GM WATCH daily list
NOTE: As a result of the introduction of GM canola (oilseed rape) in 
Canada, organic canola farmers say they've suffered:

*the loss of market access,
*loss of income,
*loss of choice;

as well as

*loss of control over what they produce,
*how they produce it,
*what value it has, and
*who will buy it.  

Organic canola farmers in Saskatchewan say coexistence doesn't work 
and they want legal redress:

"We ultimately want the present growing of transgenic canola to stop 
and an environmental cleanup to occur so that we may possibly once 
again grow organic canola. We in Saskatchewan and Canada want the 
freedom to grow what we want and what the consumer demands, without 
GMOs. We want to be able to continue to farm organically, and we want 
our children and generations to come to have that same opportunity. 
We want to see the success story that is organic farming continue to 
flourish in Saskatchewan and elsewhere... The right to farm GMO free, 
the right to eat GMO free - that is what's at stake here."

And for anyone under the illusion that at least GM crops are turning 
round the fortunes of non-organic growers, the latest Statistics 
Canada release on Net Farm Income (May 28th  2007) shows that - 
despite rising prices and the surge in demand for biofuels - Canadian 
farmers continue to see declining incomes. In other words, any 
economic benefits are going to the likes of Monsanto, Cargill and 
Exxon. Meanwhile, the number of farms in Canada continues its descent 
- down 7% in five years.
Protecting farms from GMOs
Arnold Taylor
The Leader-Post, June 7 2007 

Despite the denial of class-action certification by the Saskatchewan 
Court of Appeal ("Organic farmers may appeal ruling", Leader-Post, 
May 4), Saskatchewan organic farmers maintain there remains a 
compelling legal and moral claim for damages resulting from 
contamination of food, field and crops, by genetically engineered 

After the ruling, Monsanto's Trish Jordan was quoted as saying all 
types of farming can coexist "with reasonable tolerances and 
thresholds for adventitious presence ...", and that Saskatchewan 
organic farmers should "focus on something positive for your industry 
instead of trying to criticize what other farmers want to do".

This condescending and insulting advice ignores the fact organic 
farmers' livelihoods depend on protecting the integrity of the food 
they produce in a way that meets the demand of their customers, many 
of whom believe contamination by transgenic material is potentially 

Despite Jordan's assertions that "food and feed products containing 
ingredients derived from plant biotechnology crops have a solid 
10-year history of safe use", consumers have reason to question the 
safety assessment given GMO (genetically modified organism) crops by 
government regulators.

A study released at a Paris press conference on March 13 2007 (in the 
peer-reviewed American journal Archives of Environmental 
Contamination and Toxicology), revealed the Monsanto maize MON863 
caused serious damage to the livers and kidneys of rats in feeding 
trials. Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini, who conducted the study on data 
initially suppressed by Monsanto, said "this maize cannot now be 
considered safe to eat. We are now calling urgently for a moratorium 
on other approved GMs while the efficacy of current health-testing 
methods is reassessed".

The maize was approved by the European Community on Aug. 9, 2005, and 
while this study deals with maize, not canola, it exposes 
shortcomings in the approval process for GMO products.

Saskatchewan organic farmers embrace the precautionary principle and 
will continue our struggle to protect organic farming and organic 
food from GMO contamination.

Taylor is chairman of the Saskatchewan Organic Directorate, Organic 
Agriculture Protection Fund Committee.

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