Good Day All,

I was reprocessing a 50 gal batch of biodiesel and got the crazy idea to use
50% methanol instead of the standard 10%.. Curious to see what would
happen..  As I watch the settling, I witness more glycerin drop out but it
was not the normal red color but more of a translucent/clear. Immediately
conclude that due to the excess Methanol I was witnessing the glycerin in a
solution form, thus partially dissolved in the methanol. As time went on the
glycerin disappeared and there was just one continuous solution in my view
glass, as if no glycerin had ever dropped out of the BD..  I took out a
sample and did a water test, no separation of any kind, no emulsion of any
kind, just a continuous liquid in the test bottle.. Obviously the methanol
was simply mixing with the water into a solution..

So now I decide to try and reverse things.. Separate them into
distinguishable liquids again, Meth, Bio, Glycerin cocktail..  I put the 50
gal mix under constant vacuum of 20 inHg  for approx 8 hrs and let it
settle.. What I am currently seeing in my sight glass is a Clear phase on
top, what appears to be unwashed BD, and a reddish tinted liquid with a
clear separation line at the bottom..  I have noticed the longer it has been
setting the redder the lower portion becomes and the larger amount of Clear
phase I get..

Could it be true that the liquid phase I am see are indeed Meth, BD, and
Glycerin Cocktail..  I mean if you think about it, the constant vacuum is
analogous to a centrifuge pulling the liquids apart due to their different
specific gravities..

Would like some feed back on results..  Keith, Jan,... Anyone else.. All are


Shawn Patrick

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