my doctor has only twice in my 24 years prescribed me a pill, and both times it 
was an antibiotic. one for strep throat (*sp?) when i was little, and one for a 
kidney infection a couple of years ago, and even then he was more concerned 
with what/how much i was eating. i asked him what the medicine was for during 
the second episode, and he told me it was so i could "get over it faster 
without scar damage" and told me to drink a bunch of different juices and water 
along with it. 
i think he writes enough scrips to keep his bosses quiet, but would prefer a 
diet approach over anything.

> Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 09:34:51 -0700
> To:
> Subject: [Biofuel] The overwhelming evidence of the healing power of food...
> "There are no studies that prove the benefits of nutritional or integrative 
> therapies..."
> It's a refrain that I hear time and time again.
> And I hear it from my colleagues.
> But they couldn't be more wrong!
> They just have not done their homework -- or perhaps they are reading the 
> wrong medical journals.
> One of my favorite medical journals is the "American Journal of Clinical 
> Nutrition," which every month publishes more than 300 pages of research with 
> This is very unlike my other medical journals -- such as the "Journal of the 
> American Medical Association" or "The New England Journal of Medicine" -- 
> which have pages and pages of color glossy drug ads.
> So today, I thought I would take you on a journey through just one issue of 
> the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" to see just how much research is 
> being done on how food and nutrients affect our health.
> The sad thing is that it can take 20 years before this knowledge becomes 
> commonplace or used in medical practice.
> Unfortunately, there is little money available for large-scale studies or to 
> publicize the findings of the role of nutrients and food in health and 
> disease. Unlike in the pharmaceutical industry, there are no "food reps" that 
> drop off food samples in doctor's offices.
> Except perhaps in my case.
> ***********************************************
> To see the quick, 5-minute video version of this on my blog, go to:
> ==>
> ***********************************************
> You see, I have been sent walnuts, whole-food bars, wild salmon, and even 
> whole-kernel rye bread from Germany -- all of which I like much better than 
> the pens and cups and Post-it notes with drug names all over them.
> And I certainly like these better than the "free" drug samples I'm sent that 
> are meant to get my patients hooked on the latest and most expensive (though 
> not necessarily the best) medications.
> Advertising medications directly to patients used to be illegal. They still 
> are in Canada and the European Union.
> But, boy, have things changed!
> Since "direct-to-consumer" advertising has been allowed in the United States, 
> we have seen dramatic increases in the use of those drugs.
> In fact, when a person sees an ad for a drug on TV and then asks their doctor 
> for it, they are likely to get it about 50 percent of the time.
> Just look at the numbers.
> According to a recent article in "The New England Journal of Medicine," 
> pharmaceutical advertising and promotion grew from $11.4 billion in 1996 to 
> $29.9 billion in 2005 -- and direct- to-consumer ads grew by 330 percent! (1)
> I can assure you that NO ONE is spending $30 billion promoting the benefits 
> of food and
> nutrients to support health and cure disease, even if they are more effective.
> You don't hear about the best or most effective treatments, just the ones 
> that are most heavily
> promoted.
> Now let's get back to the nutrition journal and a sampling of the types of 
> research out there that demonstrate the healing power of food.
> These are all from the May 2007 issue (I am a little behind on my reading!).
> The most important study in that journal was on nutrigenomics -- the 
> foundational concept of my book UltraMetabolism. The basic idea is that food 
> is information, not just calories.
> In this study, researchers from Finland took two groups people with metabolic 
> syndrome (pre- diabetes) and gave each group a different diet.
> Well, sort of. It was different ONLY in the type of carbohydrates they 
> consumed for 12 weeks. The rest of their diet was identical -- the same 
> calories and the same amount of fat, protein, carbohydrate, and fiber.
> The first group had wheat, oats, and potatoes as the source of their carbs. 
> The second group ate rye as their source of carbohydrate. (As I mentioned in 
> my book, UltraMetabolism, rye has some very special properties because it is 
> slowly absorbed by the body and has phytonutrients that help you lose weight 
> and improve metabolism.)
> After the 12 weeks, the researchers took a fat sample or biopsy and analyzed 
> it to find out which genes were turned on or off.
> So what happened?
> ***********************************************
> In the wheat, oat, and potato group, 62 genes were activated that increased 
> inflammation, oxidative stress, and the stress response, worsened blood sugar 
> balance, and generally amplified all of the forces in the body that lead to 
> obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease!
> It was a 100 percent effect -- NO good genes were turned on.
> In the rye group, 71 genes were turned on that prevent diabetes, lower 
> cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and improve blood sugar control.
> This was a 100 percent GOOD gene effect. (2)
> Now that should have been headline news -- but the rye lobby is just not that 
> powerful!
> In fact, in an accompanying editorial called "Putting your genes on a diet: 
> the molecular effects of carbohydrate," Harvard researcher David Ludwig, MD, 
> PhD, wrote that "Molecular pathways involved in hormone action have been the 
> target of a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical research effort. However, 
> many of these pathways may normally be under dietary regulation." (3)
> If there were a drug that could turn off all the disease-promoting genes and 
> could turn on all the health-promoting, anti-aging genes, it would be a 
> blockbuster.
