Canadian's beat  Bill C-51 — but watch the back door! 
    Working with our international affiliate,  Alliance for Natural Health 
ANH and AAHF have been keeping a close eye on Bill C-51 an amendment  
introduced by the Harper government to the Canadian Food & Drugs Act.  This 
bill, if 
passed, would have had dire consequences in Canada and  more than likely would 
cause a ripple effect in the US and in the European  Union.   
But for now, breathe a sigh of relief as the mass opposition to bill  C-51 
forced the Canadian Parliament to call off the second reading last  month.  The 
Bill, having been successfully through first reading on 8  April 2008, is now 
The Bill was going to create a new category called 'therapeutic  products' 
which would throw natural health products—or ‘therapeutic  foods’—into the 
same category as drugs. It would also have given Canadian  authorities obscene 
powers to raid premises, confiscate  products—with no reasons given. It would 
scare the small,  somewhat fragile and fragmented natural products industry 
 submission—an industry that is the life line for millions of consumers who  
prefer to take natural products rather than drugs to manage their  health. 
To find out more about what Bill C-51 was going to mean to Canadian  
citizens, _click here_ ( . _ 
(   Around the Corner
Bill C-52 is designed for something entirely  different. It’s meant to be 
about “protecting consumers” from unsafe  products and chemicals, such as 
pesticides. It is not directly concerned  with natural health products. But, 
Buckley (a lawyer with  expertise in the Food and Drugs Act Regulations and one 
of the key players  in defeating Bill C-51)identified that by slipping in one 
simple amendment  to Schedule 1 of Bill C-52, the Bill could be applied to 
natural health  products overnight. It could—put simply—be used to take away 
their rights  in the name of safety.  To find out more about Bill C-52, _click 
here_ ( . _ 
At the moment it is our understanding that a second bill (Bill C52) is  in 
draft form and nothing further will happen until the end of the summer  recess, 
but then a full strategy needs to be in place to halt the  direction that 
Health Canada is going with this legislation. This is a  very real threat to 
natural health industry in Canada, even though it  doesn’t specifically target 
natural products, via a small amendment it can  be made applicable to them—all 
under the guise of consumer safety of  course. 
To read the full article from ANH visit:  
-door_ (—
Listen to a recent ANH radio show (14 July 08) entitled “Connecting the  dots 
between the FDA, Health Canada and the European Commission”, where  Helke 
Ferrie and Rick Jaffe were our guests visit: 
( .

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