Some related links at the bottom
An important paper has been published in the journal  Clinical Oncology. This 
meta-analysis, entitled "The Contribution of  Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 
5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies" set out to  accurately quantify and 
the actual benefit conferred by chemotherapy in  the treatment of adults with 
the commonest types of cancer. Although the paper  has attracted some attention 
in Australia, the native country of the paper's  authors, it has been greeted 
with complete silence on this side of the world.  
All three of the paper's authors are oncologists. Lead author  Associate 
Professor Graeme Morgan is a radiation oncologist at Royal North Shore  
in Sydney; Professor Robyn Ward is a medical oncologist at University  of New 
South Wales/St. Vincent's Hospital. The third author, Dr. Michael Barton,  is a 
radiation oncologist and a member of the Collaboration for Cancer Outcomes  
Research and Evaluation, Liverpool Health Service, Sydney. Prof. Ward is also a 
 member of the Therapeutic Goods Authority of the Australian Federal 
Department  of Health and Aging, the official body that advises the Australian 
government on  the suitability and efficacy of drugs to be listed on the 
Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule (PBS) – roughly the equivalent of the US Food  
and Drug Administration.  
Their meticulous study was based on an analysis of the results  of all the 
randomized, controlled clinical trials (RCTs) performed in Australia  and the 
that reported a statistically significant increase in 5-year survival  due to 
the use of chemotherapy in adult malignancies. Survival data were drawn  from 
the Australian cancer registries and the US National Cancer Institute's  
Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) registry spanning the period  
January 1990 until January 2004. 
Wherever data were uncertain, the authors deliberately erred on  the side of 
over-estimating the benefit of chemotherapy. Even so, the  study concluded 
that overall, chemotherapy contributes just over 2  percent to improved 
in cancer patients.  
Yet despite the mounting evidence of chemotherapy's lack of  effectiveness in 
prolonging survival, oncologists continue to present  chemotherapy as a 
rational and promising approach to cancer treatment.
"Some  practitioners still remain optimistic that cytotoxic chemotherapy will 
 significantly improve cancer survival," the authors wrote in their 
introduction.  "However, despite the use of new and expensive single and 
drugs to  improve response rates...there has been little impact from the use of 
newer  regimens" (Morgan 2005).  
The Australian authors continued: " lung cancer, the median  survival 
has increased by only 2 months [during the past 20 years, ed.] and an  overall 
survival benefit of less than 5 percent has been achieved in the  adjuvant 
treatment of breast, colon and head and neck cancers."  
The results of the study are summarized in two tables,  reproduced below. 
Table 1 shows the results for Australian patients; Table 2  shows the results 
US patients. The authors point out that the similarity of  the figures for 
Australia and the US make it very likely that the recorded  benefit of 2.5 
percent or less would be mirrored in other developed countries  also.  
(NB: We apologize for the poor image quality of these tables.  The blanks in 
the columns represent zero, i.e. no direct benefit can be  attributed to 
chemotherapy; no patients in that category achieved an increased  5-year 
due to chemotherapy.)  
Table 1
Results for Australian  patients  

