Hi all

I was doing some searching on Earth Day, for various reasons, and 
came upon a bizarre article:

Magic City Morning Star
Ira Einhorn, Earth Day's Dirty Secret
By Ken Anderson
Apr 22, 2006 - 12:01:00 AM

It's a brief account of how Einhorn murdered his girlfriend and kept 
her body in a trunk in his closet for a couple of years and so on 
until he finally ended up doing life for it. It starts off saying 
Einhorn was one of the founders of Earth Day. Maybe he was, but a 
bunch of other founders came out of the woodwork to deny it:
Earth Day declaration

NBC Perpetuating Ira Einhorn's Lies About Earth Day

I don't hold any brief for Earth Day, nor any opposition to it 
either, it's always been a great opportunity for corporate 
greenwashing, but it's not only greenwash, it's almost certainly 
helped more than it's hindered.
Anyway, here's the "dirty secret", according to Ken Anderson (I just 
love the first sentence!):

>While it is likely that Einhorn's violent history is not shared by 
>other Earth Day founders, the observance is nevertheless bizarre.
>Underlying the themes of Earth Day is a call for mankind to align 
>itself with nature, and against itself, enlisting human beings to 
>take part in a battle that seeks to place humanity under the control 
>of an enlightened elite, one that values the interests of nature 
>above that of people.
>The process of our destruction is termed sustainable development, a 
>destructive scheme that is in direct opposition to Christianity, 
>which holds that man is to have dominion over nature, which is given 
>to us for our use.
>Ira Einhorn took the life of one woman, while the movement that he 
>had a hand in founding seeks to steal the life from all of us.

I think we've thrashed it all out already about Christianity and 
nature. This toxic view of it is sheer crap, the opposite of the 
truth, and I find it abhorrent.

What else do we find at "Magic City Morning Star": the true 
"nefarious conspiracy" isn't Earth Day, it's Agenda 21, the Rio Earth 
Summit document on sustainable development, and behind it the evil 
UN, a peril to individual liberty and democracy (ie Americans), and 
especially its even more evil branches UNEP and the IUCN.

"The political targets of Sustainable Development include the Magna 
Carta and the Declaration of Independence. The economic target is 
free enterprise and the ideals of private property. Justice becomes a 
fatality of this new order."

"Sustainable Development is a pseudonym for centralized control over 
human life -- sweet words camouflaging tyranny."

It's true aim is a revolutionary coup in the US and the end of 
Americans' "sacred" property rights. (Yes it says "sacred property 

Of course they're "pro-life" too (and they'll probably kill anyone who isn't).

I guess we all have our fair share of nutters, excepting the US it 
seems, where nutters abound - these days it'd be easy to believe 
America's 5% of the world population not only uses 25% of the world's 
supply of energy but gets to have 25% of all the nutters too. Add a 
further 25% that gives sheer gullibility a whole new meaning, and 
they swallow all this crap. And vote accordingly. I mean, how many 
Americans actually believe - *know* - that they're going to be 
Raptured on up to Heaven any time now, leaving the rest of us to face 
a thousand years of death and destruction at the hands of their "God" 
(who loves us)? (Or was that a thousand-year nuclear winter?) Not 
nutters? I know logic's not exactly their strong point, but if that's 
what they know will happen to them why would they think stuff like 
nature matters at all?

Anyway sod America, and anything else with a flag flying over it, 
Planet Earth just can't afford the luxury of masses of Americans 
holding such views right now, and the rest them who aren't either 
nuts or hypnotised don't seem to be doing very much about it.



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