I know that sludge has been spread on farmer's fields. Problem is, it's loaded 
heavy metals, synthetic hormones and some pharmaceutical compounds. Not exactly
what you want in your next ear of sweet corn. Plus sludge contaminates ground 
water and aquifers.  Peace, D. Mindock

 The substantial increase in the amount of sewage sludge worldwide has become a 
major environmental concern. The treatment and disposal of sewage sludge is a 
never-ending problem for cities around the world which requires innovative new 
solutions. Because the disposal of sludge consumes more than 30% of the budget 
of wastewater treatment plants, sludge handling equipment is of vital interest 
to plant operators. The industry is facing growing social concerns. In all 
parts of the world there has been a public outcry to keep sewage sludge away 
from human contact, as it poses a significant health risk. Public concern of 
the hazards associated with sludge is always a major influence in advancing the 
use of better equipment, and as a result there is higher motivation to design 
new types of sludge handling equipment. 
BioPetrol is developing a commercially viable global solution for turning 
sewage sludge into oil, saving enormous sums in disposal and saving the earth 
from the destructive sewage dumping which is ruining the environment. 

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