Not only oil companies are posting record profits
  Seems a loud and clear call for solar and other power at point of use.
  Readers share horror stories over utility bills 
  By the JG/T-C
  The following comments were collected from JG/T-C readers via e-mail:

January electric power bill - $196.42
February bill - $396.02

Our latest bill was $243.09. The bill previous to that was $121.08. So, our 
bill doubled almost exactly. It wasn’t as big of a jump as some people have 
had, but it’s certainly more than a $1 a day, and it’s a hardship for us. We 
are all electric, but now we’re looking at gas.
JL, Charleston

I am a single mother of two and live in a 2-bedroom apartment. My CIPS bill for 
January 2007 was $135 and my bill for February 2007 is $259. I have lived in my 
apartment for 8 years and have never had a bill this high. I keep my apartment 
at 70 degrees all the time, even though it is cold. I have very limited income 
and I don’t understand why the bill has almost doubled. I don’t know how people 
are going to be able to afford these rates. I hope something can be done about 
this outrageous increase.

Our electric bills for the month of January went up to $767 and for the month 
of February my bill went up to $1847. We are a low income family that only 
bring home $1300 a month. People like us can’t afford to pay these high 
electric bills.
CR, Ashmore

We have a 1,280 sq. ft. ranch-style home with a family of two adults and one 
child with a total electric home.

January bill was $216.39, 2007.42 Electric KWH total usage. Avg. temp 36. 
February bill $281.36, 2948.00 Electric KWH total usage. Avg. temp 18.

Fortunately, I am on “Budget Billing” (a/k/a “Equalizer”) plan which I was just 
re-evaluated for in December. Prior to December I paid $107 a month on the 
plan. During the re-evaluation in December, AmerenCIPS (knowing their rates 
were going up) found me to be using less and changed my plan amount to $106 a 
month ($1 less). They re-evaluate the “Budget Billing” amount every four months 
so the effect of the increase has not happened for me yet but will in four 
months when they make the entire “balance behind” due and certainly increase my 
“Budget Billing” amount.
JW, Charleston

I am a homeowner living on the west side of Charleston with a family of five. 
My January bill was $350.11. As if that was not high enough, my February bill 
came to a unbelievable $449. I am paying another house payment for my 
electricity. It is a real struggle to keep my bills paid and paid on time. I 
can’t imagine how the elderly can afford this increase. I am praying that 
something will be done soon for everyone’s sake.
MP, Charleston

My CIPS bill:
January $153.96 
February $227.50
KK, Charleston

Our household bill for January was $112.07 and February $143.59 for a two-month 
total of $255.66. We have a two-bedroom condo with windows on east, south, and 

In January, my Ameren bill was $259.40.
In February, my Ameren bill was $429.62 (almost doubled)
JB, Mattoon

My electric bill last year was $152, this year same period, $403.

My electric bills for January, February and March were $146.95, $197.18 and 
$394.10, respectively. A more telling fact is that my highest bill for the same 
period in 2006 was $179.80.
How is that justified? We are an all-electric household. What Ameren did not 
publicize is that fact they canceled the incentives for being all electric 
along with the rate hike.
LM, Mattoon

Our average bill this time of year runs around $270-$300 per month, our new 
bill this period is $660; we can’t pay this. I’ve sent emails to Flider, to the 
governor. I did get a response from Flider, but as expected, nothing from our 
so-called governor. Everybody needs to complain and take a stand on this issue.
JS, Strasburg

January - $339.26, February - $433.54

Our house is all electric and has been since we built in 1973.
Bill date Jan.15 - $168.08
Bill date Feb 12 - $357.94
Difference $189.86
Besides the increase, we also lost our special winter heating rate which we 
have always had.
B&RL, Mattoon

Since we have a newborn at home, we keep our house heated at around 70 degrees. 
January and February bills combined totaled almost $900. That is equivalent to 
almost 3 car payments and one and a half house payments.
TK, Mattoon

January - $262
February - $350
For those of us on fixed income, this is shocking. What do we cut back? Food, 
meds or that needed trip to the doctor? This impacts the whole community not 
just individuals. The more we spend on our power bills the less we have to 
spend for other necessities. This greed must be stopped.
Sara (no last name)

I am a very low income single mother of 2 minor children. I struggle to pay my 
monthly bills every month but since the increase it has gotten worse. My 
January bill was $312.60 which is just $25.40 less than my house payment, 
taxes, and insurance per month. And my February bill was $399.64, which is 
$61.64 more than what I pay for my house payment, taxes and insurance per 
month. It is just outrageous to me that the average person is now paying just 
shy or more than they pay for what is typically their most expensive bill per 
month, their house payments.

Our electric portion of our Ameren CIPS electric and gas bill went up $13.58 
and $11.38, which is a 14% increase from last year.
CC, Ashmore

My house is totally electric, so the natural gas rate increase last year did 
not affect me at all. My January 2007 electric bill was $187.52. My February 
bill was $458.24. There is no way my monthly budget can handle that kind of 
increase in one month. Some of my other bills will not get paid this month so 
that I can keep my heat on. This is ridiculous!
CC, Mattoon

The increase in the Ameren rates in the past two months has been extremely hard 
on my family and me. The January bill that my household received was $320, an 
increase of almost $100 from the previous bill. The February bill was even 
higher. It came in at $390. I have to believe that my household is not the only 
one with these types of jumps in our power bills. It is ridiculous to think 
that Ameren is trying to save the bottom line at the expense of those they 
CL, Charleston

My power bills almost doubled. It used to be about $250/month. Now my last two 
bills have equaled to almost $900. I do not know how we are going to pay this 
next month’s bill. It is $509 alone. We have five children and can not afford 
to be without power. But, with rent being almost $600/month, we almost have to 
be independently wealthy to survive. 

My home is a 2876 sq. ft. home that is all electric. My bill for January was 
$507 and my February bill was $770. Evidently I am one of the few homes that 
had a special rate for being all electric that was hit the hardest with the 
higher rates and also losing the special incentive for the all electric status. 
If something is not done about these rates, I will most certainly be forced to 
sell my home. My February bill was almost as much as my mortgage payment. I 
soon will be a single mother and will never be able to pay a bill like that 
again in the future. Thank goodness for tax returns, that’s my only saving 
grace at this moment. 
CW, Charleston

This rate hike is affecting my living situation. I am now having a hard time 
keeping current on all my bills. My son has asthma and I have to have 
electrical service to be able to provide him with the medical treatment he 
needs daily. When I called and expressed my concerns to AmerenCIPS, I was told 
in a very snotty manner “if you have a problem with the rate hikes, take it up 
with your Governor!!” Now what kind of customer service is that? So now I have 
to take food from my children’s mouths in order to keep my electricity on. I 
think something needs done. I bust my butt and work as much overtime as I can 
and it still isn’t enough. 
Here are examples of the rate increase:
Nov. 2006 bill totaled $127.88
Dec. 2006 bill totaled $169.04
Jan. 2007 bill totaled $262.35
Feb. 2007 bill totaled $274.54
Is that not ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!
KP, Charleston

I live by myself and my only income is Social Security. My electric bill for 
February was $225.01 and for March $315.22. A year ago, I paid $136.40 for Feb. 
and March, $126.36. I keep the heat turned down to 68 degrees. I am total 
electric. I don’t know how I am going to pay my bill if it does not lower.
AW, Charleston

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