The Middle East Times Friday, May 4, 2007

Where Is The Dissent In America?

by Charles R. Larson

Washington - When viewed through American eyes, the recent protests 
in Istanbul and Tel Aviv demanding that their governments become 
accountable are truly impressive and extraordinary.

For a US liberal - which is what I consider myself to be - the 
Israeli and the Turkish protests are also a disturbing reminder that 
Americans have apparently forgotten one of their constitutional 
rights: the right to protest. Americans are loud at proclaiming their 
rights, but, lately, they have been reluctant to practice them. 
Indeed, a couple of years ago, when Iraq was writing its new 
constitution, a joke was frequently repeated in limited circles: "Why 
not give them the US constitution, since we're not using it?"

The George W. Bush presidency has articulated, ad nauseam, America's 
plan for exporting democracy to the rest of the world - especially to 
the Middle East. Yet, rarely does the Bush administration proclaim 
the need for democracy outside of areas where oil is of our concern.

Take Africa, for example. A couple of years ago, it was Liberia, 
which, under Charles Taylor, became one of the most wretched places 
for human rights in the world. Taylor could have been unseated 
quickly and expeditiously with minimal force, and the United States 
certainly had historical reasons for "liberating" Liberia from its 
monstrous dictator. But Taylor stayed in power until he wrecked his 
country, at which stage the US sent in a handful of marines to make a 
belated push to force Taylor to leave.

More recently, Zimbabwe and Nigeria ought to be of major concern 
regarding constitutional abuses, but Robert Mugabe still reigns 
supreme in the former country (that has no oil) and the rigged 
election in Nigeria two weeks ago, which ought to have triggered a 
barrage of criticism from the American State Department, resulted in 
hardly a puff of smoke. (Actually, in the case of Nigeria - one of 
America's major oil suppliers - it looks as if oil did contribute to 
Bush's decision to do nothing.)

But it is the war in Iraq that ought to have led to major protests in 
the United States by now, because of the administration's "selective" 
push for democracy around the world.

Three weeks ago, a lone gunman at Virginia Tech murdered 32 innocent 
students and faculty members, triggering a massive outcry for a few 
days, but no one expects that America's obsession with guns is about 
to change. One hundred US soldiers have died in Iraq in the last 
month alone, and there is nary a protest or airing of concern from 
Americans, who have clearly stopped paying any attention to the 
debacle - except to say that they "want our soldiers to come home."

Americans have so compartmentalized the war that hardly anyone pays 
attention to what's happening in Iraq, except the families of the 
150,000 US soldiers who are dying there. Most other Americans have 
stopped reading articles in the newspapers about the war and muted 
their TV sets during the evening news when the declining minutes of 
daily coverage are broadcast.

In part, the utter lack of concern about the war is because Americans 
are convinced that it has nothing to do with them economically - they 
have certainly not been asked to make any sacrifice to pay for the 
war. So, the war continues to drain the country of billions of 
dollars, while the American consumer continues to prop up the economy 
by increasing personal debt. That is, of course, a mirror of the 
government's own massive debt because of Bush's folly.

And it is not just the war that Americans are reluctant to protest 
about - but just about everything else involving George W. Bush's 
vision for the country and the world. The country's top law enforcer, 
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has been disgraced by recent 
partisan acts that clearly were designed to support the Republican 
agenda. Yet, Gonzales is praised almost daily by President Bush, 
while he violates other parts of the constitution in acts that have 
systematically eroded all of our individual rights.

Paul Wolfowitz, head of the World Bank, is similarly lauded by 
President Bush and Vice-President Cheney, though Wolfowitz has also 
compromised his position and run the morale of the World Bank into 
the ground.

The list of abuses at the hands of the neocons in their attempt to 
cram right-wing conservatism down the throats of every American are 
so ubiquitous that the only pleasure a sane person can take these 
days is the occasional smile, and the remark, "I told you so," which 
echo a bumper sticker seen on many vehicles in the country for the 
past six years: "If You're Not Outraged, You're Not Paying Attention."

Americans are asleep. They have tuned out and shut down to recent 
events because of the staggering amount of outrage and abuse by their 
government during the past half-dozen years. Even in the best of 
times, a large portion of the population pays little attention to 
world events. If you visit the outlying sections of the country and 
pick up a local newspaper, you might conclude that the readers of 
that gazette were only concerned about local events. An international 
incident, which ought to be of concern for everyone, is either given 
no attention at all or buried in a minor paragraph at the back of the 

One wonders what kind of outrage would finally draw Americans into 
the streets as the citizens of Istanbul and Tel Aviv did earlier this 

Charles R. Larson is Chair of the Department of Literature at 
American University in Washington, DC. He is a frequent Contributor 
to Salon, The Nation, and The Washington Examiner magazines. He 
submitted this commentary to the Middle East Times.

© 2007 The Middle East Times

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