I keep pestering this woman in the hope that she'll actually DO something about the debacle in Iraq--a war she voted to support. Though I still disagree with the concept of leaving American troops in Iraq, as it just seems like a pretext for permanent occupation, she has more say in this matter than I do and at least her staff took the time to write!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein responding to your message
Date:   Tue, 15 May 2007 13:37:59 -0400

Dear Mr. Rabello:

Thank you for your letter concerning the situation in Iraq. I appreciate hearing your views on this very important issue.

I am deeply concerned about our Iraq strategy. President Bush sent our military to Iraq using faulty intelligence and inadequate planning. The Administration has ignored the advice of high-ranking military commanders, our allies around the world, Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle, and the Iraq Study Group, by refusing to acknowledge that there is no military solution to the violence in Iraq.

Conditions in Iraq continue to get worse, with more U.S. troops dying and hundreds of Iraqis killed weekly in horrific violence. Our troops are caught in the midst of a complex civil war. This sectarian conflict cannot be solved by military intervention but only by the Iraqi leadership taking tough political actions to stem long standing grievances and hatred between Sunnis and Shi'as. More than 3,300 of our brave men and women in uniform have lost their lives and over 25,000 have been injured; tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians have been brutally murdered. The current situation is simply unacceptable

For this reason, I joined my colleagues in the United States Senate in supporting a provision in the fiscal year 2007 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill, to require the President to begin a phased redeployment of our combat troops from Iraq no later than October 1, 2007, with the goal of completing it by March 2008. This bill allows for the continued deployment of a limited number of troops in Iraq beyond the final withdrawal date to train and equip Iraqi security and police forces, carry out targeted strikes against al-Qaeda terrorists and foreign fighters, and protect U.S. diplomatic and civilian personnel in Iraq.

I am very disappointed that the President has yet again ignored the calls of the American people to bring our troops home, and chose instead to veto the Emergency Supplemental bill, which would have provided $95.5 billion to support our servicemen and women in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nevertheless, I will continue to work hard to bring our troops home as I push for a political and diplomatic solution to the situation in Iraq.

Again, thank you for writing. For your review, I have included my most recent floor statement on this issue. If you have any further questions or comments, please visit my website at http://feinstein.senate.gov, or contact my office in Washington, D.C. at (202) 224-3841. Best regards.

Statement of Senator Dianne Feinstein

In Support of the Fiscal Year 2007 Iraq Supplemental Bill

Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, in 1999, when George Bush was a candidate for the presidency and President Clinton was Commander-in-Chief, George Bush had this to say about American troops in Bosnia: 'Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President to explain what the exit strategy is.'

Well, the Congress has been asking for that exit strategy, year after year, for four years now. In fact, President Bush has no exit strategy, and so the United States is bogged down in an impossible situation - 'Shock and awe' followed by ineffective 'follow on' efforts.

Today, in the fifth year of this war, the United States is enmeshed in what has become a vicious and terrifying civil war. It cannot be won through the use of American military force.

This war can only be won through political accommodation between Sunni and Shia, which means only the Iraqis can settle it, which means only the Iraqi government can settle it.

To this date, they appear to be unable to do what needs to be done to stop this conflict. So without an exit strategy, the war goes on. The killings continue. The casualties rise. Nearly 25,000 Americans injured, with many tens of thousands of Iraqis killed and injured, and hundreds of thousands of people displaced from their homes by this war.

Estimates put Iraqi civilian deaths, in the first three months of this year, at more than 5,500 in the Baghdad area alone.

And on Monday, two truck bombs killed nine members of the 82nd Airborne Division, and wounded 20 more. It was the deadliest day of combat in the division's history since the Vietnam War.

I fear that unless Congress acts and puts forward that exit strategy, this bloodshed will continue, year after year. And that's intolerable.

Today we have before us a measure that offers a solution and a strategy to fill the void left by the Administration.

The Iraqi Supplemental Spending Bill responsibly funds our troops, and changes the course in Iraq.

And most importantly, it sends a message to the Iraqi government: That the United States' commitment is not open-ended; that benchmarks will measure the progress, and that political accommodation is crucial.

Under this legislation, the Iraqi government would be judged on how it disarms militias, pursues Sunni-Shia reconciliation initiatives, establishes fair oil-sharing laws, reforms de-Baathification laws, and protects the rights of minorities. This is as it should be.

This legislation ensures that our troops have sufficient rest and training, and are provided well-maintained equipment. This is as it should be.

And it allows for a redefined mission for American forces, limited to anti-terrorism operations, training Iraqi forces, and protecting American civilians and members of the armed forces. This is as it should be.

And it begins the process of bringing our troops home. And into the fifth year of a war, this, too, is as it should be.

The American people spoke in a clear voice. Today the Senate of the United States will as well.

Thank you, Mr. President. I yield the floor.

Sincerely yours,

Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

Further information about my position on issues of concern to California and the Nation are available at my website http://feinstein.senate.gov. You can also receive electronic e-mail updates by subscribing to my e-mail list at http://feinstein.senate.gov/issue.html.


   Now the question is: "Will this make any difference?"

robert luis rabello
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