Getting off oil
  Investing in energy efficiency will be good business, argues Amory Lovins, 
CEO of Rocky
  Mountain Institute, a not-for-profit consultancy on natural resources
  The world uses a cubic mile of oil a year, costing almost
  $2 trillion. Oil and cars are the world¡¯s biggest
  and most entrenched industries. Yet an inexorable
  half-century transition beyond oil has begun, squeezing
  oil between effi cient use and alternative supplies.
  Lamp oil from whales lit most American homes
  in 1850. Yet in the next nine years, just before Drake
  struck oil in Pennsylvania, fi ve-sixths of whale oil¡¯s
  lighting market fl ed to cheaper competitors. Likewise
  in 2007 powerful ways to save and replace oil,
  which have been quietly emerging for 30 years, will visibly
  start to rout oil from its strongholds.
  Fleet turnovers take time: putting the fi rst half-million
  hybrid cars on the road took nearly a decade. Yet in 2007
  20 new hybrid models will enter the American market,
  and operating effi ciency will fi nally become entrenched
  as carmakers¡¯ top design priority, locking in oil savings
  for decades. Biofuels, too, will continue double-digit
  growth as Brazil¡¯s 2006 oil independence and Sweden¡¯s
  2020 off-oil goal spur emulation.
  Some 94% of the world¡¯s oil reserves are held by governments,
  which do not know or will not reveal the size
  of their holdings. But no matter how much oil there is,
  we should save it whenever doing so is cheaper than buying
  it, and nowadays that is always. Unlike short-term
  behavioural changes, effi ciency investments are irreversible:
  you do not scrap fuel-frugal boilers or remove roof
  insulation when fuel prices drop, so effi ciency ratchets
  up. And frugality will involve more than incrementalism:
  effi ciency often yields expanding returns.
  Each day a modern car burns fuel derived from 100
  times its weight in ancient plants; yet a mere 0.3% of that
  fuel moves the driver. Tripled-effi ciency, ultralight petrolhybrid
  suvs were designed in 2000, paying back in one
  year at European and Japanese fuel prices or two years at
  America¡¯s much cheaper pump prices. In 2007 the Automotive
  X Prize will start moving such designs to market.
  Just in America, they will ultimately save 8m barrels of oil
  a day¡ªequivalent to fi nding a new, secure and inexhaustible
  Saudi Arabia under Detroit.
  In 2007, too, Toyota will emerge as the leader in supereffi
  cient plug-in hybrid cars: electric for short commutes,
  petrol-hybrid for long trips. This could double the already
  doubled petrol effi ciency of a Prius. Next, make that car
  ultralight and its petrol effi ciency redoubles. Biofuel it
  and you quadruple petrol effi ciency again, to 30 times today¡¯s
  norm. Sound like the whale-oil story yet? Oil prices
  will drop¡ªbut effi ciency will remain cheaper still.
  Full practical use of the best effi ciency technologies
  in all applications would halve American barrels burnt
  per dollar of gdp, to a quarter of the 1975 level. The average
  cost: $12 per saved barrel. Saved natural gas and
  advanced biofuels could replace the remaining oil for $18
  per barrel. So eliminating American oil use by the 2040s
  costs $15 per barrel¡ªone-fi fth its 2006 price. It surely
  follows that getting off oil¡ªthus abating 42% of
  global carbon-dioxide emissions¡ªwill be led by
  business for profi t.
  That transition already shapes competitive
  strategy. Wal-Mart¡¯s new heavy trucks will be a
  quarter more effi cient in 2007 than in 2006. By
  2015 they will be twice as effi cient, saving over $300m
  a year. Next will come trebled effi ciency, which yields a
  60% internal rate of return.
  In 2007 Boeing¡¯s 20%-more-effi cient but same-price
  787 will take fl ight. In Detroit, Schumpeterian ¡°creative
  destruction¡± will accelerate as smart money favours
  leapfrogs; markets will change managers or their minds,
  whichever happens fi rst. Ford¡¯s new chief executive, Alan
  Mulally, whose effi ciency-based Boeing strategy is beating
  Airbus, will bring to Ford Boeing¡¯s focus on ultralight
  materials (the 787 is 50% advanced composites), systems
  integration and breakthrough design.
  The greening of the Pentagon
  In Washington, dc, a surprisingly strong voice in 2007
  for getting off oil will be the world¡¯s biggest buyer both
  of oil and of renewable energy¡ªthe Pentagon. This is
  not just because oiligarchs tend not to be freedom-loving
  democrats and sometimes foment instability and confl ict.
  Rather, the risk and cost of vulnerable fuel convoys, easy
  prey to roadside bombs, will persuade military leaders
  that only super-effi cient platforms dragging dramatically
  slimmer fuel logistics tails, or none, can fi ght persistent,
  dispersed, affordable wars.
  This strategic shift will not just save hundreds of lives
  and tens of billions of dollars a year. It will also speed key
  technologies, like ultralight materials, that can triple the
  effi ciency of civilian cars, trucks and planes¡ªjust as military
  r&d created the internet, gps, and the jet and chip
  industries. Thus the Pentagon will start to lead America,
  and the world, off oil so nobody need fi ght over it.
  A vision will form of a United States that can treat
  countries with oil the same as countries without oil, and
  gives others no reason to suppose it is motivated by oil.
  The bet of Russia¡¯s President Vladimir Putin that he could
  hold fuel customers to ransom will eventually turn sour.
  China¡¯s 2005 adoption of energy effi ciency as a top development
  priority will start paying off. Decisive evidence
  will emerge that stabilising the earth¡¯s climate is in fact
  not costly but profi table (because saving fuel costs less
  than buying it). And as we all drill for wasted oil to power
  our buildings, factories and vehicles, the market- and
  community-driven rise of energy saving¡ªor ¡°negabarrels¡±¡ª
  will begin laying visible foundations for a richer,
  cooler, fairer and safer world. ¡ö
  Eliminating American oil use by the 2040s costs
  $15 per barrel¡ªone-fifth its 2006 price

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