Right Web | Analysis |
A Tale of Two Interventions

Jim Lobe | February 20, 2007

IRC Right Web

For several weeks, Washington has been abuzz with rumors that 
President George W. Bush is preparing to attack nuclear and other 
sites in Iran this spring-rumors deemed sufficiently credible that 
lawmakers from both parties are hastily preparing legislation 
precisely to prevent such an eventuality.

Among the growing number of recent signs suggesting U.S. preparations 
for military confrontation, as listed by former CIA officer Philip 
Giraldi in a recent edition of American Conservative, are: Bush's 
claim that Iran is supplying bombs to Shiite militias to kill U.S. 
soldiers in Iraq; the seizure of Iranian diplomatic and intelligence 
officials by U.S. forces in Iraq; the deployment of two aircraft 
carrier groups with a flotilla of minesweepers to the Persian Gulf; 
the supply of Patriot antimissile batteries to U.S. allies in the 
region; the unprecedented appointment of a navy admiral and former 
combat pilot as the head of Central Command; the "surge" of as many 
as 40,000 troops into Iraq; and persistent reports of U.S. covert 
operations inside Iran.

It seems clear that the administration has developed detailed plans 
for attacking Iran and is putting in place a formidable armada that 
has the means to carry out such plans without delay.

But if a decision has already been made, it appears that the faction 
that led the pro-war propaganda offensive in the run-up to the Iraq 
invasion and that has long favored "regime change" in Iraq-the 
neoconservatives-has either not been clued in, or more likely, 
believes that an attack on Iran is still some time off, if it takes 
place at all.

It is not that the neocons don't favor war with Iran if diplomatic 
and other means fail to achieve either regime change or, at the very 
least, Tehran's abandonment of its nuclear program. Neoconservatives, 
whose views on the Middle East generally span those of Israel's Likud 
Party and the extreme right, have long held that a nuclear-armed Iran 
is, in Bush's words, "unacceptable," and that preventing such an 
outcome may require military means. "The only way to forestall an 
Iranian nuke," wrote Joshua Muravchik, a leading neoconservative 
polemicist at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), in this 
month's Foreign Service Journal , "... is by military strikes to 
cripple the regime's nuclear program."

It is, rather, more the fact that the neoconservatives-who helped 
lead the yearlong propaganda campaign to rally the United States 
behind the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 with an admirable 
single-mindedness and urgency-appear far less focused on Iran. If 
such an attack is on Washington's near-term agenda, the 
neoconservatives have been decidedly off-message.

The contrast with the run-up to the Iraq War is instructive.

For a full year or more before the March 2003 invasion, the neocons 
and their major media outlets-notably, the Weekly Standard, the 
National Review Online, the Wall Street Journal editorial page, the 
New York Post, and Fox News-kept up a virtually daily drumbeat of 
op-ed articles, television appearances, and selective leaks by their 
confreres within the administration with only one aim in mind: to 
persuade the public that Saddam Hussein must be ousted militarily.

As the invasion drew near, the AEI, the movement's de facto 
headquarters, drew scores of reporters to its weekly "black coffee 
briefings," where such neocon worthies as Weekly Standard editor 
William Kristol, then-Defense Policy Board chairman Richard Perle, 
former CIA director James Woolsey, and Iraq National Congress leader 
Ahmed Chalabi held forth on the evils of the Baathist regime and the 
regional implications of the forthcoming "liberation" of the Iraqi 

Carefully orchestrated and coordinated with their comrades in the 
offices of Vice President Dick Cheney and former Pentagon chief 
Donald Rumsfeld, neocons were able to create a powerful media "echo 
chamber" that, by late 2002, centered entirely on Iraq and the 
supposed necessity of going to war, to the exclusion of almost 
everything else.

The neocons' discipline and focus on Iraq four years ago has been 
nowhere evident with respect to Iran over the past month. Judging by 
their writings and television appearances, they have seemed far more 
concerned with the growing public and congressional pressure to 
withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq.

That has been the overriding preoccupation of the Weekly Standard, 
National Review Online, and the Wall Street Journal 's editorial 
page. Article after article has assailed turncoat Republicans, as 
well as "defeatist" Democrats, for opposing Bush's plan to "surge" 
troop levels. The AEI has held four briefings on Iraq, compared to 
only one on Iran, in the past two months.

Despite the sharply rising tensions between Iran and the United 
States over the past month, for example, the lead editorials of 
several recent issues of the Standard-always a reliable indication of 
neocon priorities-were devoted to rallying lawmakers behind the surge.

That doesn't mean that Iran is not a major concern-and ultimate 
target-of the neocons. Indeed, the cover story of last week's 
Standard, "Iran's Obsession with the Jews: Denying the Holocaust, 
Desiring Another One," shows no hesitation in building up the case 
for eventual war against Tehran. But the same issue ran yet another 
story that illustrates the relative lack of urgency for war: 
"Sanctions Against Iran Would Work," it was entitled, although its 
subtitle, "Too Bad They Won't Be Tried," hinted at a sense of 
inevitability regarding a future war.

Nonetheless, to the extent that neoconservatives, and their allies in 
the right-wing "Israel Lobby," are addressing themselves to Iran 
policy at the moment, expanding and enforcing sanctions, rather than 
imminent war, appears to be the main message.

Indeed, Reuel Marc Gerecht and Gary Schmitt, AEI fellows and fixtures 
at the black coffee briefings four years ago, just published an 
article on precisely this theme in the Financial Times: "How the West 
Can Avert War With Iran."

Similarly, alarmist television ads by the right-wing American Foreign 
Policy Council running recently on the major cable television 
networks in the Washington DC area warn viewers about Iran's nuclear 
program, its status as "the world's largest state-sponsor of 
terrorism," and its president's Holocaust denials and threats to 
"wipe Israel off the map." But the ads conclude with the relatively 
anodyne exhortation: "Call the White House and tell them to enforce 
sanctions against Iran today." Not exactly what one would expect on 
the eve of a military attack.

This tack may simply be a ruse to lull anti-war forces into 
complacency. Or it may reflect a fear that, given their record on 
Iraq, beating the drums for war against Iran may prove 
counterproductive. Or it may indicate that prominent neoconservatives 
have somehow lost touch with the hawks in the White House and 
Cheney's office.

But it may also reflect the neocons' assessment, based no doubt on 
inside information, that Bush-who spoke about U.S. policy on 
Afghanistan at AEI last Thursday-intends to play the diplomatic game 
a little longer.

Jim Lobe is the Washington bureau chief of the Inter Press Service 
and a contributor to Right Web (


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