Obviously "humor" for  targeted audience and posting to his list may 
have been off target.  Beyond that I'm unsure if, "Iran still closed 
off" is any more or any less callous than, "Massachusetts executes last 
remaining conservative". Oh well, it's nothing I would forward on, no 
matter how many times I receive it.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Keith Addison wrote:
> Bob, sorry but I have to ask, would you still think it's just a break 
> from the gloom and doom if it said this?
>> New Zealand still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at 
>> least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.
> Or the UK, Ireland, the Cape of Good Hope, or wherever it is that you 
> call home?
> That's not humour, IMHO, not even black humour, it's sheer mindless 
> callousness on quite a breathtaking scale.
> Anyway, what doom and gloom are you referring to, particularly?
> Best wishes
> Keith

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