_larger image_ (  
source: _http://www.cancerdecisions.com_ (   
Table 2
Results for US  patients 
_larger  image_ (  
source:  _http://www.cancerdecisions.com_ (   
Basically, the authors found that the contribution of  chemotherapy to 5-year 
survival in adults was 2.3 percent in Australia, and 2.1  percent in the USA. 
They emphasize that, for reasons explained in detail in the  study, these 
figures "should be regarded as the upper limit of effectiveness"  (i.e., they 
an optimistic rather than a pessimistic estimate).  
Understanding Relative Risk 
How is it possible that patients are routinely offered chemotherapy when the  
benefits to be gained by such an approach are generally so small? In their  
discussion, the authors address this crucial question and cite the tendency on  
the part of the medical profession to present the benefits of chemotherapy in 
 statistical terms that, while technically accurate, are seldom clearly  
understood by patients. 
For example, oncologists frequently express the benefits of chemotherapy in  
terms of what is called "relative risk" rather than giving a straight 
assessment  of the likely impact on overall survival. Relative risk is a 
means  of expressing the benefit of receiving a medical intervention in a way 
that,  while technically accurate, has the effect of making the intervention 
look  considerably more beneficial than it truly is. If receiving a treatment 
causes a  patient's risk to drop from 4 percent to 2 percent, this can be 
expressed as a  decrease in relative risk of 50 percent. On face value that 
good. But  another, equally valid way of expressing this is to say that it 
offers a 2  percent reduction in absolute risk, which is less likely to 
patients to  take the treatment. 
It is not only patients who are misled by the overuse of relative risk in  
reporting the results of medical interventions. Several studies have shown that 
physicians are also frequently beguiled by this kind of statistical sleight 
of  hand. According to one such study, published in the British Medical 
Journal,  physicians' views of the effectiveness of drugs, and their decision 
prescribe  such drugs, was significantly influenced by the way in which 
trials of  these drugs were reported. When results were expressed as a relative 
risk  reduction, physicians believed the drugs were more effective and were 
strongly  more inclined to prescribe than they were when the identical results 
were  expressed as an absolute risk reduction (Bucher 1994).  
Another study, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology,  demonstrated 
that the way in which survival benefits are presented specifically  influenced 
the decision of medical professionals to recommend chemotherapy.  Since 80 
percent of patients chose what their oncologist recommends, the way in  which 
oncologist perceives and conveys the benefits of treatment is of vital  
importance. This study showed that when physicians are given relative risk  
reduction figures for a chemotherapy regimen, they are more likely to recommend 
to their patients than when they are given the mathematically identical  
information expressed as an absolute risk reduction (Chao 2003). 
The way that medical information is reported in the professional literature  
therefore clearly has an important influence on the treatment recommendations  
oncologists make. A drug that can be said, for example, to reduce cancer  
recurrence by 50 percent, is likely to get the attention and respect of  
oncologists and patients alike, even though the absolute risk may only be a  
small one 
- perhaps only 2 or 3 percent - and the reduction in absolute risk  
commensurately small.  
To their credit, the Australian authors of the study on the effectiveness of  
chemotherapy address the issue of relative versus absolute risk. They suggest 
 that the apparent gulf between the public perception of chemotherapy's  
effectiveness and its actual mediocre track record can largely be attributed to 
the tendency of both the media and the medical profession to express efficacy 
in  terms of relative rather than absolute risk .  
"The minimal impact on survival in the more common cancers conflicts with the 
 perceptions of many patients who feel they are receiving a treatment that 
will  significantly enhance their chances of cure," the authors wrote. "In part 
this  represents the presentation of data as a reduction in risk rather than 
as an  absolute survival benefit and by exaggerating the response rates by 
including  'stable disease.'"  
As an example of how chemotherapy is oversold, they cite the treatment of  
breast cancer. In 1998 in Australia, out of the total of 10,661 women who were  
newly diagnosed with breast cancer, 4,638 women were considered eligible for  
chemotherapy. Of these 4,638 women, only 164 (3.5 percent) actually gained 
some  survival benefit from chemotherapy. As the authors point out, the use of 
newer  chemotherapy regimens including the taxanes and anthracyclines for 
cancer  may raise survival by an estimated additional one percent – but this 
is achieved  at the expense of an increased risk of cardiac toxicity and nerve 
"There is also no convincing evidence," they write, "that using regimens with 
 newer and more expensive drugs is any more beneficial than the regimens used 
in  the 1970s." They add that two systematic reviews of the evidence been not 
been  able to demonstrate any survival benefit for chemotherapy in recurrent 
or  metastatic breast cancer.  
Another factor clouding the issue is the growing trend for clinical trials to 
 use what are called 'surrogate end points,' as a yardstick by which to 
measure a  chemotherapy regimen's effectiveness. This is instead of using the 
real  measures that matters to patients – prolongation of life as measured by 
overall  survival and improved quality of life. Surrogate end points such as  
'progression-free survival,' 'disease-free survival' or 'recurrence-free  
survival' may only reflect temporary lulls in the progression of the disease.  
Such temporary stabilization of disease, if it occurs at all, seldom lasts for  
more than a few months at best. The cancer typically returns, sometimes with  
renewed vigor, and survival is not generally extended by such interventions.  
However, trials reported in terms of surrogate end points can create the  
illusion that the lives of desperately ill patients are being significantly  
extended or made more bearable by chemotherapy, when in reality this is not the 
In summary, the authors state: 
"The introduction of cytotoxic chemotherapy for solid tumors and the  
establishment of the sub-specialty of medical oncology have been accepted as an 
advance in cancer management. However, despite the early claims of chemotherapy 
as the panacea for curing all cancers, the impact of cytotoxic chemotherapy is  
limited to small subgroups of patients and mostly occurs in the less common  

