Hello E.

>Hello Keith
>"...That's okay if you're just curious but it needs a bit more rigour if
you want to discuss it. The list archives would have helped, that's what
it's for..."
>I am pretty sure "discussion" was what the original poster, "Marylynn",
had in mind here.

Marylynn wasn't the original poster, Manick was. Marylynn didn't get it
wrong, you did. It's a discussion group, "discussion" is what goes on
here. (You're still not being very rigorous.)

>I am certain that everyone interested in this subject is grateful that
you brought up such a list of references for them to read without having
to research for themselves.

I wouldn't have had to spend the time doing it if you'd been a little less
sloppy. (Though next time someone's that sloppy about it all I'll need is
the url.)

>For me, I had no idea that anyone still doubted the problem with the
product as I am pretty sure that it has been common knowledge for many

:-) You said "google snopes.com, they say this is a hoax" but it's what
snopes.com says that's the hoax, and you fell for it, as your second
message confirms.

Drop the double-talk eh?

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner

>Hello E.
>>Hi Marylynn,
>>I don't know a thing about snoops.com but what I like about snopes.com is
>that they usually give references for the basis of their opinion.
>There are references and references though.
>>>google snopes.com, they say this is a hoax
>... and they cite as their references such stalwarts in championing the
>public interest as the FDA and Elizabeth Whelan's Astroturf group the
>American Council on Science and Health, right.
>"American Council on Science and Health
>"... In the latest years for which information is available, some 40
>percent of ACSH's budget was supplied directly by industry, including
>a long list of food, drug and chemical companies that have a vested
>interest in supporting [CEO Elizabeth] Whelan's message..."
>- SourceWatch (many refs and further links):
>Along with the usual suspects ASCH funders include Monsanto, NutraSweet
>and Searle.
>The FDA is just the food and drug industries' enabling wing, their
>Washington Bureau, it's a hub of revolving doors.
>Snopes.com is useful but it's not an authority and it's not above the need
>for checking. SourceWatch for one is much better:
>You can find stuff like this there:
>"... One thing is certain, despite what appears to be a concerted effort
>on the part of aspartame‚s makers to negate the allegations of health
>problems, adverse reactions from aspartame are real.
>"This was eloquently borne out in 1996, when Ralph G. Walton, MD,
>professor and chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at Northeastern
>Ohio University‚s College of Medicine, conducted an analysis of all the
>medical studies˜164 of them at the time˜dealing with human safety as it
>relates to the use of aspartame. The studies were separated into two
>categories: 74 of the studies were sponsored by the aspartame industry and
>90 of them were non-industry-sponsored studies. Dr. Walton found that of
>the 74 studies sponsored by the aspartame industry, 100 percent of them
>claimed there were no health problems associated with aspartame use. Of
>the 90 studies that had no connections to industry, all but seven of them
>identified one or more problems with aspartame use. Interestingly, of the
>seven studies that did not find problems, the FDA had conducted six.
>Critics suggest that since a number of FDA officials eventually went to
>work for the aspartame industry, these six studies should be considered
>industry-sponsored research as well."
>Or this, how aspartame was approved by the FDA:
>Aspartame Gate: When Donald Rumsfeld was CEO of Searle (manufacturers of
>More here, about halfway down:
>Aspartame, anti-depressants and Bush
>Here too:
>Biofuel - Rumsfeld +aspartame 43 matches
>Aspartame & Rumsfeld
>Biofuel - Aspartame - 135 matches
>Also this:
>"Aspartame Poisoning - NOT an Internet Hoax
>"DORway.com opened Searle's "Pandora's" book of facts on aspartame during
>September of 1996. For over four years Monsanto (who bought Searle in
>1985), their many PR and law firms, visited DORway.com many thousands of
>times (documented by IP addresses). The FDA, CDC and other entities
>visited, as well. The highly litigious Monsanto was unable to find
>anything to use against the site in an effort to close it down and relieve
>the growing pressures on its dying aspartame cash cow. Obviously, they
>cannot argue with the documentation (the most damning of which comes from
