On July 11, 2007, the U.S. House of Representatives passed HR 2900, blocking 
debate on the law and preventing the introduction of any amendments that might 
have provided meaningful drug safety protections for consumers. This action 
demonstrates that the House of Representatives, much like the Senate, is 
utterly controlled by Big Pharma and has abandoned any responsibility to defend 
the interests of the voters. Drug companies now have complete control over the 
U.S. Congress, and through a campaign of intense lobbying and financial 
influence, they have managed to easily water down a law that once proposed to 
end the American monopoly on pharmaceuticals and ban advertising on new drugs.

Instead of placing new restrictions on Big Pharma and the increasingly 
dangerous power of the FDA, this new law (a combination of HR.2900 and S.1082, 
when it is hammered out in conference) grants more power to the FDA while 
deepening the financial ties between the agency and drug companies. The law 
effectively surrenders America to a system of medical tyranny under which a 
criminally-operated FDA will continue to promote pharmaceuticals, censor 
nutritional education and discredit alternatives that threaten drug company 
profits. Nothing in the new law protects consumers' access to dietary 
supplements or natural medicine.

  Got a law? Make it weaker  The House version of the bill is stronger than the 
Senate version in terms of drug safety issues, but these differences could 
easily disappear in conference, leading to a final signing of a useless, 
watered-down "FDA safety" bill that is actually nothing more than an FDA 
corruption rewards program. (It's better than a frequent flyer program because 
the miles never expire and there are no blackout dates...)

While the House version would require the publishing of a clinical trials 
database (which shouldn't even be debatable, it should be full disclosure by 
default) and limit the number of bribed FDA officials who can sit on a drug 
decision panel to one, even these provisions are laughable in the fact that 
none of them actually require drug companies or the FDA to act with integrity 
or defend the health and safety of the American public.

  The great Congressional sellout  Congress had the potential to pass a really 
good law here -- one that would have ended direct-to-consumer advertising, 
banned conflicts of interest at the FDA, required the open source publication 
of drug trials and ended the U.S. monopoly on pharmaceuticals. Instead, 
Congress chose to do none of these things. It staged a song and dance about 
"FDA reform" while selling out the future of America's health to a tiny but 
powerful group of ultra-wealthy corporations that now virtually rule this 
country. There is nothing in the new law worth celebrating unless, of course, 
you are the CEO or major shareholder of a Big Pharma corporation, in which case 
you will like be stunned at just how cheaply and easily U.S. lawmakers can be 

Notice, too, that this sellout crosses party lines and involves both Democrats 
and Republicans. Only one Congressman, Rep. Ron Paul (a Libertarian-leaning 
Republican), was attempting to introduce meaningful amendments that would 
protect the interests of the people. His efforts were blocked by Speaker of the 
House Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat.

FDA reform legislation is not about Democrats vs. Republicans. It's about the 
wealthy elite vs. the People. Not surprisingly, the People have once again been 
screwed by the representatives they foolishly voted into office. If anything, 
this event proves that U.S. lawmakers have no interest in protecting America's 
future. They are only interested in the next election, the next career move or 
the next power play. In a nation devastated by degenerative disease and 
intoxicated by the chemicals being pushed to manage those diseases, there is no 
longer anyone left in power with enough sanity to reason with. The President is 
clinically insane, the FDA is criminally insane, and the Congress is for sale, 
cheap! The country has become an absurdity, where lawmakers actually bicker 
about how much bribery and corruption should be allowed in the FDA drug 
approval decision process rather than simply agreeing to ban all bribery and 
conflicts of interest, which is what sane lawmakers would

  Stand back and watch the bonfire  Over the last few months, I have come to 
the conclusion that it is no longer worth attempting to stop American's 
self-destruction at the hands of Big Pharma, corrupt politicians and greedy 
fractional reserve bankers. America is destroying itself, and there is no one 
left who's willing to stand up and try to stop it (except, perhaps, for a few 
individuals like Rep. Ron Paul, but he's effectively censored by the powers 
that be).

My advice to readers is to start thinking very seriously about getting out of 
America. What's coming over the next 5 - 25 years will not be pretty, and I now 
believe the collapse of America as we know it today is inevitable. The 2008 
elections will change nothing, as either party will only deliver a different 
form of tyranny in the end. America has devolved into a modern mirror image of 
the Roman Empire in its last dying days -- steeped in corruption, abandoning 
its citizens, arrogant beyond all reason, oblivious to the world around it and 
wholly committed to destroying itself from within.

