Dear SurpriseShan2,

First of all, it passes my understanding what this has to do with 
biofuels, but the terms of use (taken liberally) say that no one can 
tell, and newbies should probably not question the scope of topics. So 
there you are.

> I truly fail to follow  your logic here  - or is it logic? And cancer is a 
> fungus, not a fungicide.  Though it has long been debated just what 
> percentage 
> of cancer were bacteria, or  virus or fungus - it being a fungus has not been 
> under debate, at least not for  many years. It has only been the last 2 years 
> that a doctor, Dr  Simoncini, proved that cancer was usually if not always a 
> fungus. But I am  curious, please tell me why fungus can't replicate? 
> Especially 
> as fungus is  a natural componate in the body; it only makes people sick when 
> it is overgrown  and the natural controls are not working or are diminished. 

Not even Simoncini says that cancer is a fungus. And the gentleman to 
whom you are replying did not say that cancer is a fungicide, as you 
imply. This is simply a misuse of language: slipshod, funky, and 
inaccurate. Without clear language, how is clear thought possible?

Dr. Simoncini says rather that cancer is /caused by /a fungus, and that 
killing the fungus cures the cancer. His treatment of choice is 
intravenous or oral sodium bicarbonate: Arm and Hammer baking soda. 
That's the wonder drug.

The idea, apparently, is that cancer cells produce an acidic 
environment, and the use of bicarb neutralizes acidity. Certainly both 
things are true. However, it is difficult to change the pH of the blood 
or body because it is very strongly homeostatic, and well buffered. If 
the pH of someone's body is changed in any marked way, that person would 
probably die, because so many physiologic systems depend on a narrow pH 

But really, this is barely worth discussing, much less arguing about. 
None of us has the tools to be certain whether the man is a genius or a 
charlatan, or both. Or maybe neither. But it doesn't matter, since the 
stuff is available in any drugstore. If you want to swallow sodium 
bicarb, have at it. It makes a good toothpaste, and is cheaper in that 
use than anything you can squeeze out of a tube. Add hydrogen peroxide 
and you've got something really useful. And if you happen to swallow 
some, and he's right, then you will never suffer from cancer, and you 
can put to rest any residual fear of fungus. If he's wrong, well, bicarb 
can't hurt, in modest quantity, taken orally. Occasionally. Probably.

Now how about them biofuels?

David William House
"The Complete Biogas Handbook" ||

"Make no search for water.       But find thirst,
And water from the very ground will burst."
(Rumi, a Persian mystic poet, quoted in /Delight of Hearts/, p. 77)
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