If  you are into conspiracies, perhaps the U.S. government has a purpose in ensuring that China's exports are reduced significantly.  I think Bush is worried about them taking over.

Kirk McLoren wrote:
Since I posted about China I thought US should get equal exposure. I hope you take this to heart as we need you all. You are a very special group of people doing work that otherwise might not happen.
If you lose your health you have nothing.

FDA warns over dangerous products from China while
ignoring dangerous products from the U.S.

Apparently it's perfectly okay to poison the American
people as long as you're running an influential
American corporation. It's all part of the great
double standard followed by the Food and Drug
Administration: Protect the public, but only if it
doesn't harm the profits of powerful American

Friday, June 08, 2007
by: Mike Adams

The Food and Drug Administration has been gleefully
warning us about the dangers of China-made food and
personal care products recently. Why gleefully?
Because announcing the discovery of toxic chemicals in
products made by other countries (especially a
Communist country) allows the FDA to appear as if it's
protecting the public without having to tell the truth
about the toxic chemicals found in American food and
personal care products. Talking about the deadly
chemicals and poisons used by American food and
personal care product manufacturers is, of course, an
activity to be avoided at all costs. It's much easier
to point the finger of blame at someone else and imply
that U.S. manufacturers of such products would never
poison their customers.

It's the ultimate art of creating a diversion to
prevent people from paying attention to all the toxic
chemicals used right here in the USA by our most
cherished corporations. Chemicals like sodium nitrite,
for example, lead to the creation of extremely toxic
cancer-causing chemicals in the human body, yet if you
go to the grocery store and start checking ingredients
labels, you'll find that nearly every processed meat
package in the store lists sodium nitrite as an
ingredient (bacon, sausage, pepperoni, sandwich meat,
hot dogs, bologna and even the chunks of ham in "Bean
& Ham" soup). So where is the FDA's urgent warning to
Americans that they're eating cancer-causing poisons
in American food products?

It doesn't exist. Apparently it's perfectly okay to
poison the American people as long as you're running
an influential American corporation. It's all part of
the great double standard followed by the Food and
Drug Administration: Protect the public, but only if
it doesn't harm the profits of powerful American

The difference between Chinese and American product

I'm not saying that Chinese food and personal care
products don't contain toxic chemicals, by the way. A
Chinese businessman will cheat you just as quickly as
a U.S. businessman, and if there's a dollar to be
saved by replacing a real ingredient with some toxic
substitute chemical, you can count on receiving the
toxic chemical.

The only difference between Chinese products and
American products is that the Chinese products will
kill you faster.

The American products contain poisons that kill you
more slowly -- just enough to give you disease
symptoms requiring pharmaceutical treatments without
actually killing you.

These are poisons like hydrogenated oils (heart
disease and cancer), high-fructose corn syrup
(diabetes and osteoporosis), genetically modified corn
(kidney failure), processed sodium (high blood
pressure), MSG and yeast extract (obesity, migraines
and worse), aspartame (neurological harm), artificial
food colors (behavioral disorders), and hundreds of
untested chemicals used in cosmetics, body care,
laundry and home cleaning products. None of these will
kill you outright like a poisoned product from China
might, but they'll kill you over time, combining their
toxic chemicals in your heart, liver, kidneys and
brain, generating mysterious symptoms that your doctor
diagnoses as "idiopathic whatever" which means he
really has no idea what's going on.

(You can learn more about all the toxic effects of
food ingredients, by the way, in my book Grocery
http://www.truthpublishing.com/GroceryWarning.html )

So where is the FDA to warn us about all these
cancer-causing chemicals in the products made in the
USA? The agency is mysteriously silent. It seems
completely unable to speak... unless of course it's to
tout the latest "miracle" prescription drug that masks
all the symptoms caused by the toxic chemicals put
into the food in the first place.