Congress has become a circus, and the U.S. government, through agencies like 
the FDA, has become the leading threat to its own people. The nation is steeped 
in irreversible debt, diseased, terrified, bankrupt and addicted to oil that's 
running out. On top of that, thanks to Bush-contrived military imperialism, it 
has alienated every other nation in the world and has now become the most-hated 
nation on the planet. (If you don't believe me, just travel outside the U.S. 
and ask practically anybody you meet. Everybody hates the U.S.) It is now only 
a question of how long the current crippled facade of political power will last.

The passage of this FDA reform law is merely one more sign of how thoroughly 
committed the U.S. Congress is to creating a future of death, disease and 
bankruptcy for the American people. You gotta give 'em kudos on consistency, 
however. At least the lawmakers are predictable.

Welcome to the United States of Big Pharma.

  Comments by Byron Richards  On Wednesday, July 11, 2007 the House passed 
HR.2900 without allowing the Ron Paul (R-TX) amendments to protect dietary 
supplements. Representatives Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), John Dingell (D-MI), 
Henry Waxman (D-CA), and others falsely proclaimed that they were doing America 
a favor by passing this sweeping FDA-supported legislation that grants the 
rouge agency more power and money, and even transforms it into a quasi drug 

Both the House and Senate (S.1082) have made the fatally flawed assumption that 
the reason for so many deaths and injuries from drugs was due to the FDA's lack 
of resources. In reality, it is the INTENTION of FDA management that is the 
problem, combined with the simple fact that multiple drugs are extremely toxic 
and don't work as advertised. Giving the FDA more power and money will only 
cause the agency to speed more drugs onto the market faster with even less 
safety testing -- while abusing its power and actively stamping out competition 
to drugs. 

FDA management is in bed with Big Pharma and this new legislation makes matters 
significantly worse through the creation of the Reagan-Udall Foundation for the 
FDA. This new entity places the FDA in charge of drug design, drug patents, 
drug licenses, and the creation of new marketing entities/companies. Such a 
relationship with private industry is an unprecedented conflict of interest, 
totally at odds with drug safety. The current commissioner of the FDA, Andrew 
von Eschenbach, M.D. is little more than a Big Biotech sales rep with massive 
industry connections. 

The House, like the Senate, will continue to allow direct to consumer 
advertising of new drugs with unknown risks -- a flagrant safety risk that will 
cost many people their lives. Congressional leaders said they couldn't prevent 
this advertisement for fear of violating the first amendment rights of drug 
companies. What a joke. The FDA routinely squashes the first amendment rights 
of American citizens to understand natural health options and the science that 
explains how they can prevent and treat disease. Thus, the first amendment 
argument is simply a matter of convenience. The FDA wants to actively suppress 
information that will help people, yet allow highly risky and misleading 
promotion of toxic substances often for untested uses. The FDA even wants to 
prevent citizens from suing drug companies when they are injured, thus 
protecting Big Pharma. FDA tyranny, based on this type of arbitrary and 
unrestrained exercise of power, is used to promote and protect the
 pharmaceutical industry while at the same time undermining the dietary 
supplement industry. 

Both the House and Senate think it is completely fine that the drug industry 
pay the FDA fees so that the FDA can approve new drugs faster. Indeed, the FDA 
and Big Pharma met 112 times to work out their partnership before the FDA let 
Congress know what it wanted to see in HR.2900 and S.1082. This is like paying 
the mob for protection. A careful look at the history of the FDA shows it is 
little more than a bully that protects vested interests at the expense of human 
health. It is a pitiful agency. It is little wonder than the majority of 
Americans don't trust the FDA. 

Big Pharma owns the FDA and Congress. The drug industry sees FDA management and 
Congressional leaders as a training pool for future Big Pharma jobs -- based on 
how well Big Pharma is supported. There will certainly be plenty of rewards to 
pass out after this legislation becomes law. 

It is a sick situation that this new fake safety legislation provides the FDA 
with unprecedented new power to stamp out competition to drug companies as well 
as expose Americans to far greater safety risks than ever before. Provisions 
within the legislation that creates the Reagan-Udall Foundation for the FDA 
will allow the FDA to remove any dietary supplement from the market based on 
its whim. 

It is now only a matter of time and a formality before HR.2900 and S.1082 
become law. There will be a little bit of haggling in the conference committee, 
as Big Pharma will takes its last chance at watering down any meaningful reform 
(of which there is very little). Big Pharma will whine that this legislation is 
too tough on them, which is a fallacy. This legislation is the Big Pharma dream 
come true. In a football analogy the only question is the final score. Will Big 
Pharma win by 28-7 or will it win by 42-7. Big Pharma has just cleaned the 
clock of Americans. We should not forget the gutless Congressional puppets that 
made it happen. 

A new tone has been set. A new chart has been plotted. Congress has transformed 
the FDA into a quasi drug company with unprecedented new regulatory power to 
control all health options in America. How many deaths and injuries will it 
take for a comatose and medicinally-overdosed public to wake up?

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