>the FDA and sworn testimony).
>"While two anti-aspartame Web sites (1996) grew to tens of thousands (as
>of October, 2001, Google.com had over 80,000), and while Nutrasweet's 28
>million pounds of aspartame sold during 1996 slipped to only 20 million
>pounds during 1998, Monsanto sought to counter the truth (and their
>negative "good growth") with pro-aspartame WEB sites. When the "Nancy
>Markle" Email appeared during December, 1998, Monsanto and friends
>panicked. Monsanto, FDA, ADA, IFIC, MSFacts, TIME, CNN, LA Times, and a
>lot more who stood to LOSE if aspartame were recalled, ALL JOINED HANDS to
>call our information and the facts an "Internet hoax." Want a hint at the
>whole truth? Simply compare their messages, and then look for the $$$
>connection. And the FDA? Just think future industry jobs and the fact that
>they are culpable of approving this cumulative toxic poison. ..."
>Even Wikipedia gets it more or less right:
>FDA approval process
>Some critics of Aspartame use have criticized its approval process
>specifically; they note that the head of the FDA, Jere E. Goyan, was
>removed from his post on the first day of Ronald Reagan's presidency
>(1981). Previously, Goyan refused to approve the legalization of
>aspartame, due to the studies documenting increase of cancers in rats.
>Reagan appointed Arthur Hayes, MD, (FDA Commissioner 1981-1983)
>Commissioner, who legalized aspartame a year later. Reagan supporter
>Donald Rumsfeld was president and later CEO of G. D. Searle & Company from
>1977 to 1985.[77][78] In November 1983 Hayes was under fire for accepting
>corporate gifts. He quit and joined Searle's public-relations firm as
>senior medical advisor. Searle lawyer Robert B. Shapiro, renamed aspartame
>NutraSweet. Monsanto purchased Searle. Rumsfeld received a $12 million
>bonus. Shapiro later became Monsanto president.
>Several members of the FDA board left their jobs after stevia (aspartame's
>main competitor then) was banned in 1991. They were all hired at
>Nutrasweet in higher paying jobs, according to national records. Dr.
>Michael Friedman quit the FDA when Jane Henney was selected to become the
>permanent FDA commissioner (1999). Friedman elected to sign with G. D.
>Searle as a senior vice president at a purported $500,000 a year. He later
>accepted a position with Monsanto.
>"Donald Rumsfeld, who was a former member of the U.S. Congress and the
>Chief of Staff in the Gerald Ford Administration, was hired as G.D.
>Searle's President. Attorney James Turner, Esq. alleged that G.D. Searle
>hired Rumsfeld to handle the aspartame approval difficulties as a 'legal
>problem rather than a scientific problem.'" (U.S. Senate 1987)
>The Aspartame/NutraSweet fiasco by James S. Turner
>Rumsfeld did the same thing with Searle and Tamiflu (see archives).
>And so on.
>>That has been a pretty good starting point for my research on subjects
>that I feel the need to know about.
>That's okay if you're just curious but it needs a bit more rigour if you
>want to discuss it. The list archives would have helped, that's what it's
>>This one is truly interesting.
>>Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
>>In this case I would tend to believe that snoops.com got it wrong.
>>I personally know far too many people horribly effected by drinking diet
>>My ex-neighbor, a young mother who has been left nearly blind and deaf
>due to a fast moving brain tumor .. and according to her doctor this is a
>known side effect of aspartame. Because the tumor took out a great deal
>of her optic nerves and inner ear, this is not correctable.
>>A client's college student son became almost completely bald and started
>re-growing his hair once he stopped drinking the diet drinks .. he is
>finishing the process with hair replacement plugs .. a process he tells
>me is quite painful and expensive.
>>.. and yes, I do know of the disappearing MS symptoms from 2 different
>people I swim with at the "Y".
>>The history of Aspartame's approval by the FDA would suggest that
>something isn't quite on the up and up.
>>I tend to avoid the artificial as much as possible .. not always possible
>because I eat out mostly .. but if the bottle lists Diet, I leave it
>>.. also in the case of my client's son, even though he has not been
>drinking diet soda for a year or so, he tells me that he still craves it.
>>Mary LynnRev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister ONE SPIRIT ONE HEART,

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