That's when the Codex is due to kick in here in the USA. I have no link, just 
remember reading it
somewhere. I think it has already kicked in Australia (& NZ?). It is being 
fought in Europe. I don't know
about Canada, although they already can't get stuff, like DHEA, that we're 
still able to get here
in the USA. The Codex is designed to harmonize to a lower standard. It invokes 
the precautionary
principle in a really perverse way. It is embedded in CAFTA, btw. 
See: Action site  Dr Rath is the main man in Europe who's 
fighting Codex Site devoted to health freedom 
for us in the USA
All around site that covers a myriad of health related topics with no BS.  Stop the censorship of FDA and FTC. The FDA 
is really the scourge of the
earth wrt real healing. They want to constrain our health freedom entirely and 
have us to believe that only
prescription drugs (chemo, radiation, surgery) are real medicine. Nothing is 
further from the truth!

Peace, D. Mindock
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: M&K DuPree 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 8:04 AM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] That bogus antioxidant study

  Hi D...Do you know the law that is compelling food supplements to be removed 
from health food store shelves in 2009?  Mike DuPree
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: D. Mindock 
    To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
    Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 3:30 AM
    Subject: [Biofuel] That bogus antioxidant study
    I just watched Dr Mercola who reported on the study that the media said 
    that antioxidants do not lengthen life and may even kill you. He said
    that of the hundreds of studies that were chosen to be studied, they picked 
    most unfavorable ones, based on elderly patients who were in poor health. 
    these people were only using synthetic anti-oxidants which are known to be 
a lot
    less effective than natural ones that the body easily recognizes and uses 
    So, once again, the media has been a willing accomplice in softening up the 
    for the day (in 2009) when Big Pharma gets their most ardent wish fulfilled 
and all effective
    supplements are pulled of the shelves of U.S. health food stores. We must 
    allow this to happen. We can neutralize these untruths by writing to the 
    emailing the TV media news, and joining groups like Life Extension 
Foundation (LEF),
    the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), etc., and getting their 
    Writing your representative politicians could help too.
    Peace, D. Mindock



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