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Ban on Monsanto genetically modified alfalfa upheld

By Jim Christie Thu May 3, 5:25 PM ET

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Citing the potential for genetic 
contamination, a U.S. judge on Thursday let stand a precedent-setting 
ban on the planting of a genetically modified alfalfa crop variety 
developed by Monsanto Co.

U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer in a published order said his 
initial injunction against planting more of Monsanto's 
herbicide-resistant Roundup Ready alfalfa should stay in place until 
government studies on its environmental effects are concluded.

The ban is nationwide. An estimated 220,000 acres of Roundup Ready 
alfalfa have been planted.

"It's a turning point hopefully in the way biotech crops are 
regulated," said Will Rostov, a lawyer with The Center for Food 
Safety, a consumer advocacy group that sued the U.S.
Department of Agriculture over its oversight of the genetically 
engineered alfalfa.

"It should be a wake-up call for USDA that they need to do more 
environmental studies with respect to future biotech crops," Rostov 
told Reuters in a telephone interview.

Rachel Iadicicco, a spokeswoman for the USDA's Animal and Plant 
Health Inspection Service, said the government plans a complete 
environmental-impact statement on the biotech alfalfa.

Alfalfa is a perennial livestock fodder crop and one of the mostly 
widely grown crops in the United States. The commercialization of the 
Roundup Ready variety angered environmentalists, organic farmers and 
consumer groups, who fear it will contaminate organic and 
conventional varieties, create "superweeds" that do not respond to 
herbicide and damage export business.

Judge Breyer had issued a preliminary injunction in March, ruling 
U.S. regulators improperly allowed the commercialization of the 
biotech alfalfa without a thorough examination of its effects. That 
marked the first time a federal court overturned USDA approval of a 
biotech seed and halted planting, according to The Center for Food 

The Roundup Ready alfalfa genetic trait was developed by Monsanto and 
licensed to Forage Genetics International, which produces and markets 
the seeds. The two companies had asked the court to lift the ban, 
arguing there was a low risk of contamination, but Breyer rejected 
that argument.

"The harm to these farmers and consumers who do not want to purchase 
genetically engineered alfalfa or animals fed with such alfalfa 
outweighs the economic harm to Monsanto, Forage Genetics and those 
farmers who desire to switch to Roundup Ready alfalfa," Breyer wrote.

His ruling Thursday does not stop the harvesting of Roundup Ready 
alfalfa that already has been planted and is contracted to be sold 
for seed back to Forage Genetics. About 76 farmers have such 
contracts, the court ruling states.

To minimize the risk of "genetic flow" between the genetically 
engineered alfalfa in the ground and conventional and organic alfalfa 
crops, Breyer ordered the segregation of the biotech alfalfa 
immediately after harvest. He also ordered disclosure of field 
locations where the crop was planted.

Monsanto said in a statement it is reviewing its options, including a 
possible appeal of Breyer's ruling.

"To support its argument that growers should have continued access to 
the technology, Monsanto presented its extensive regulatory and 
environmental studies on Roundup Ready alfalfa," the statement said. 
"It also described successful stewardship practices that allow the 
coexistence of organic, conventional and Roundup Ready alfalfa. Other 
regulatory agencies around the world, including Canada and Japan, 
have confirmed the environmental safety of Roundup Ready alfalfa."

Forage Genetics was not immediately available for comment.

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