Did you know that guacamole dips often contain no
guacamole? They're made with hydrogenated soybean oil,
artificial avocado flavoring, monosodium glutamate and
green food coloring made from petrochemicals. Yumm!
It's the kind of diet that makes a kid lose his mind,
pick up an old refurbished AK-47 brought home by a
U.S. soldier from Iraq, lock and load a double-pack of
30-round ammo magazines, and go to town unloading
bullets on his classmates. This is no exaggeration:
Chemicals in food cause violent behavior in young men.
And guess what we're feeding the little rascals in our
public school lunch programs? You got it: All the
toxic chemicals that many countries have outlawed.

U.S. foods banned around the world

You never hear much about the U.S. food products
banned by other countries, do you? Did you know that
the U.S. is the only country in the world that pumps
up its dairy cows full of synthetic hormone chemicals?
That's why U.S. milk is banned in most countries.
Bovine Growth Hormone-treated cow milk simply isn't
tolerated anywhere else. Even crazier, Monsanto, a
U.S. corporation, has sued companies for labeling
their milk as "hormone-free," claiming that this
explanation "confuses consumers" by giving them
information. That's how corporations view consumers,
by the way: Idiots who should be told what to do and
provided the least amount of information possible.

(All U.S. food and cosmetic labeling laws are, in
fact, designed to mislead consumers and prevent them
from learning about what's really in their food and
personal care products.)

Lots of countries have also, from time to time, banned
the importation of U.S. beef. Ever wonder why? It's
because the Bush Administration has made it illegal
for beef ranchers to test their own cows for mad cow
disease. The USDA actually sued one rancher that tried
to conduct safety testing in order to comfort his
overseas buyers of U.S. beef. U.S. authorities said,
nope, we can't have any more safety testing in this
country unless the feds conduct it -- in which case
the government can cover up all the positive mad cow
detection results and pretend that U.S. beef is
perfectly safe for mass consumption.

Countries like Japan have banned U.S. beef imports,
citing enormous safety problems and a complete lack of
scientific testing for mad cow disease. European
countries test ALL their cows for mad cow disease. But
USDA officials in this country believe we should only
test something like one cow out of a million, and any
time that test comes back positive, do you know what
they do? They run a second test, then a third test,
then a fourth test until they get the result they
want: Negative. I'm not making this up. This is the
official unwritten USDA policy on mad cow disease.
It's call the "close your eyes and pretend it doesn't
exist" policy, which is, coincidentally, the exact
same policy followed by the Bush Administration global
warming team.

So the next time you hear the FDA warning you about
how dangerous and deadly all those Chinese products
are, remember what they're NOT telling you: the
hazards of American-made food and personal care
products, almost all of which are intentionally and
knowingly laced with cancer-causing chemicals.


About the author: Mike Adams is a holistic
nutritionist with a passion for sharing empowering
information to help improve personal and planetary
health He is a prolific writer and has published
thousands of articles, interviews, reports and
consumer guides, reaching millions of readers with
information that is saving lives and improving
personal health around the world. Adams is an honest,
independent journalist and accepts no money or
commissions on the third-party products he writes
about or the companies he promotes. In 2007, Adams
launched EcoLEDs, a maker of super bright LED light
bulbs that are 1000% more energy efficient than
incandescent lights. He also launched an online
retailer of environmentally-friendly products
(BetterLifeGoods.com) and uses a portion of its
profits to help fund non-profit endeavors. He's also
the CEO of a highly successful email newsletter
software company that develops software used to send
permission email campaigns to subscribers. Adams also
serves as the executive director of the Consumer
Wellness Center, a non-profit consumer protection
group, and regularly pursues cycling, nature
photography, Capoeira and Pilates. He's also author of
numerous health books published by Truth Publishing
and is the creator of several consumer-oriented
grassroots campaigns, including the Spam. Don't Buy
It! campaign, and the free downloadable Honest Food
Guide. He also created the free reference sites
HerbReference.com and HealingFoodReference.com. Adams
believes in free speech, free access to nutritional
supplements and the ending of corporate control over
medicines, genes and seeds. Known as the 'Health
Ranger,' Adams' personal health statistics and mission
statements are located at www.HealthRanger.org

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