Splitting Hairs 
In view of the highly controversial nature of the study's findings, one might 
 have expected it to receive enormous international attention. Instead, media 
 reaction has been largely limited to the authors' native land of Australia; 
the  study received almost no coverage whatsoever in the US. In fact, although 
the  paper appeared in December 2004, there was limited coverage even Down 
Under. The  authors were interviewed for the Australian Broadcasting 
(ABC) program The Health Report in April 2005. But their landmark  paper did 
not come to most doctors' attention until a widely distributed medical  
practice periodical, the Australian Prescriber, ran an editorial on the study  
in 2006.  
On ABC's The Health Report, Prof. Morgan, the paper's principal  author, 
reiterated the study's conclusions that chemotherapy had been oversold,  and 
pointed to the fact that relative risk reduction is being used as the  
yardstick of 
efficacy, with its deceptively large percentage differences.  
For balance, the show host, Norman Swan, interviewed Prof. Michael Boyer,  
chief of medical oncology at Australia's Royal Prince Albert Hospital, Sydney.  
Unable to deny the validity of the study's essential findings, Prof. Boyer  
instead attempted to nitpick the authors' methodology. He suggested that the  
figure for chemotherapy's efficacy was actually somewhat higher than the study  
had concluded. Yet even so, when pushed, the most favorable figure he could 
come  up with was that chemotherapy might actually be effective in 5 or 6 
percent of  cases (instead of around 2 percent).  
Interviewed by Australian Prescriber, Prof. Boyer similarly commented: "If  
you start...saying how much does chemotherapy add in the people that you might  
actually use it [in], the numbers start creeping 5 percent or 6 
percent"  (Segelov 2006). 
In my opinion, this sort of hair-splitting damns chemotherapy with faint  
praise. It actually confirms the central message of the three critics' study. 
the best defense of chemotherapy that orthodox oncology can come up with is 
that  it may actually be effective for 5 or 6 percent of cancer patients, 
rather than  merely 2 percent, then surely it is high time for a radical 
reassessment of the  widespread use of this toxic modality in cancer treatment. 
figure - 2  percent or 6 percent - will come as a shock to most patients 
offered this type  of treatment, and ought to generate serious doubt in the 
minds of 
oncologists as  to the ethics of offering chemotherapy without explicitly 
warning patients of  its unlikely prospects for success. 
It was also astonishing that the orthodox Prof. Boyer complained that one of  
the major shortcomings of the study was that it insisted on measuring 
absolute  instead of relative benefits. Asked by the interviewer whether there 
weren't  violations of informed consent implicit in the way that benefits of 
treatment  were usually presented, Prof. Boyer defended the use of the more  
impressive-sounding relative risk reduction: 
"One of the problems of this [Morgan, ed.] paper is it uses absolute benefits 
 rather than relative benefits," he protested: "...the relative benefit is 
about  a one third reduction in your risk of death."  
This, of course, is precisely the reverse of the argument made by the study's 
 authors, who clearly demonstrated the misleading nature of relative risk  
reduction as a means of describing the efficacy of  chemotherapy.

Other Critics Emerge  
Prof. Morgan and his Australian colleagues are not alone in criticizing the  
pervasive use of relative risk as a means of inflating treatment efficacy. 
There  have been others in recent years who have also voiced concern about this 
trend.  For example, in a letter to the editor of the medical practice journal 
American  Family Physician, James McCormack, PharmD, a member of the faculty 
of  Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of British Columbia, made this same 
point  about relative vs. absolute risk with great clarity.  
Dr. McCormack took as an example the prescription of the bisphosphonate drugs 
 in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis...but identical issues apply 
to  the use of anticancer drugs. The journal in question had written that one 
of  those drugs produced almost "a 50 percent decrease" in the risk of new  
fractures. Addressing himself to a hypothetical patient, Dr. McCormack  
reinterpreted this statement in terms of absolute risk: "Mrs. Jones, your risk  
developing a...fracture over the next three years is approximately 8 percent.  
If you take a drug daily for the next three years, that risk can be reduced 
from  8 percent to around 5 percent, or a difference of just over 3 percent." 
course that sounds far less impressive than saying that taking the drug will  
decrease the risk of fracture by almost half, even though technically both 
are  mathematically accurate ways of expressing the benefit to be gained by the 

The Good News and the Bad 
News concerning conventional cancer treatments seems to come in two  
varieties: good and bad. Good news, meaning that conventional treatments work  
often generates widespread press coverage and enthusiastic statements from  
health officials. On the other hand, bad news, such as the fact that  
conventional treatments have generally been oversold, usually comes and goes  
attracting no media attention whatsoever.  
An example of the first kind is the recent announcement that for the first  
time in 70 years, the absolute number of US cancer deaths had fallen. Andrew C. 
 von Eschenbach, MD, director of the US National Cancer Institute (NCI), 
called  this "momentous news." Similarly, Dr. Michael Thun, head of 
epidemiological  research for the American Cancer Society, said it was "a 
milestone." How  big was the celebrated decline? As we reported in a recent 
deaths  actually fell by a total of 370, from 557,272 in 2003 to 556,902 in 
2004.  Expressed as a percentage of the total, it represents a drop of seven 
hundredths  of one percent (0.066 percent). 
Contrast the wildly enthusiastic coverage given to this tiny improvement in  
the annual cancer death rate with the almost total media blackout (at least in 
 North America) on this critical paper from Australia. Yet nothing can 
obscure  the fact that chemotherapy, for most indications, has far less 
effectiveness  than the public is being led to believe. Dr. Morgan and his 
deserve  every reader's gratitude for having pointed this out to their 
around  the world.  
Related Articles 
Overall Success Rate for  Chemotherapy     

Seventy-five percent of physicians refuse to do  chemotherapy. 
Chemo destroys brain cells 
table: Impact  of cyotoxic chemotherapy on 5-year survival in American 

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