We probably ought to phase subsidies to petroluem produces are well ;-)

Keith Addison wrote:

>FT.com / World -
>OECD warns against biofuels subsidies
>By Andrew Bounds in Brussels
>Published: September 10 2007 22:28 | Last updated: September 10 2007 22:28
>Governments need to scrap subsidies for biofuels, as the current rush 
>to support alternative energy sources will lead to surging food 
>prices and the potential destruction of natural habitats, the 
>Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development will warn on 
>The OECD will say in a report to be discussed by ministers on Tuesday 
>that politicians are rigging the market in favour of an untried 
>technology that will have only limited impact on climate change.
>"The current push to expand the use of biofuels is creating 
>unsustainable tensions that will disrupt markets without generating 
>significant environmental benefits," say the authors of the study, a 
>copy of which has been obtained by the Financial Times.
>The survey says biofuels would cut energy-related emissions by 3 per 
>cent at most. This benefit would come at a huge cost, which would 
>swiftly make them unpopular among taxpayers.
>The study estimates the US alone spends $7bn (?5bn) a year helping 
>make ethanol, with each tonne of carbon dioxide avoided costing more 
>than $500. In the EU, it can be almost 10 times that.
>It says biofuels could lead to some damage to the environment. "As 
>long as environmental values are not adequately priced in the market, 
>there will be powerful incentives to replace natural eco-systems such 
>as forests, wetlands and pasture with dedicated bio-energy crops," it 
>The report recommends governments phase out biofuel subsidies, using 
>"technology-neutral" carbon taxes instead to allow the market to find 
>the most efficient ways of reducing greenhouse gases.
>"Such policies will more effectively stimulate regulatory and market 
>incentives for efficient technologies," it said.
>The study, prepared for the OECD's round table on sustainable 
>development, will be discussed in Paris on Tuesday and on Wednesday 
>by ministers and representatives of a dozen governments, including 
>the US. Also attending will be Ángel Gurría, the OECD 
>secretary-general, scientists, business representatives and 
>non-governmental organisations.
>The survey puts a question mark over the European Union's plan to 
>derive 10 per cent of transport fuel from plants by 2020. It says 
>money saved from phasing out subsidies should fund research into 
>so-called second-generation fuels, which are being developed to use 
>waste products and so emit less CO2 when they are made.
>Today, only three kinds of biofuels are preferable to oil, the study 
>says: Brazilian sugar, which converts easily to ethanol, the 
>by-products of paper-making, and used vegetable oil.
>The EU has said only biofuels that meet as yet undefined standards 
>for sustainability will count towards its target to get a tenth of 
>transport fuel from plants by 2020. Tariff discrimination on 
>sustainability grounds is illegal under World Trade Organisation 
>rules and the authors call for talks at the WTO to set up a global 
>certification scheme.
>Adrian Bebb, biofuels campaigner with Friends of the Earth said: "The 
>OECD is right to warn against throwing ourselves headfirst down the 
>agrofuels path."
>Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007
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