When you consider the textbooks state that a child that young is incapable of 
forming a response with its immature immune system we see the fraud practiced 
in pediatric clinics.
  Basically child abuse and all for money.

  From VIC Tue Mar 18 18:37:14 2008


By Ingri Cassel

Shelly Walker's heartwrenching story made the front page of The 
Spokesman-Review newspaper on December 22, 2007, with the provocative headline, 
"Did vaccines kill?" 

The headline shook up many residents here as they prepared for Christmas with 
their families. The story highlighted Shelly's shock when she discovered her 
son Vance in his crib unresponsive and limp. Blood was crusted under his eyes 
and a bloody foam was coming from his mouth onto the blanket lying beside 
him.The following is from The Spokesman-Review story: 

"My baby was so healthy," said Shelly Walker, 39, of Hayden. "He was extremely 
full of life, energy and vitality.

"In the early morning of Sept. 15, less than three days after Vance Vernon 
Walker received a round of vaccines at Lakeside Pediatric and Adolescent 
Medicine in Coeur d'Alene, his mother awoke to a parent's worst nightmare. "It 
was about 5:15 a.m. I woke up and thought, 'He's not making any noise!' " 
Walker recalled. "I went to pick him up and then I screamed. 

"Her 16 1/2-pound boy was warm and his lips were still pink, but he wasn't 
moving. Blood was crusted beneath his eyes and his clothes and toys were 
covered with a bloody froth. As her husband, Brian, 46, called 911, Walker 
worked frantically to resuscitate their child. But in the emergency room at 
Kootenai Medical Center, doctors said Vance had been dead for several hours." 

The proud parents

Brian and Shelly Walker had waited several years to have their first child. 
They were proud and doting parents who were absolutely thrilled with each 
developmental milestone Vance achieved. 

Shelly had worked for many years at Pilgrim's, a local health food store. Over 
the years, many well-meaning customers had exposed her to the vaccine 
controversy, but it never dawned on her that vaccines could actually be deadly 
and wouldn't necessarily protect her son from infectious diseases. 

The Walkers were planning a trip to Mexico in October so she got a passport for 
Vance, the youngest child to receive a passport in 2007, according to Shelly. 
Naturally, the Walkers reasoned, receiving "protective" vaccines would be 
important while traveling to a country having a lower standard of living than 
Americans are used to. 

A visit to the "doctor"

Vance received a shot of Pediarix, a 5-in-1 shot for diphtheria, tetanus, 
pertussis, hepatitis B and polio; a shot of Prevnar, seven pneumococcal viruses 
plus diphtheria toxoid and; Rotateq, the new rotavirus vaccine given orally and 
containing four viruses associated with infant diarrhea. That adds up to 19 
different pathogens given to a four-month-old infant in less than 15 minutes 
when you consider that Pediarix contains three polio strains. 

"It was the vaccines, wasn't it?"

When Brian and Shelly were in the emergency room still in a state of shock, 
Shelly blurted out, "It was the vaccines, wasn't it? Was this from the damn 

When her desperate plea for confirmation was met with denial and attempts to 
comfort her, a seed was planted that has since grown into a force that has 
become public health's worse nightmare - more and more parents speaking out as 
a result of their own tragic experience with the devastation caused by 

The Vaccination Debate

KXLY, a Spokane television station, publicized its airing of "The Vaccination 
Debate" for a week prior to the February 5, 2008, short, five-minute news 
broadcast in which Shelly's tragic experience was highlighted. 

News reporter Kalae Chock interviewed Shelly, their attorney in Virginia, David 
Terzian, who filed their case with the national Vaccine Injury Compensation 
Program and Spokane pediatrician Bob Maixner. The Vaccination Debate was aired 
on the morning news, evening news and late evening news that day and is still 
posted for viewing online.

Leading up to the showing of this news segment, Kalae Chock, also a new mom, 
had added Vaccination Debate segments to her ongoing internet blog. As of this 
writing, there are nine Vaccination Debate blog spots that have allowed 
concerned parents and others to voice their opinions in an open forum. For many 
parents, having this forum provided by our local news station is BIG news. 

Karen" stated the following on the blog: "Kalae, you took a very controversial 
subject and did a wonderful job showing both sides. Giving your children shots 
is not so cut and dried as we are led to believe. 23 years ago when my child 
had her first shots, I was a young mom that didn't know very much. I didn't 
know that my baby was having a seizure. My mom had to tell me that babies don't 
usually roll their eyes like that and shake. I was so angry and scared that my 
baby might not be okay. Luckily, she is, but I wish I had known the most 
important thing: I had a choice. I didn't have to have her go through that. The 
'authorities' make parents think it is mandatory and the law that your kids 
have to have shots. I hope that every parent that saw your series will realize 
that they do have a choice, a personal choice that does not have to be defended 
to anyone. I wish the slogan would be 'Shots: Your child, Your choice.' 

"Great job and thank you!" 

Kalae Chock's ninth blog on Vaccination Debate states that the original purpose 
for the Vaccination Debate report was "to share Shelly Walker's story and to 
explain the government's compensation program for vaccine related deaths and 

It is clear from her comments that she had no idea how controversial the 
vaccine topic had become. 

In the meantime, Shelly Walker is one mom on a mission - sharing her story as a 
means of alerting other moms to the real dangers inherent in all vaccines. She 
has made several copies of an article by Dr. Tedd Koren, "Crib Death or Vaccine 
Death?" in which he cites that SIDS is the second most common cause of infant 
death with 10,000 deaths annually. On top of the article she has links to the 
FDA warning on the intravenous use of vitamin K injections for newborns 
followed by a link to Vaccination Liberation's Model Birth Plan letter. 

Following this article she presents information on the national Vaccine Injury 
Compensation Program. Her cover sheet has a picture of Vance followed by a 
quote from Scripture (Ephesians 3:17-19) and a short summary of her story. 

Shelly writes, "I hope and pray that this tragedy never occurs in your family. 
With the knowledge I have acquired since his death I can firmly say that I will 
never vaccinate a child under the age of 24 months again, if at all. I lacked 
knowledge to make the best choice. I hope this empowers you to combat the 
darkness and seek the knowledge necessary to make the best decision." 

We second Shelly's sentiments and pray that people will "investigate before 
they vaccinate" since the only "informed" choice is complete avoidance and 
refusal. We are extremely grateful for Shelly Walker for taking the tragic loss 
of her only child and sharing what she has learned with others, passionately 
and publicly. 

VIC (Vaccine Injuried Children)
Autism is 1 in 150 children today and it's impossible to have a genetic 
Please learn from our mistake and educate BEFORE you vaccinate!
For more information visit www.vacinfo.org or call 800-939-8227

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