Hi Ross

>Hi all,
>Keith,the quality is not a question,according to my
>NIR the BD is 99.2% esters - the foolproof method -
>acid stage and 2 alkaline stages with glycerin removal
>between ,

Good going!

Then it really seems a pity to bother about the colour.

By the way, where do you get the 60% FFA oil from, if you don't mind 
my asking? What's it been used for to have so much FFA?

>but I am supplying a close circle of friends
>with fuel and the people asking me "What is that black
>sh.t you are producing?"

:-) Friends should be more friendly.

Maybe you need a suitable slogan or a brandname or something, like 
black is beautiful - but, strange to tell, in the English language 
"black" usually means trouble, it's white that means all the good 
things, now ain't that a surprise (not!). I mean they don't make 
black Kleenex. (Or do they?)

Anyway you'd need it in Bulgarian, maybe it's not such a racist 
language as English.

>Thanks,Mr Montenegro,the activated carbon is my last
>mean,I somehow kept the hope that I solve the problem
>with some bleaching agent

A bleach might cause pH problems though. The carbon should work, 
though I'm surprised the bentonite didn't.

All best


>since boiling the BD sounds
>no good to me/polymerization!/ and filtering is OK
>with 5 micron in the end of the line.

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