Is Cancer a Fungus? 
To Find a Cure for Cancer We Must Discover the True Nature of  the Disease
To find the cure for cancer, we really need to know what we  are dealing 
with. Why do cells suddenly start replicating out of control? Why  are cancers  
(    often 
different colors, not 
normally found in the human body? Why do  cancers  spread through the body? 
More than a million species of fungi exist on earth, which can  be classified 
into two broad groups: yeasts and moulds. Fungi have various  shapes, colors 
and textures, can live on land in the open air or in the aqueous  conditions 
of rivers, ponds seas and inside living creatures. Fungi, have the  capacity to 
produce a fruiting body, reproductive spores, a covering like skin,  
arteries, and internal fluid much like blood. 
While plants, animals and humans are alive and well, the fungi  around us are 
unable to overcome the natural defense mechanisms of higher life  forms. But 
once death occurs, the fungi are the primary tool nature uses to  reduce all 
that once lived into the basic elements from which they were made.  This is 
what biologists call the carbon cycle. 
However, the exception to this simple equation of life and  death is that the 
fungi can attack plants and animals, while they are alive.  Fungal spores are 
everywhere, millions of tiny particles are in the air, and the  food we eat. 
They can enter the body in many ways, through the intestinal tract,  the nose 
and lungs, and organs exposed to the world at large. We generally do  not 
develop an infection from these intruders. However, when the immune system  is 
compromised, the tissues are poorly oxygenated, the body is malnourished,  
spores become the dominant life form and begin to grow. 
Dr. Otto Warburg (Nobel Prize Winner) found that simply  reducing the oxygen 
supply to normal healthy tissue, it became cancerous. What  he was really 
experiencing was that fungal spores, hidden in most living tissue,  were able 
grow aneorobically, becoming the dominant life form. Normal healthy  tissue 
needs oxygen to live and grow, cancer and fungus cells can use sugar as  their 
primary source of energy for growth, this is called anaerobic respiration  or 
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