See also:
Myanmar activists protest Indian oil minister's visit
24 Sep 2007
Firms seek access to Myanmar oil fields
Sep 29
Blood and Oil in Burma
March 2000


Sep 27, 2007


Buddha vs the barrel of a gun

By Pepe Escobar

Somewhere in imponderable nirvana, the Buddha may be exhibiting the 
faintest of smiles. Or is he? What a heavenly sight - the discreet, 
barefooted, crimson- and maroon-clad Buddhist monks of Myanmar, 
formerly Burma, able to affirm publicly their supreme moral authority 
and righteousness, supported by an exhausted, abused population, 
against the ravages of a pitiless, pitiful, 45-year-old military 

But the Buddha, whose infinite wisdom also includes knowledge about 
energy wars, would say that as everything is impermanent, the 
crackdown will come. The question is how.

Few can fail to be intensely moved by the exhilarating images of the 
"crimson revolution" - thousands of monks chanting "democracy, 
democracy" or reciting the Metta Sutta - the Buddha sermon on loving 
kindness, while civilian demonstrators, on a practical level, also 
call for the release of hundreds of political prisoners and a 
reduction in the price of fuel (raised 500% last month, the root 
cause of the protests).

The Asian Human Rights Commission has reported how the monks, in a 
pre-rally ceremony on Monday, have solemnly refused to accept 
donations from anyone junta-connected, people they have dubbed 
"pitiless soldier kings". This very serious act amounts to nothing 
less than a Buddhist form of excommunication.

But fear now looms. The 1991 Nobel Peace Prize winner and democracy 
icon Aung San Suu Kyi - lovingly referred to all over the country as 
The Lady - has been transferred from her lakeside home on University 
Avenue in Yangon to sinister Insein prison, according to a Reuters 
report. The junta has imposed a dusk-till-dawn curfew in Yangon and 

Anti-riot troops in full battle gear now surround the six biggest 
monasteries in Yangon. Monks run the risk of at least being attacked 
with tear gas - some reports indicate this has already happened. 
Internet access (there's only one state-owned provider) has been cut 
off. Activists - and even some monks - have been arrested. During the 
1988 protest movement - Myanmar's predecessor of China's Tiananmen - 
the regime is said to have killed more than 3,000 unarmed people.

Bush's Burmese day

The mystery of why US President George W Bush took center stage at 
the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Tuesday but did 
not promote the next neo-con war on Iran was solved when it became 
evident that the job has fallen to his new European poodle, French 
President Nicolas Sarkozy, who in his speech once again assumed the 
inevitability of an Iranian nuclear bomb.

Bush instead announced new economic sanctions against the junta in 
Myanmar and urged the world to apply "diplomatic leverage to help the 
Burmese people regain their freedom". Here is Bush engaging in 
another "liberation from tyranny and violence", this time in Asia, 
while trying to start yet another war, as usual, in the Middle East.

The connection is clear: the Bush conception of "human rights" means 
"oil and gas". Bush also claimed at the UN that Lebanon, Afghanistan 
and Iraq had "asked for our help". Given the precedents, even the 
isolated people in Myanmar should be afraid, very afraid.

Myanmar has been in effect off the radar of the international 
community for years. Why this new, sudden, Bush administration 
interest in regime change in Myanmar? If the US and the West are so 
obsessed with "human rights", why not put pressure on the ghastly 
practices of the House of Saud? Or the barely disguised repression 
under the glitz in Persian Gulf petromonarchies? Or the bloody Islam 
Karimov dictatorship in Uzbekistan?

A vast drug-money-laundering operation, plus full Asian cooperation - 
to the tune of billions of dollars - helped the Myanmar junta to 
build its new capital, Naypyidaw, in the middle of the jungle, almost 
350 kilometers north of Yangon, in essence using slave labor. The 
10-country Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of which Myanmar 
is a member, has been very lenient, to say the least, with the 
unsavory generals, in the name of a policy of "non-interference". 
Thailand - for complex historical reasons - would rather co-exist 
with a weak neighbor. India coddles the generals to get natural-gas 
deals - like a recent agreement to invest US$150 million in gas 
exploitation in the west of the country.

Enter the dragon

But Myanmar is above all a key strategic pawn for China. Not only as 
a captive market for civilian goods in addition to weapons, but as a 
pawn to keep India in check and assure China of key strategic access 
to the Indian Ocean. Just like Britain - which twice invaded Burma, 
as Myanmar was known until 1989 - China's utmost interest is natural 
resources. Oil and gas, of course, but also gems and timber: the 
once-pristine forests at the Myanmar-China border have been 
practically wiped out. According to the rights group Global Witness, 
Myanmar exported no less than $350 million in timber to China in 2005 
alone, and the bulk of it was illegal.

