Want to Curb Global Warming? Start Recycling and Composting

Written by Shirley Siluk Gregory

Published on June 6th, 2008

Looking for ways beyond changing lightbulbs and taking the train to 
help reduce your carbon footprint? Turns out we all could make a big 
difference in greenhouse gas emissions by not throwing out so much 
trash and composting our food waste.

That's the message from "Stop Trashing the Climate," a report 
prepared by The Institute for Local Self-Reliance, the Global 
Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) and Eco-Cycle, a 
non-profit recycler. The study finds that waste prevention and 
increased recycling and composting could reduce as many greenhouse 
gas emissions as are produced by 21 percent of the U.S.'s 417 
coal-fired power plants.

Why? There are two basic reasons. One, by trashing stuff instead of 
reusing or repairing it, we create the demand for new resources Š and 
extracting, manufacturing and transporting those resources generates 
carbon dioxide. And, two, by tossing biodegradable materials into 
landfills instead of composting them, we're creating emissions of 
methane, a greenhouse gas that is shorter-lived but 72 times more 
powerful than carbon dioxide.

"Recycling is as important for climate stability as improving vehicle 
fuel efficiency, retrofitting lighting, planting trees and protecting 
forests," said Brenda Platt, co-director of the Institute for Local 
Self-Reliance and lead author of the "Stop Trashing the Climate" 
report.  "By avoiding landfill methane emissions, composting in 
particular is a vital tactic in the battle to stop Arctic ice 
melting. Biodegradable materials are a liability when buried and 
burned but an asset when composted."

The report asserts that "A zero waste approach based on preventing 
waste and expanding reuse, recycling and composting is one of the 
fastest, cheapest, and most effective strategies to protect the 
climate." It also notes that, per megawatt-hour, a trash incinerator 
produces more carbon dioxide emissions that a coal-fired power plant. 
Incinerators also waste three to five times as much energy as 
recycling helps to conserve.

"A zero waste approach is not only good news for climate stability, 
it's also good news for America's businesses and economy," said Eric 
Lombardi, a report co-author and director of the Boulder, 
Colorado-based Eco-Cycle.

"Stop Trashing the Climate" urges a local and national 20-year goal 
of zero waste. We can get there, the authors argue, by not 
subsidizing landfills and incinerators, putting an end to waste 
incineration, composting biodegradable materials and expanding the 
nationwide infrastructure for reuse, recycling and composting.

As part of World Environment Day, community supporters of better 
recycling and composting lobbied officials in several parts of the 
country, including Tallahassee; Providence, Rhode Island; Bridgeport, 
Connecticut; Los Angeles; and Massachusetts.

Launched June 5, World Environment Day

Stop Trashing the Climate provides compelling evidence that 
preventing waste and expanding reuse, recycling, and composting 
programs - that is, aiming for zero waste - is one of the fastest, 
cheapest, and most effective strategies available for combating 
climate change. This report documents the link between climate change 
and unsustainable patterns of consumption and wasting, dispels myths 
about the climate benefits of landfill gas recovery and waste 
incineration, outlines policies needed to effect change, and offers a 
roadmap for how to significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) 
emissions within a short period.

Significantly decreasing waste disposed in landfills and incinerators 
will reduce greenhouse gas emissions the equivalent to closing 21% of 
U.S. coal-fired power plants. This is comparable to leading climate 
protection proposals such as improving national vehicle fuel 
efficiency. Indeed, preventing waste and expanding reuse, recycling, 
and composting are essential to put us on the path to climate 

Download the executive summary (PDF, 5 MB);
Print quality version (PDF, 10 MB)
Download the full report (PDF, 6 MB)
Download key findings and priority policies as a one-page handout (PDF, 160 KB)

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