What exactly is so wrong with "Big Box Stores"? I can go to one store and buy 
most everything I need and granted some things I don't really need but want 
just the same. I don't have to drive 15 miles to five different locations to 
buy the things I can buy at one location. It is not just about convenience but 
about efficiency both in my time as well as resources. Think about the overall 
resources to get products to five different stores or five products to one 
store! It is not just about my efficiency but about the efficiency at which we 
use all resources. My local box store buys 90% of its fresh produce from local 
suppliers when it is available. So instead of driving 24 miles one way to the 
farmers market I can go less than 1 mile round trip to buy the very same 
produce. The local farmers here love Wal-Mart!

Chip Mefford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Kirk McLoren wrote:
> Cute video, 9 min, with some important messages about consumption.
> http://www.alternet.org/blogs/workplace/73239/
>   This film was selected for the 2008 Sonoma Environmental Film Festival. 

It is a cute video. But I have some issues with it.

Is this about big box vs local business? or is it just
yet still another slam against WallMart?
Near as I can tell, it's just more slamming of WallMart.

That's just fine with me on one level. WallMart certainly has
it coming.

But on many other levels, I think it's mostly a waste of time,
and here's some reasons why.

The video isn't going to change anyone's point of view, I don't think.
Folks who still accept the WallMart model, are under much more
pressure from WallMart than they are from local businesses. This
pressure is well understood by folks who have built up the
consumer mindset over the last 150-200 years quite well. It's
subliminal and quite powerful. The wallmart overlords (heh)
understand it really well. Hence the push for the green paint,
all the hype about skylighting, 'organic' groceries, etc.
This (effective) approach at heading off 'doubts' in the mind
of the 'consumer' works.

Being of a skeptical (and yes, ofttimes cynical) mindset, noise
from wallmart about organic sets off alarm bells with me. But
not with 'joe public consumer'. Attacking WallMart outright,
as this video does, just shuts 'joe public consumer' down, and
closes out any discussion. 'Jpc' already has their mind made up,
and attacks neatly sidestep the debate. Folks who understand
how debates work, know what I mean.

IMO, a better approach would have been a stronger 'sales pitch'
of the local business, farmers market and a lot less pejorative
coverage of the big box. Just from a point of debate, there is
a lot of apples vs oranges in that video. I see this more and more
in short videos of this sort.

In my quite limited experience, there are 'broad scale' farmers
who are really good folks, and small scale farmer's market types
who are complete jerks. That said, the trend is quite clear.

There is optimism, and there is pessimism. There is advocacy
and there is criticism. For some reason, there seems to be
a lot of focus on criticism before advocacy. I'm not sure that's
the best approach, for very many reasons.

I could nitpick this video, there are problems with the facts as
presented. But so what? I'd rather advocate for small/local
businesses and small/local growers/diaries/farms.

End of the day, for a legion of reasons, the Big-Box approach
is fundamentally broken, it won't work out in the long run
and so, I'd say, pay them no more mind (or money :) Focus on what works,
will work, and get on with it. The more you live this, the
more you'll find friends/co-workers/acquaintances with questions.
You can refer them to this list :)


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