RE: [Biofuel] Cleaning Up Factory Farms ... and vegetarians



>The Dark Side of Soy
>Is America's favorite health food making us sick?
>—By Mary Vance, Terrain
>Utne Reader July / August 2007 Issue
>As someone who is conscious of her health, I spent 13 years cultivating
>a vegetarian diet. I took time to plan and balance meals that included
>products such as soy milk, soy yogurt, tofu, and Chick'n patties. I
>pored over labels looking for words I couldn't pronounce--occasionally
>one or two would pop up. Soy protein isolate? Great! They've isolated
>the protein from the soybean to make it more concentrated. Hydrolyzed
>soy protein? I never successfully rationalized that one, but I wasn't
>too worried. After all, in 1999 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
>approved labeling I found on nearly every soy product I purchased:
>"Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 grams of soy
>protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease." Soy ingredients
>weren't only safe--they were beneficial.
>After years of consuming various forms of soy nearly every day, I felt
>reasonably fit, but somewhere along the line I'd stopped menstruating. I
>couldn't figure out why my stomach became so upset after I ate edamame
>or why I was often moody and bloated. It didn't occur to me at the time
>to question soy, heart protector and miracle food.
>When I began studying holistic health and nutrition, I kept running
>across risks associated with eating soy. Endocrine disruption? Check.
>Digestive problems? Check. I researched soy's deleterious effects on
>thyroid, fertility, hormones, sex drive, digestion, and even its
>potential to contribute to certain cancers. For every study that proved
>a connection between soy and reduced disease risk another cropped up to
>challenge the claims. What was going on?
>"Studies showing the dark side of soy date back 100 years," says
>clinical nutritionist Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story (New
>Trends, 2005). "The 1999 FDA-approved health claim pleased big business,
>despite massive evidence showing risks associated with soy, and against
>the protest of the FDA's own top scientists. Soy is a $4 billion [U.S.]
>industry that's taken these health claims to the bank." Besides
>promoting heart health, the industry says, soy can alleviate symptoms
>associated with menopause, reduce the risk of certain cancers, and lower
>levels of LDL, the "bad" cholesterol.
>Epidemiological studies have shown that Asians, particularly in Japan
>and China, have a lower incidence of breast and prostate cancer than
>people in the United States, and many of these studies credit a
>traditional diet that includes soy. But Asian diets include small
>amounts--about nine grams a day--of primarily fermented soy products,
>such as miso, natto, and tempeh, and some tofu. Fermenting soy creates
>health-promoting probiotics, the good bacteria our bodies need to
>maintain digestive and overall wellness. By contrast, in the United
>States, processed soy food snacks or shakes can contain over 20 grams of
>nonfermented soy protein in one serving.
>"There is important information on the cancer-protective values of soy,"
>says clinical nutritionist Ed Bauman, head of Bauman Clinic in
>Sebastopol, California, and director of Bauman College. Bauman cautions
>against painting the bean with a broad brush. "As with any food, it can
>have benefits in one system and detriments in another. [An individual
>who is sensitive to it] may have an adverse response to soy. And not all
>soy is alike," he adds, referring to processing methods and quality.
>"Soy is not a food that is native to North America or Europe, and you
>have issues when you move food from one part of the world to another,"
>Bauman says. "We fare better when we eat according to our ethnicity. Soy
>is a viable food, but we need to look at how it's used."
>Once considered a small-scale poverty food, soy exploded onto the
>American market. Studies--some funded by the industry--promoted soy's
>ability to lower disease risk while absolving guilt associated with
>eating meat. "The soy industry has come a long way from when hippies
>were boiling up the beans," says Daniel.
>These days the industry has discovered ways to use every part of the
>bean for profit. Soy oil has become the base for most vegetable oils;
>soy lecithin, the waste product left over after the soybean is
>processed, is used as an emulsifier; soy flour appears in baked and
>packaged goods; different forms of processed soy protein are added to
>everything from animal feed to muscle-building protein powders. "Soy
>protein isolate was invented for use in cardboard," Daniel says. "It
>hasn't actually been approved as a food ingredient."
>Soy is everywhere in our food supply, as the star in cereals and
>health-promoting foods and hidden in processed foods. Even if you read
>every label and avoid cardboard boxes, you are likely to find soy in
>your supplements and vitamins (look out for vitamin E derived from soy
>oil), in foods such as canned tuna, soups, sauces, breads, meats
>(injected under poultry skin), and chocolate, and in pet food and
>body-care products. It hides in tofu dogs under aliases such as textured
>vegetable protein, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, and lecithin--which is
>troubling, since the processing required to hydrolyze soy protein into
>vegetable protein produces excitotoxins such as glutamate (think MSG)
>and aspartate (a component of aspartame), which cause brain-cell death.
>Soy also is one of the foods--in addition to wheat, corn, eggs, milk,
>nuts, and shellfish--most likely to cause allergic reactions. Most
>people equate food allergies with anaphylaxis, or a severe emergency
>immune response, but it is possible to have a subclinical sensitivity,
>which can lead to health problems over time (and is exacerbated by the
>lack of variety common in today's American diet).
>"People can do an empirical food sensitivity test by eliminating the
>food for a period of time and reintroducing it to see if there's an
>immune response, but most don't do this," says Bauman. "Genetically
>modified (GM) soy is the most problematic, and that's probably what most
>people are eating if they're not paying attention. People can develop
>sensitivity to a food that has antigens or bacteria not originally in
>the food chain, as is the case with GM foods."
>Yet avoiding GM soy doesn't mean all is well, Daniel says: "One question
>I get all the time is, ‘What if I only eat organic soy?' The assumption
>is that GM soy is problematic and organic is fine. Certainly, organic is
>better, but the bottom line is that soybeans naturally contain plant
>estrogens, toxins, and antinutrients, and you can't remove those."
