey de la Tortilla", whose Maseca-Gruma, now a 
third owned by the Archer Daniels Midlands conglomerate, rules the 
corn flour and tortilla market (between 60 and 80%), once boasted 
that he had thousands of hectares under transgenic corn.

Maseca-Gruma is indeed a major player in the "transgenization" of the 
tortilla industry. During the administration of the now-reviled 
Carlos Salinas (1988-94), Gonzalez Barrera began marketing an instant 
corn flour mix milled from both genetically modified and natural 
corn. Taco shells milled and confected by Gruma and marketed by Kraft 
were found to contain Starlink corn, then not yet authorized for 
human consumption, resulting in the largest call-back of any 
transgenically contaminated product in U.S. history.

The Maseca mix has largely supplanted the traditional Indian way of 
preparing corn for tortillas - the "nixtamal" in which the "granos" 
or kernels are put to soak overnight in a brew whose main ingredient 
is quicklime. As payback for market domination, the King of the 
Tortillas flew Salinas into self-exile in his private jet in 1995 
after the ex-president's brother was arrested for murder.

Barrera and his ADM partners and their transnational associates at 
Cargill-Consolidated Mexico and Mimsa-Corn Products now control the 
Mexican maize market. It is that monopoly, which has caused the 
current panic, considers Luis Hernandez Navarro, op-ed editor at La 
Jornada, the national left daily, and a writer intimately familiar 
with agricultural issues. When ex-president Ernesto Zedillo 
(1994-2000) closed down CONASUPO, the state grain distribution system 
in 1997, the transnationals moved in and have taken control, says 
Hernandez. "When Mexican corn is in danger so is Mexico" he cautions, 
echoing the old refrain "no hay pais sin maiz" - there is no country 
without corn.

Hernandez and other veteran observers of the Mexican "campo" strongly 
suspect that the current corn crisis is being manipulated to end the 
moratorium on planting transgenic corn in Mexico. "The transnationals 
want to end the moratorium and are using this made-up crisis to 
pressure the SAGARPA (Agricultural Secretariat) to do away with it" 
figures investigator Antonio Serratos at the prestigious College of 
Mexico think tank. "It is part of their strategy for taking control 
of the entire agricultural sector."

As if to confirm Serratos' hunch, Big Agro is already petitioning the 
Biosecurity Commission to permit widespread planting in 2007. 
"Bio-tech is the only solution to growing more corn and keeping the 
tortilla affordable" advises Jaime Yesaki, director of the National 
Agriculture and Livestock Council or C.N.A, the principal 
agri-business federation in the country.

The C.N.A. was joined in its petition to the Secretary of Agriculture 
to vacate the ban on growing GMO corn by the National Association of 
Supermarkets and Retail Stores which is controlled by the U.S. 
transnational Wal-Mart - Wal-Mart is now Mexico's number one retailer 
of tortillas and other foodstuffs and, with 700 mega-stores, the 
nation's largest employer.

The subtext of the corn conflict is control of the seed market. "We 
have been patiently waiting to end the moratorium for ten years now" 
complained Eduardo Perez Pico, director of Monsanto-Mexico, the St. 
Louis-based conglomerate that dominates world seed markets. 
"Meanwhile Mexico is falling behind the rest of the world in applying 
new seed technologies that can better feed its people" the magnate 
recently told La Jornada.

The Mexican geography produces hundreds of varieties of corn that 
have adapted to the country's myriad bioregions over millenniums. The 
introduction of transgenic seed will work to homogenize these 
strains, reasons Dr. Ignacio Chapela, the University of 
California-Berkeley biologist who was the first to locate GMO 
contamination here while doing fieldwork in the tiny Oaxaca sierra 
town of Calpulapan in 2001. "Millions of years of biological history 
will be lost if transgenic seeds are allowed to be planted in the 
Mexican milpa" Chapela affirms.

Big Biotech with Monsanto leading the pack wants to replace those 
millions of years with seeds like the Terminator (named for the 
action hero governor of California) which goes sterile after one 
growing cycle and obligates farmers (they sign binding contracts with 
Monsanto) to buy more, a process Mexican investigator Silvia Ribiero 
tags "bio-slavery".

Corn is not just nutrition and livelihood in Mexico but also culture 
and religion. Maiz came from the gods and the Aztecs and Mayas 
nourished those gods with sacrificial victims to keep it coming. The 
transnational attack on corn stirs passions and paranoias amongst the 
descendants of Mexico's first peoples. At a meeting of NAFTA 
scientists a few years back, some with deep ties to Big Biotech, and 
charged with investigating allegations brought by 17 Mexican NGOs 
that GMO corn was a threat to the nation's 57 distinct indigenous 
peoples, an Indian farmer from Oaxaca seized the mic and accused the 
scientists of practicing genocide by pushing transgenics. "First you 
killed your own Indians and now you want to kill us!" the farmer 
shouted angrily.

The Zapatistas are Mayans and the Mayans are the People of the Corn. 
According to their sacred books, the Popul Vuh and the Chilam Balaam, 
they are actually made from maiz. Manuel, a member of the 
ecology-agricultural commission at Oventik, the most accessible 
Zapatista "caracol" or public center in the mountains above San 
Cristobal de las Casas, venerates these roots. "We are the corn - if 
it is poisoned so are we" he insisted during this New Year's 
"Encounter Between the Peoples of the World and the Peoples of the 
Zapatista Communities" up at the Caracol "Resistance and Rebellion 
for Humanity." Now the Zapatistas are freezing their seed corn to 
preserve pure Mayan germ plasma so that there will never be a world 
without it. You can even purchase the seeds on the World Wide Web. 
Check out

John Ross is currently on the road with his latest opus ZAPATISTAS! 
Making Another World Possible--Chronicles of Resistance 2000-2006. He 
will be traversing the southwest (February), the south and mid-west 
(March) and the Atlantic Coast (April) - contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for 
venues and itineraries. These dispatches will continue at ten-day 
intervals while the Blindman is on the road.

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