congrats to you Kieth
always on the ball
-----Original Message-----
>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Oct 21, 2007 6:58 AM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Open letter from Islam to Christianity
>Stephen R Walmsley wrote:
>>Perhaps they should state they deplore the attacks of 911..... or do they?
>You read it then, did you? I'll bet you didn't.
>So you expect them to apologise for 9/11? Do you feel that Islam is 
>to blame for it?
>And you think that's what this is all about?
>Might it not perhaps have a little to do with all the toxic 
>"Islamo-fascist" -cum-"War of Civilisations" etc etc etc crusader BS 
>that gets flung about by US nutcases these days?
>Would you have preferred it if they'd waited for the US to apologise 
>for that first? Or maybe for what your war criminals have been doing 
>in Iraq and Afghanistan and have got the hots for doing in Iran too? 
>But the Muslims are the guilty ones, eh?
>The full letter's here, why don't you give it a read?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>>Bob Molloy
>>Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2007 6:26 PM
>>Subject: [Biofuel] Open letter from Islam to Christianity
>>138 Muslim Scholars Issue Open Letter to Christian Religious Leaders
>>| IslamToday / Agencies|
>>11 October 2007
>>138 of the world's leading Muslim scholars and intellectuals from all
>>branches of Islam (Sunni and Shia, Salafi and Sufi, liberal and
>>conservative) had come together to write a letter entitled "A Common Word
>>Between Us and You," to the world's Christian leaders.
>>The drafting of the letter was organized by the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute
>>for Islamic Thought in Amman, Jordan. Though its message has been said by
>>Muslim scholars many times before, it is the first time so many high-profile
>>Muslims have come together in public to make such a unified call for peace.
>>The letter was launched first in Jordan this morning, and then in other
>>countries over the course of the day, the letter gets its final unveiling at
>>a joint press conference in Washington D.C. this afternoon by Mustafa Ceric,
>>Grand Mufti of Bosnia, and John Esposito, Director of the Prince Alwaleed
>>Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown
>>In a display of unprecedented unity, the letter - which calls for peace
>>between the world's Christians and Muslims - is signed by no fewer than 19
>>current and former grand ayatollahs and grand muftis from countries as
>>diverse as Egypt, Turkey, Russia, Syria, Jordan, and Palestine. War-torn
>>Iraq was represented by both Shi'ites and Sunnis.
>>It is addressed to Christianity's most powerful leaders, including the pope,
>>the archbishop of Canterbury and the heads of the Lutheran, Methodist and
>>Baptist churches, and, in 15 pages laced with Qur'anic and Biblical
>>scriptures, argues that the most fundamental tenets of Islam and
>>Christianity are identical: love of one (and the same) God, and love of
>>one's neighbor.
>>On this basis the letter reasons that harmony between the two religions is
>>not only necessary for world peace, it is natural.
>>"As Muslims, we say to Christians that we are not against them and that
>>Islam is not against them - so long as they do not wage war against Muslims
>>on account of their religion, oppress them and drive them out of their homes
>>. Our very eternal souls are all at stake if we fail to sincerely make every
>>effort to make peace," the letter reads.
>>"If Muslims and Christians are not at peace, the world cannot be at peace.
>>With the terrible weaponry of the modern world; with Muslims and Christians
>>intertwined everywhere as never before, no side can unilaterally win a
>>conflict between more than half of the world's inhabitants," the scholars
>>"Our common future is at stake. The very survival of the world itself is
>>perhaps at stake,"
>>"It's an astonishing achievement of solidarity," says David Ford, director
>>of the Cambridge University's Interfaith Program. "I hope it will be able to
>>set the right key note for relations between Muslims and Christians in the
>>21st century, which have been lacking since September 11."
>>One profound obstacle to establishing positive relations among mainstream
>>Muslim and Christian groups, argues Ford, has been the lack of a single,
>>authoritative Muslim voice to participate in such a dialogue. This letter
>>changes that. "It proves that Islam can have an unambiguous, unified voice,"
>>says Aref Ali Nayed, a leading Islamic scholar and one of the letter's
>>Emily Flynn Vencat, "Giving Peace a Chance" Newsweek October 11, 2007
>>Peter Graff, "Unprecedented Muslim call for peace with Christians" Reuters
>>October 11, 2007
>>Jumana Farouky, "Muslim Leaders Send Peace Message" Time October 11, 2007
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