>The highest risk is for infants who are fed soy formula. "It's the only
>thing they're eating, they're very small, and they're at a key stage
>developmentally," says Daniel. "The estrogens in soy will affect the
>hormonal development of these children, and it will certainly affect
>their growing brains, reproductive systems, and thyroids." Soy formula
>also contains large amounts of manganese, which has been linked to
>attention deficit disorder and neurotoxicity in infants. The Israeli
>health ministry recently issued an advisory stating that infants should
>avoid soy formula altogether.
>Antinutrients in soy block enzymes needed for digestion, and naturally
>occur-ring phytates block absorption of essential minerals. This is most
>worrisome for vegans and vegetarians who eat soy as their main source of
>protein, and for women in menopause who up their soy intake through
>Soy contains phytochemicals--plant nutrients with disease-fighting
>activity--called isoflavones. Studies claim isoflavones can mimic the
>body's own estrogens, raising a woman's estrogen levels, which fall
>after menopause, causing hot flashes and other symptoms. On the other
>hand, isoflavones may also block the body's estrogens, which can help
>reduce high estrogen levels, therefore reducing risk for breast cancer
>or uterine cancer before menopause. (High estrogen levels have been
>linked to cancers of the reproductive system in women.)
>Although soy's isoflavones may have an adaptogenic effect (contributing
>to an estrogen-boosting or -blocking effect where needed), they also
>have the potential to promote hormone-sensitive cancers in some people.
>Studies on the effects of isoflavones on human estrogen levels are
>conflicting, and it's possible that they affect people differently. In
>men, soy has been shown to lower testosterone levels and sex drive,
>according to Daniel.
>Bauman believes processed soy foods are problematic but maintains that
>soy has beneficial hormone-mediating effects. "People are largely
>convenience-driven," he says. "We're looking at this whole
>processed-food convenience market and we're making generalizations about
>a plant. Is soy the problem, or is it the handling and packaging and
>processing of the plant that's the problem?
>"Primary sources of food are a good thing. Once there was a bean, but
>then it got cooked and squeezed and the pulp was separated out, and it
>was heated and processed for better shelf life and mouth feel. Soy milk
>is second or third level in terms of processing."
>Bauman's eating-for-health approach calls for a variety of natural and
>seasonal unprocessed whole foods, including soy in moderation, tailored
>to individual biochemistry and sensitivities. "Using soy as part of a
>diet can bring relief for perimenopause, for example," he says. "Throw
>out the soy and you throw out the isoflavones." (It is possible to
>obtain plant estrogens to a lesser extent from other foods, such as lima
>beans or flax.) "The literature is extensive on the benefits of soy, and
>that should always be stated, just as the hazards should be. That's
>science. These studies are not ridiculous or contrived, but take a look
>at them. Who's funding them?" asks Bauman.
>"There are a lot of problems with these studies," Daniel says, adding
>that the 1999 heart health claim was an industry-funded initiative.
>"Even if there is positive information, and even if these studies are
>well designed, we need to weigh that against the fact that we've also
>got really good studies showing the dangers. Better safe than sorry is
>the precautionary principle. Possible bene-fits are far outweighed by
>proven risks."
>Daniel and Bauman agree on the benefits of variety. "My experience as a
>clinical nutritionist is that people who have a varied diet tend not to
>get into trouble," says Daniel.
>"We like to demonize certain foods in this society," says Bauman. "If
>you want to find a fault, you'll find it. The bottom line is: What is a
>healthy diet?"
>Reprinted from Terrain (Spring 2007), published by Berkeley's Ecology
>Center. Dedicated to fine feature writing about environmental issues,
>Terrain is distributed free throughout Northern California.
>Subscriptions: $15/yr. (3 issues) from 2530 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley, CA
>Soy "Nuggets"
>Soy milk, curdled and pressed into cubes of varying firmness. Often used
>as meat substitute. A nonfermented product, tofu contains antinutrients,
>which can block absorption of essential minerals.
>Fermented soybean paste, used in soups and sauces. Rich in probiotics,
>good bacteria that aid vitamin absorption. Miso is high in sodium but is
>considered one of the healthiest soy products.
>Soybean Oil
>To extract oil, soybeans are superheated, ground, pressed, mixed with
>chemicals, and washed in a centrifuge. Soybean oil accounts for 80
>percent of all liquid oils consumed annually in the United States.
>Soy Milk
>A processed beverage made of ground soybeans mixed with water and
>boiled, which removes some toxins. Sugar is added to improve flavor. An
>eight-ounce serving contains up to 35 milligrams of isoflavones, which
>may change estrogen levels and hormonal function.
>Snack Food
>Highly processed, a source of trans fat. Check your labels: Potato
>chips, tortilla crisps, and many other deep-fried things have been
>cooked in soy oil--straight up or partially hydrogenated.
>Whole soybeans pressed into loaves, which are then fermented. Often used
>as a meat substitute. Tempeh is rich in B vitamins, minerals, and
>omega-3 fatty acids.
>Fast Food
>A source of hidden soy. Processed soy proteins extend some burgers and
>chicken (nuggets, patties, even "grilled breasts"). Buns contain soy oil
>and to a lesser extent soy flour and lecithin. Soy oil also appears in
>dressings and dips, in American "cheese," and as the No. 2 ingredient in
>fries. There's even soy in Big Mac's secret sauce: Soybean oil nets top
>Whole soybeans, commonly boiled in the pod and eaten as a snack. Most
>commercial edamame has been preheated to make digestion easier, but it
>still contains antinutrients.

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