Published on Sunday, September 9, 2007 by Agence France Presse
APEC Climate Call is Just Hot Air, Say Activists

by Neil Sands

Environmental experts dismissed an agreement from Asia Pacific 
leaders setting "aspirational" goals on climate change as an empty 
gesture that may actually undermine efforts to halt global warming.

Climate change topped the agenda at this weekend's Asia Pacific 
Economic Cooperation meeting in Sydney, its 21 members agreeing to 
long-term goals but failing to set binding targets in areas such as 
greenhouse gas emissions.

Australian Prime Minister John Howard described it as "a very 
important milestone" toward a future global agreement that drew in 
both rich and poor countries.

Activists were not impressed, talking of a political stunt to promote 
an agreement that lacked any teeth.

"Without legally binding targets for reduction in greenhouse gas 
emissions the Sydney Declaration is meaningless and irrelevant in 
addressing climate change," Greenpeace Southeast Asia energy 
campaigner Abigail Jabines said.

"It is a political stunt. Developing nations of the Asia Pacific 
region cannot afford to accept lip service instead of action."

Jabines accused US President George W. Bush and summit host Howard of 
trying to undermine the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on climate change, which 
both leaders have refused to ratify.

She said Bush and Howard were attempting to frame a new global 
agreement on climate change that did not include the binding 
emissions targets on developed nations included in the Kyoto deal, 
which is due to expire in 2012.

"If John Howard and George Bush are sincere in addressing climate 
change, they should ratify Kyoto Protocol and embrace real 
solutions," she said.

Professor Hugh Outhred, an energy specialist at the University of New 
South Wales, said general statements such as at Sydney allowed 
political leaders to appear to be addressing climate change while 
doing little.

"The main practical implication could be a delay in doing anything," 
he said. "They gain time, they are trying to do as little as 

The Sydney Declaration says the world has to "slow, stop and then 
reverse" the growth in greenhouse gas emissions.

It also encourages APEC members to reduce energy intensity by 25 
percent by 2030, a goal Greenpeace said most countries would reach 

Australian former diplomat Richard Broinowski dismissed Howard's 
suggestion that this agreement drew in rich and poor nations for the 
first time.

"That hasn't happened at all, Kyoto is still the main element for 
that," said Brionowski, Canberra's former ambassador to South Korea, 
Vietnam and Mexico.

"This is a sideshow. It's not a breakthrough at all."

The declaration reaffirmed the United Nations as the major forum for 
talks on climate change, a clause pushed by China and developing 
nations determined not to allow Australia and the United States to 
hijack the process.

While Chinese President Hu Jintao signed up to the statement, he 
pointedly told fully developed nations that they had to live up to 
targets laid out in the Kyoto Protocol.

He also reiterated support for the principle of "common but 
differentiated responsibilities," code for meaning that emerging 
countries should have less stringent emission targets than developed 

Julie-Anne Richards, from the Climate Action Network Australia, said 
that environmentalists were looking to a UN-brokered meeting in Bali 
in December for progress on climate change because the APEC statement 
meant nothing.

"The world doesn't have time for voluntary action, what we need is 
real action, real targets and real timetables," she said.

There was biting criticism too from the Los Angeles Times, which said 
the "aspirational" Sydney statement was political theatre designed to 
boost Howard's green credentials before the conservative leader faces 
an election later this year.

"For aspirational, read: voluntary, vague and useless for anything 
but padding a fading prime minister's environmental resume," it said 
in an online editorial.

Copyright © 2007 Agence France Presse

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