Thankyou Tom. Time to update the glycerine "disposal" section at 
Journey to Forever.

All best


>Hello All,
>     I use KOH as my caustic. I add a small amount of phosphoric 
>acid (~1ml per L of WVO that was reacted)  in my first wash.
>     Last year I experimented composting glycerin. Some of my 
>compost piles got glycerine split from the cocktail while others got 
>unsplit glycerin. For both I diluted the glycerine with well water. 
>I sprinkled a roughly 50% glycerin : 50% water mix on the leaf layer 
>of compost piles as I built them (layers of rotted manure, grass 
>clippings, and dry leaves + a bit of agricultural limestone). I 
>repeated the sprinkling when it came time to turn them.
>     The split glycerine may have had an edge in temp and quickness 
>to warm, but both produced temps 10 -15 degrees F hotter than 
>similar piles in which I only sprinkled water.
>     This year I have added water from the 1st and 2nd washes to 
>unsplit glycerine instead of diluting it with well water. I used a 
>pump to spray the mix onto the leaf layer. Results:
>      24 hrs: had heated up
>      48 hrs: too hot to keep my hand in
>      72 hrs: temps of 68C and 69C and 70C (deep within the pile) ~155 -160F
>     It is my impression that diluted glycerine (split or unsplit) 
>not only composts well, but actually accelerates the process by 
>enhancing microbial metabolism and probably population growth.
>                                                                   Tom
>P.S.  Last year I made more compost than ever before. My garden was 
>the best ever  .....   virtually problem free.

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