The role of the villain can work for corporations as well as against them. If 
they can be sure they will ALWAYS be regarded as the villain they can predict 
the reaction to their actions with a lot of confidence. I believe this is of 
central strategic importance to them when it comes to manipulating government. 
It ought to be clear by now that large corporations thrive in a 
highly-regulated environment. That environment is most certain when it has 
popular support, which is best achieved by the illusion that measures are about 
limiting corporate abuse when they are in fact about maintaining corporate 
privilege. Corporations build nests for themselves thus, provoking the 
conditions they want by taking a calculatedly vociferous stance AGAINST those 

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Monday, 29 September, 2008 19:49:42
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Some Farmers Now Protected Against Monsanto Lawsuits

Why do some companies (like Monsanto) have such disregard for their
reputation? It's so clear that greed drives this corporation, what benefits
can come from this? Walmart acts this way too, and I don't see the benefits?
It's almost like one day they just stopped caring. I suspect it will be the
downfall of these companies.
Tom Epp

On Sat, Sep 27, 2008 at 12:54 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Some Farmers Now Protected Against  Monsanto Lawsuits
> _
> w-protected-against-monsanto-lawsuits.aspx?source=nl_
> (
> anto-lawsuits.aspx?source=nl)
> Farmers with crops that become contaminated by patented  genetically
> engineered (GE) seeds or pollen have been the target of harassing  lawsuits
> brought by
> biotech patent holders, especially Monsanto.
> But a landmark piece of legislation protecting California's  farmers from
> crippling lawsuits has passed through both legislative houses.
> AB 541 enacts protections against lawsuits brought against  California
> farmers who have not been able to prevent the inevitable drift of GE
>  pollen or seed
> onto their land. The bill also establishes a mandatory crop  sampling
> protocol to prevent biotech companies investigating alleged violations
>  from sampling
> crops without the explicit permission of the farmers who own the  land.
> Sources: Organic Consumers Association August 31,  2008
>                _
> (
> Dr. Mercola's Comments:
> Imagine being a farmer who is trying to grow organic,  non-genetically
> modified crops. Then imagine those crops being contaminated by a
>  neighbor's GM
> crops, whose seeds or pollen have blown over onto your land. Then  imagine
> Monsanto coming in and trying to SUE you for violating the patent  they've
> placed on
> those seeds!
> That is outrageous!
> Only a desperately evil company like Monsanto would have the  unbridled
> greed
> to pull something like that. What is most shocking, though, is  that
> Monsanto'
> s practice of targeting farmers for patent infringement is common,  and
> well
> planned out.
> It is not only the farmers whose crops have been contaminated  by
> Monsanto's
> GM seeds that are being investigated, but also farmers accused of  saving
> Monsanto's patented seeds to use the next year. Never mind that this is
>  the way
> farmers have operated for generations; saving seeds from one year to the
>  next
> makes sense financially and environmentally.
> Of course Monsanto saw it as a cut in their profits, so they  began to
> patent
> their seeds.
> Since the 1980s, Monsanto has become the world leader in  genetic
> modification of seeds and has won 674 biotechnology patents, more than  any
> other
> company.
> But Monsanto is not only patenting their own GMO seeds. They  have also
> succeeded in slapping patents on a huge number of crop seeds,  patenting
> life forms
> for the first time -- without a vote of the people or  Congress.
> Farmers who buy Monsanto's Roundup Ready seeds are required to  sign an
> agreement promising not to save the seeds or sell them to other farmers
>  (What if
> the farmer doesn't sign one? Not to worry, Monsanto has actually  admitted
> to
> forging farmers' signatures on technology agreements if they didn't  have
> one
> on file).
> The end result of the agreements? Farmers must buy new seeds  every year,
> and
> they must buy them from Monsanto.
> Monsanto's Seed Police
> How would Monsanto know if farmers were reusing their seeds?  They've hired
> an army of private investigators and agents to do just that. It's
>  difficult to
