San Francisco Chronicle, March 7 2007
The promise and perils of tech transfer
Universities mull industry partnerships
Berkeley Daily Planet, 6 Feb 2007
News Analysis: UC's Biotech Benefactors: The Power of Big Finance and Bad Ideas
By Miguel A. Altieri and Eric Holt-Gimenez
The Daily Californian
Two Arrests in Protest Over Biofuels Deal
Students Don Lab Coats, Spill Mock Oil in Rally Against BP Contract
Friday, March 2, 2007
Berkeley Daily Planet
News Analysis: GMO Research Dominates BP-UC Partnership
Berkeley Daily Planet
Week of Arrests, Protests Challenges UC/BP Accord
Judith Scherr: BP Beds Down with Berkeley
Oil Company's University Liaison Raises Questions
February 8, 2007
The Kept University
Atlantic Monthly v.285, n.3 Mar00

San Francisco Chronicle (page A - 1), March 8, 2007

Cal's biofuel deal challenged on campus
Critics say energy alliance with oil giant BP endangers school's 
integrity, independence

Rick DelVecchio, Chronicle Staff Writer

Andrew Paul Gutierrez, a 67-year-old professor of ecosystems science 
in UC Berkeley's College of Natural Resources, has a word for those 
who believe human ingenuity and productivity are boundless.

He calls them "cornucopians."

He thinks cornucopians are misguided and prone to taking big risks 
that can backfire.

That's one of the reasons he is upset that the university where he 
has spent his entire academic life is joining with oil giant BP in a 
$500 million, 10-year program to discover how to mass-produce clean, 
safe transportation fuels -- such as ethanol -- from biomass in an 
environmentally safe and cost-effective way.

The Energy Biosciences Institute is to create high-tech energy farms 
as productive as oil fields but without the carbon waste that adds to 
climate change. The harvests would be processed into sugar-based 
fuels for filling the gas tanks of vehicles.

Institute scientists "will be unified and propelled by a common 
purpose to solve a global problem of great magnitude and urgency," 
according to the proposal written by a UC Berkeley-led team and 
accepted by BP.

The BP deal has been presented as an environmental call to arms, but 
Gutierrez is among a loose-knit group of faculty members and students 
not falling in line. The critics don't agree on what they disagree 
about but share a fervor that contrasts with the administration's 
self-confidence at landing history's richest academic-industry 
research partnership.

The heretics fall into three camps: those who question the science 
program, those who feel the deal taints the university's 
independence, and those who fear it conflicts with UC Berkeley's 
time-honored collegial process for hiring and promoting faculty.

They're few in number on a faculty of more than 1,500 but have been 
so persistent since the deal's announcement five weeks ago, that time 
had to be set aside for everyone to speak. That time is from 4 to 6 
p.m. today at a campus forum sponsored by Cal's Academic Senate.

"These are arguments that have to be taken seriously," said Bill 
Drummond, a journalism professor who is chairman of the Academic 

To give the sponsors of the BP deal their due, supporters say, 
leaders of the giant petroleum company are considering the issue of 
global warming in broad ecological and socioeconomic terms. No 
previous effort has even attempted such a comprehensive approach.

"I've met a bunch of the VPs at BP," said Chris Somerville, a 
Stanford professor who is the top candidate for the Energy 
Biosciences Institute's top job. "They're people like you and me. 
They're trying to do the right thing. They want the right thing for 
their children and grandchildren."

Gutierrez, interviewed at his office in Mulford Hall, said he 
believes it's important to pursue alternative fuels but was hard put 
to find anything to cheer him up about the BP deal's approach.

"You'd think this proposal is exactly what we needed because it's 
promising a lot to reduce greenhouse gases," he said. "The problem 
is, how do you separate the hype from the facts?"

Another reason he's upset is he thinks the deal marks a step backward 
for the university's intellectual independence.

He criticized the administration for entering into a relationship in 
which 50 corporate researchers will work hand in hand with university 
scientists. Gutierrez said partnerships between individual faculty 
members and corporate sponsors have been common during his career, 
but a partnership on the institutional level is something new.

"There used to be deals between individual professors and industry -- 
they would provide funding, and they could provide any kind of 
relationship you wanted," he said. "But you didn't have people coming 
in from industry with all the rights of a professor who's been 
through the academic sieve."

What is being introduced in the BP deal, Gutierrez said, is a 
public-private hybrid he calls a "corporaversity."

BP's corporate scientists and engineers will be able to profit from 
what they learn on campus, which is not only normal but also 
desirable if the research is to have a rapid social impact, according 
to the sponsors. But they also will be encouraged to embrace campus 
intellectual life, including, as the BP sponsors suggest, helping 
design courses, mentor students and promote science careers to 

"It's a harbinger," Gutierrez said. "As this big money starts coming 
in, first we'll become addicted to it, and secondly, in becoming 
addicted to it, they'll start demanding more things from the 
university in terms of what the relationship is all about."

Gutierrez, a New Mexico cowboy's son who worked nights at a gas 
station to help pay his way through college and grad school, comes to 
his critique as an expert in modeling natural systems. His recent 
work includes plotting the impact of climate change on the spread of 
the olive fly, and the ecological backlash from cotton genetically 
modified to kill bugs.

During his interview with The Chronicle, he returned again and again 
to the theme that natural systems are all about limits. Modern human 
systems, on the other hand, are all about consumption. So there's a 

Gutierrez does not bet on technology to win the battle. He says 
biological systems will strain to reach equilibrium and frustrate the 
cleverest of the cornucopians trying to adjust them to benefit 
humans' insatiable consumption.

"What do you know about all the pest problems that are going to be 
created when you start producing these plants that are going to be 
different?" he asked. "Pretty soon you start making a system that 
starts out with good intentions but becomes more complicated.

"That's what happened with bioengineered crops. In some areas it 
simplifies the system. But in others it makes it so complicated."

The biofuels push has been compared with putting a man on the moon. 
Gutierrez doesn't see the connection.

"As a scientific adventure and quest of man and all that good stuff, 
it's wonderful," he said, "and I recall exactly where I was when they 
stepped off onto the moon. This is different. We're messing with the 
whole environment."

The vision of rolling Midwestern fields of bioengineered fuel crops 
is, Gutierrez thinks, "nonsense."

He thinks of south-central Brazil, with its sugar-cane plantations in 
place of what had been a mix of forests and diverse croplands. The 
cane is harvested to make ethanol, a substitute for fossil fuels in 
transportation. "It's sugar cane as far as the eye can see," he said. 
"The rivers run red with the runoff."

He fears more such scenes around the world.

"At a certain point there's a carrying capacity to the environment," 
he said. "Even if you plant the last hectare with biofuels, the 
demand keeps growing. Then what?"

E-mail Rick DelVecchio at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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