> But you don't see ads on TV telling you to eat more whole-kernel rye bread!
> Findings from a few other key studies from just that one issue are worth 
> noting:
> -- Supplementing with conjugated linoleic acid (a special fat from meat and 
> dairy fats) caused a modest loss in body fat. It also may prevent cancer, 
> heart disease, and inflammation.
> -- Long-term fish consumption protects against arrhythmia or irregular heart 
> beats.
> -- Eating a diet high in monounsaturated fats from olive oil can help reduce 
> blood pressure while a high refined-carbohydrate diet can increase blood 
> pressure.
> -- Combining fish oil supplements with regular aerobic exercise helps improve 
> body composition
> and reduce heart disease risk factors (lower triglycerides, higher HDL).
> -- Women need more choline (a nutrient that is needed for cell membrane 
> formation and to make the neurotransmitter acetylcholine necessary for brain 
> function) after menopause or are at risk of liver and muscle damage.
> -- If women with HIV are given a multivitamin, they have less anemia and 
> their children also have less anemia. Anemia in HIV is associated with a much 
> faster rate of disease progression and death.
> -- In Bangladesh, where arsenic poisoning is common, giving folate, vitamins 
> B12 and B6, choline, and niacin reduced the toxic effects of arsenic.
> -- People who eat more meat and saturated fat have a higher risk of skin 
> cancer.
> And those are just from May!
> The June 2007 issue, which I am just getting through, has a fantastic 
> randomized controlled study of calcium and vitamin D, which shows that those 
> nutrients substantially reduce risk for all cancers and that the blood level 
> of vitamin D is the most important predictor of decreased risk.
> So what are we to learn from all these studies?
> This is just a smattering of the research out there -- only a few out of the 
> many in that one issue alone.
> And it is stuff you are not hearing about.
> So if you hear from your doctor that eating better and taking supplements has 
> no "real" scientific evidence to support it, ask them if they have read the 
> "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" lately.
> It is also interesting to note that the main medical journals publish mostly 
> positive studies on drugs and mostly negative studies on nutrients, foods, 
> and herbs.
> And the findings correlate 4 to 1 for a positive outcome for a drug if the 
> study was funded by the drug company.
> The same is true for nutrients.
> Dr. David Ludwig published a study that showed that if a food company or 
> industry, like dairy, for example, funded a study, there was a zero percent 
> chance that the outcome was unfavorable for the funder. But if it was 
> independently funded, the negative outcomes were about 40 percent. (4)
> That is exactly what happened in another study I saw on the effects of high 
> fructose corn syrup.
> It showed no adverse effects -- and was funded by the American Beverage 
> Association.
> Surprise!
> So I encourage you all to beware when someone tells you there is no research 
> to back up the use of food or nutrients as the primary mode of treatment of 
> disease and prevention of chronic illness.
> The evidence is overwhelming -- just ignored.
> Now I'd like to hear from you...
> How often do you hear about positive studies of food and nutrients? Of drugs?
> Have you ever asked your doctor for a drug based on an ad? What happened?
> Has your doctor -- or someone else -- told you that there's no research to 
> back up natural treatments like these?
> Please let me know your thoughts by posting a comment on my blog at:
> ==>
> Just look for the post at the top titled:
> "The overwhelming evidence of the healing power of food..."
> To your good health,
> Mark Hyman, M.D.
> PS - For more information on this and other blogs, please go to:
> ===>
> (1) Donohue JM, Cevasco M, Rosenthal MB.
> A decade of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs.
> (2) Kallio P, Kolehmainen M, Laaksonen DE, Kekalainen J, Salopuro T, Sivenius 
> K, Pulkkinen
> L, Mykkanen HM, Niskanen L, Uusitupa M, Poutanen KS.
> Dietary carbohydrate modification induces alterations in gene expression in 
> abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue in persons with the metabolic syndrome: 
> the FUNGENUT Study.
> Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 May;85(5):1417-27.
> (3) Salsberg SL, Ludwig DS.
> Putting your genes on a diet: the molecular effects of carbohydrate.
> Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 May;85(5):1169-70.
> (4) Lesser LI, Ebbeling CB, Goozner M, Wypij D, Ludwig DS.
> Relationship between funding source and conclusion among nutrition-related 
> scientific articles.
> PLoS Med. 2007 Jan;4(1):e5
> UltraWellness LLC
> 45 Walker Street
> Lenox, MA 01240
> This email is provided for general educational purposes only and is not 
> intended to constitute (i) medical advice or counseling, (ii) the practice of 
> medicine including psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy or the provision of 
> health care diagnosis or treatment, (iii) the creation of a physician patient 
> or clinical relationship, or (iv) an endorsement, recommendation or 
> sponsorship of any third party product or service by the sender or the 
> sender's affiliates, agents, employees, consultants or service providers. If 
> you have or suspect that
> you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly.
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