> say exactly how extensive this army of "seed police" actually is  today,
> but
> as of 2005 Monsanto had 75 employees and a $10 million budget solely  to
> investigate and prosecute farmers for patent infringement.
> Let's just say, for argument's sake, you were inclined to  agree with
> Monsanto about their right to monitor their seeds. They have, after  all,
> invested
> millions of dollars into these (typically toxic) genetically  modified
> seeds,
> and they need to recover some of that money. Well, can anyone  rationally
> say
> that a farmer is responsible for patent infringement if a seed  blows onto
> his
> property?
> Of course not. And this is where the bill AB 541 will protect  California's
> farmers from this type of harassment.
> I don't believe for one second, though, that Monsanto has any
>  justification
> in any of these matters. They are slowly working to take control  of the
> entire food supply, and this is not an exaggeration.
> Monsanto is considering using what's known as terminator  technology on a
> wide-scale basis. These are seeds that have been genetically  modified to "
> self-destruct." In other words, the seeds (and the forthcoming  crops) are
> sterile,
> which means farmers must buy them again each year.
> This solves their problem of needing "seed police," but they  are obviously
> looking the other way when it comes to the implications that  terminator
> seeds
> could have on the world's food supply: the traits from  genetically
> engineered crops can get passed on to other crops. Once the  terminator
> seeds are
> released into a region, the trait of seed sterility could  be passed to
> other
> non-genetically-engineered crops, making most or all of the  seeds in the
> region
> sterile.
> If allowed to continue, every farmer in the world could come  to rely on
> Monsanto for their seed supply … and this is not a company that you  want
> in
> control of your food supply.
> Why GM Crops are a Threat to Your  Health
> There have been no safety studies conducted that prove GM  foods are safe.
> To
> the contrary, dicing and splicing the components of your food  supply into
> never-before-introduced combinations has been found to:
> -- Cause cancer
> _
> (
> )
> -- Contribute to food allergies
> -- Possibly cause damage to your immune system
> _
> (
> )
> -- Create super-viruses
> _
> (
> )
> Why are these products still on the market (and in the  United States,
> making
> up the vast majority -- 75 percent -- of processed foods)?  Because there's
> money to be made with them, and because it's difficult to link  health
> problems
> directly to them, in large part because many of the side effects  happen
> over
> time.
> This is not to say that no links have been made. It's been  proven, for
> instance, that bacteria in your gut can take up DNA from GM food,  that GM
> peas
> caused lung damage in mice, and GM potatoes lead to cancer in rats.
> Only time will reveal, as Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of  Deception,
> points out in this excellent video
> _
> s-you-want-to-avoid-genetically-modified-foods.aspx_
> (
> ically-modified-foods.aspx)    , the extent of the unforeseen and
> surprising
> illnesses caused by GM foods.
> How to Protect Your Health, and Support Organic  Farmers
> First, I urge you to get informed on the issue by watching The  Future of
> Food. This in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind
>  genetically
> modified foods is one of the best documentaries I have ever viewed.  It
> will
> help you understand the very real threat that ALL future generations  face
> as a
> result of genetic engineering.
> Please do not be shy about forwarding this video to all of  your friends
> and
> family, as it is something that everyone should see.
> Next, support organic (and local) farmers who do not use  Monsanto's GM
> seeds
> by boycotting all GM foods. The GMO food guide
> _
> (
>  is an
> excellent start to doing this, as you can print it out and take it  with
> you
> to the store so you can avoid GM foods like the plague.
> Related Articles:
> This Company May Be the Biggest Threat to Your Future  Health
> _
> y-be-the-biggest-threat-to-your-future-health.aspx?source=nl_
> (
> -threat-to-your-future-health.aspx?source=nl)
> Genetically Modified Foods -- What to Know Before You Eat Them
> _
> ified-organisms-are-a-looming-threat.aspx_
> (
> t.aspx)
> Home Depot: Do the Right Thing and Dump Monsanto!
> _
> he-right-thing-and-dump-monsanto.aspx_
> (
> )
>  (
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