You're quite right Robert.

>Bruno M. wrote:
> >If you can scientifically prove that there is harmful manmade global
> >warming going on,
> >you can grab the prize money, 125,000 $

You wouldn't want someone like Steven J. Milloy deciding on the 
scientific proof of whether oil burns or water's wet, let alone 
global warming. Eg:

>STEVEN MILLOY: A columnist for and publisher of 
> and Milloy also runs the Advancement 
>of Sound Science Center and the Free Enterprise Action Institute. 
>Those two groups-apparently run out of Milloy's home-received 
>$90,000 from ExxonMobil. Key quote: The date of Kyoto's 
>implementation will "live in scientific and economic infamy." 
>Connections to ExxonMobil-funded groups: at least five.

That quote's from the list archives, along with ExxonMobil's 
"donations" to the other global warming denialists, Sallie Baliunas, 
Willie Soon, Paul Driessen, Patrick Michaels, S. Fred Singer, etc etc 
etc, who work so tirelessly to serve their masters' bidding.

>Traitors to their planet, let alone to science and humanity. But I 
>guess it keeps their pockets warm.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
30 matches

The ultimate global warming challenge is to do something effective 
about it following 20 wasted years of very well-funded inaction 
sponsored by the likes of ExxonMobil and defended by paid maggots 
like Steven J. Milloy in the name of "science".

THAT's what will "live in scientific and economic infamy".

There are excellent resources in the archives for exposing spin and 

One-stop shop:

Do your homework next time, eh, Bruno?


>    It's a fool's errand.
> >         Steven J. Milloy is: the founder and publisher of
> ><> and
> ><>
> >         ; an investment adviser to the
> ><>Free Enterprise Action Fund
> >; and a columnist for <> .
> >
> >
>    This is WHY it's a fool's errand:
> >Entrants agreed to be bound by the UGWC Rules.
> >Entrants acknowledge that the concepts and terms mentioned and
> >referred to in the UGWC hypotheses are inherently and necessarily
> >vague, and involve subjective judgment. reserves the
> >exclusive right to determine the meaning and application of such
> >concepts and terms in order to facilitate the purpose of the contest.
> >
> >
>    Need I write more?
>robert luis rabello
>"The Edge of Justice"
>"The Long Journey"
>New Adventure for Your Mind
>Ranger Supercharger Project Page

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