>That's nothing.  Big Pharma is trying to ban vitamins and carrot juice
>in the US.

Not just the US, everywhere. But at least Greenpeace and the ETC 
Group aren't giving them prizes for it.



>Keith Addison wrote:
> >Unbelievable! Well, almost...
> >
> >Bayer's press releases below. Excerpt:
> >
> >
> >
> >>"Bayer employees are proud that we as a company take action that
> >>supports the public interest and demonstrates corporate citizenship
> >>that benefits humankind," said Dr. Attila Molnar, President and CEO,
> >>Bayer Corporation. "In meeting our responsibilities to society,
> >>Bayer relies on its core values of improving quality of life while
> >>harmonizing commercial efficiency, ecology and social commitment."
> >>
> >>
> >
> >A little sanity here:
> >Coalition Against Bayer Dangers
> >http://www.cbgnetwork.de/4.html
> >
> >Also here:
> >http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&q=Bayer
> >Bayer
> >
> >And here:
> >http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=corporate+criminals+bayer
> >corporate criminals bayer - Google Search
> >
> >--------
> >
> >Bayer to be Honored by Rachel Carson Homestead Association
> >
> >2007-04-19 17:19:21 -
> >
> >PITTSBURGH, April 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Bayer Corporation
> >will be honored tomorrow, Friday, April 20, by the Rachel Carson
> >Homestead Association at a reception that kicks off a yearlong series
> >of special events commemorating the centennial of the birth of author
> >and ecologist Rachel Carson.
> >
> >One of the Homestead Association's key events, the Rachel Carson
> >Legacy Challenge reception hosted by Teresa Heinz Kerry at the
> >Senator John Heinz History Center, will recognize Bayer and 15 other
> >companies and organizations. Specifically, Bayer is being honored for
> >its continued support and implementation of its various local,
> >national and global environmental initiatives, some begun more than a
> >decade ago, that are designed to foster a healthier planet.
> >
> >Throughout the centennial year, Bayer is also helping to sponsor a
> >number of special environmental education programs organized by the
> >Homestead Association.
> >
> >"Bayer employees are proud that we as a company take action that
> >supports the public interest and demonstrates corporate citizenship
> >that benefits humankind," said Dr. Attila Molnar, President and CEO,
> >Bayer Corporation. "In meeting our responsibilities to society, Bayer
> >relies on its core values of improving quality of life while
> >harmonizing commercial efficiency, ecology and social commitment."
> >
> >The objective of the event is to highlight how commitment to
> >environmentally sustainable practices can make a tangible difference
> >in the health, quality of life, environment and economic viability of
> >local, regional and global communities.
> >
> >"We applaud Bayer Corporation for continuing to take 'green steps to
> >a sustainable future,' by making permanent, measurable changes in
> >behavior and policies that promote Rachel Carson's environmental
> >ethic," said Patricia M. DeMarco, executive director, Rachel Carson
> >Homestead Association. "As a forward-thinking company, Bayer clearly
> >understands that by committing to this challenge, it will help build
> >conditions for a more sustainable, healthy world."
> >
> >Bayer's Sustainability Progress
> >
> >Bayer works to develop technologies that increase energy efficiency
> >and protect drinking water; helps to eradicate pandemic diseases in
> >the developing world; strengthens science education in the United
> >States; introduces sustainable business practices to today's
> >students; and reduces its own footprint globally. Bayer was one of
> >the first chemical companies to join the Responsible Care(R)
> >initiative and publish an environmental report in 1993. Several years
> >later, it would become one of 45 founding members of the United
> >Nation's Global Compact and join the Global Reporting Initiative.
> >
> >More than a decade ago, Bayer set an ambitious goal to reduce
> >greenhouse gas emissions from more than 400 facilities worldwide in
> >absolute numbers by 50 percent from 1990 to 2012, while
> >simultaneously increasing manufacturing output. Since 1990, Bayer has
> >bettered the greenhouse gas emission targets specified in the Kyoto
> >Protocol and cut direct greenhouse gas emissions worldwide by more
> >than 70 percent.
> >
> >Through technical improvements and structural changes, Bayer also has
> >cut its worldwide energy use by 26 percent between 2000 and 2005. The
> >Carbon Disclosure Project, a coalition of more than 200 worldwide
> >institutional investors, lists Bayer as "Best in Class" in worldwide
> >climate protection.
> >
> >Bayer was one of the first members of the Chicago Climate Exchange --
> >the world's first and America's only voluntary, legally binding
> >greenhouse gas reduction and trading system for emission sources in
> >North America and Brazil.
> >
> >Bayer's climate strategy includes developing products that conserve
> >natural resources. These include refrigerator insulation, lightweight
> >automotive materials and thermal insulation for buildings, all of
> >which increase energy efficiency, lower fuel consumption and reduce
> >emissions. Fueling the "green building" revolution are Bayer's
> >innovative coatings, adhesives and polycarbonate materials. Currently
> >under development are nanomaterials. This technology will make films
> >and coatings with enhanced electric conductivity and optical
> >transparency possible, leading to the next generation solar voltaic
> >collectors on the market.
> >
> >Bayer's commitment to responsible environmental protection includes
> >effective product stewardship. Bayer's BayCare(R) product stewardship
> >program promotes the safe transportation, storage, handling and
> >disposal of chemical products.
> >
> >These efforts have garnered the company numerous awards, including
> >the "Low Carbon Leaders Award" at the 2005 Climate Summit in
> >Montreal, the "Industrial Water Quality Achievement Award" from the
> >Water Environmental Foundation in 2004, and three U.S. presidential
> >awards, including the Ron Brown Award for Corporate Leadership in
> >2006. Business Week magazine recently named Bayer one of "the top
> >green companies of the decade."
> >
> >Outside reporting agencies confirm Bayer's record. The company is
> >represented in the most important relevant indices, such as the
> >Climate Leadership Index, the Dow Jones World Sustainability Index
> >(continuously since it was first established in 1999), its European
> >counterpart, the Dow Jones STOXX Sustainability Index, and the
> >FTSE4Good series.
> >
> >About The Rachel Carson Homestead Association
> >
> >The Rachel Carson Homestead Association was formed in 1975 to
> >preserve and restore the National Register historic site and to offer
> >education programs and resources that promote Rachel Carson's
> >environmental ethic.
> >
> >About Bayer Corporation
> >
> >Bayer Corporation, headquartered in Pittsburgh, is a subsidiary of
> >Bayer AG, an international health care, nutrition and innovative
> >materials group based in Leverkusen, Germany. In North America, Bayer
> >had 2006 net sales of 7.8 billion euros and employed 17,200 at year
> >end. Bayer's three subgroups, Bayer HealthCare, Bayer CropScience and
> >Bayer MaterialScience, improve people's lives through a broad range
> >of essential products that help diagnose, prevent and treat diseases;
> >protect crops and enhance yields; and advance automobile safety and
> >durability. Bayer AG stock is a component of the DAX and is listed on
> >the New York Stock Exchange .
> >
> >Source: Bayer Corporation
> >
> >Press release: www.pr-inside.com
> >
> >----
> >
> >http://www.paenvironmentdigest.com/newsletter/default.asp?NewsletterAr
> >ticleID=6649&SubjectID=
> >PA Environment Digest - PA Environment Digest
> >
> >Pittsburgh's Bayer Corp Honored by Rachel Carson Homestead Association
> >
> >Bayer Corporation was honored at a special ceremony this week by the
> >Rachel Carson Homestead Association that kicks off a yearlong series
> >of special events commemorating the centennial of the birth of author
> >and ecologist Rachel Carson.
> >[more]

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