According to EarthRights International, a crucial project of Chinese 
multinationals established in Myanmar has been the construction of a 
2,380-kilometer oil-and-gas pipeline from the Arakan coast to Yunnan 
province in China. China needs this pipeline and a vital port in 
Myanmar for its growing energy imports from the Middle East, Africa 
and Venezuela.

Myanmar and China are also intimately linked by a $1.5 billion, 
high-tech electronic-warfare pet project of the junta's leader, 
psychological-warfare specialist General Than Shwe, 74, very much 
appreciated in Beijing. It deals with surveillance of ethnic-minority 
guerrillas in Myanmar - the Karen, the Chan, the Wa, among others. It 
deals with surveillance of strategic competitor India. And it deals 
with surveillance of all naval traffic in the Indian Ocean, US 
warships included, not to mention the crucial Strait of Malacca. 
Precious information on the matter can be found in Australian Desmond 
Ball's book Burma's Military Secrets (White Lotus Press, Bangkok).

US sanctions are just for internal American consumption; they will 
have absolutely no impact. For starters, Myanmar is not under a 
military embargo. A really different story, for instance, would be 
the Bush administration telling the Chinese to drop the junta, 
otherwise no US athletes will be seen at the Beijing Summer Olympics 
next year. London bookies wouldn't even start a bet on it. The French 
for their part now say they fear a terrible crackdown - but in fact 
they fear what happens to substantial oil business by French energy 
giant Total. The European Union should have a unified position, but 
for the moment that is hazier than sunrise at the sublime Shwedagon 
Pagoda in the heart of Yangon.

Sleepless in Beijing

This year China vetoed a UN Security Council resolution condemning 
the junta's human-rights record. It's virtually impossible that the 
collective leadership in Beijing will let one of its neighbors, a key 
pawn in the 21st-century energy wars, be swamped by non-violent 
Buddhists and pro-democracy students - as this would constitute a 
daring precedent for the aspirations of Tibetans, the Uighurs in 
Xinjiang and, most of all, Falungong militants all over China, the 
embryo of a true rainbow-revolution push defying the monopoly of the 
Chinese Communist Party.

So this seems to be the trillion-yuan question: Will Chinese 
President Hu Jintao sanction a Tiananmen remix - with Buddhist 
subtitles - less than one year before the Olympics that will signal 
to the whole world the renewed power and glory of the Middle Kingdom? 
If only the Buddha would contemplate direct intervention.

Pepe Escobar is the author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World 
is Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007). He may be reached 

>           Dear friends,
>Burma's generals have brought their brutal iron hand down on 
>peaceful monks and protesters -- but in response, a massive global 
>outcry is gathering pace. The roar of global public opinion is being 
>heard in hundreds of protests outside Chinese and Burmese embassies, 
>people round the world wearing the monks' color red, and on the 
>internet-- where our petition has exploded to over 200,000 signers 
>in just 72 hours.
>People power can win this. Burma's powerful sponsor China can halt 
>the crackdown, if it believes that its international reputation and 
>the 2008 Olympics in Beijing depend on it. To convince the Chinese 
>government and other key countries, Avaaz is launching a major 
>global and Asian ad campaign on Wednesday, including full page ads 
>in the Financial Times and other newspapers, that will deliver our 
>message and the number of signers. We need 1 million voices to be 
>the global roar that will get China's attention. If every one of us 
>forwards this email to just 20 friends, we'll reach our target in 
>the next 72 hours. Please sign the petition at the link below -if 
>you haven't already- and forward this email to everyone you care 
>The pressure is working - already, there are signs of splits in the 
>Burmese Army, as some soldiers refuse to attack their own people. 
>The brutal top General, Than Shwe, has reportedly moved his family 
>out of the country â*“ he must fear his rule may crumble.
>The Burmese people are showing incredible courage in the face of 
>horror. We're broadcasting updates on our effort over the radio into 
>Burma itself â*“ telling the people that growing numbers of us stand 
>with them. Let's do everything we can to help them â*“ we have 
>hours, not days, to do it. Please sign the petition and forward this 
>email to at least 20 friends right now. Scroll down our petition 
>page for details of times and events to join in the massive wave of 
>demonstrations happening around the world at Burmese and Chinese 
>With hope and determination,
>Ricken, Paul, Pascal, Graziela, Galit, Ben, Milena and the whole Avaaz Team
> [-525.463781-]
>You are getting this message because you signed "PM Harper - Be 
>Canadian on Climate!" on 2007-05-2 using the email address 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] To change your email address, language 
>settings, or other personal information, go here
>Please add [EMAIL PROTECTED] to your address book to make sure you 
>keep receiving emails from Avaaz, or go here to unsubscribe.
> is staffed by a global team of campaigners operating on 3 
>continents. We have administrative offices in London, New York, and 
>Rio de Janeiro. Please direct mail to our NY office at 260 Fifth 
>Avenue, 9th floor, New York, NY 10001 U.S.A.

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