Ike on war......................Bush on war.............

        President Eisenhower speaking to the American Society of Newspaper 
Editors on April 16, 1958
  "Every gun that is made, 
  every warship launched, 
  every rocket fired signifies, 
  in the final sense,
  A theft from those who hunger 
  and are not fed, 
  those who are cold 
  and are not clothed.
  This world in arms 
  is not spending money alone. 
  It is spending 
  the sweat of its laborers,
  the genius of its scientists, 
  the hopes of its children.....
  This is not a way of life at all 
  in any true sense 
  under the cloud of threatening war,
  It is humanity 
  hanging from a cross of iron."
          "I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really 
talking about peace." ~George W. Bush

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