Dr. Devra Davis Explores the Links  Between Cell Phones and Our Health 
Cell phones have redefined global communication. In the US,  nine out of 10 
people today use cell phones on a daily basis. But, as is the way  with most 
new technology, the wide adoption of cell phones preceded adequate  study of 
potential health risks. And there is growing evidence that heavy use of  cell 
phones could be contributing to the rise in incidences of brain cancer. 
Dr. Devra Davis _http://reviews.cnet.com/cell-phone-radiation-levels/_ 
(http://reviews.cnet.com/cell-phone-radiation-levels/)   , Healthy Child 
Board Member and Director of the Center for  Environmental Oncology at the 
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, is  adamant about potential risks. 
argues in her book, The Secret History of the  War on Cancer 
_http://www.devradavis.com/books.php_ (http://www.devradavis.com/books.php)    
, that the 
cumulative exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell  phones may be 
causing cancer in users. Most importantly, she stresses that we  just don’t 
enough about the technology to be sure it’s not harming us. 
Studies conducted in Sweden found that long-term cell phone  users doubled 
their risk for brain tumors, specifically, glioma, a lethal tumor,  and 
neuroma, a benign tumor on the hearing nerve that can cause  eventual 
deafness. Sweden was one of the first countries to adopt cellular  technology 
in the 
1980s, thus users with 10 years or more cell phone exposure  have been 
evaluated for long-term effects. Shortly after Sweden’s discovery, 28  renowned 
cancer biologists signed a cautionary advisory on cell phone use. 
Brain cancer is an incredibly difficult disease to study.  There are multiple 
unknowns and overlapping risk factors, and tumors take over a  decade to 
develop fully. It may be decades before we have conclusive evidence as  to how 
exposures affect the brain. Studying cell phone exposure is even more  complex 
because with millions of users worldwide, there are fewer and fewer  unexposed 
control groups. 
Currently there is no definitive scientific evidence that cell  phone 
radiation causes brain tumors, in fact there is much dispute among  
researchers. But 
we know very little about how cell phone radiation affects our  health.  Dr. 
Davis believes, as does Healthy Child, that prevention is the  best medicine. 
She has been in the news recently advocating precautionary  measures when it 
comes to how we use our cell phones. In particular she advises  against 
children to electromagnetic radiation. 
From cell phone industry data we know that electromagnetic  radiation 
penetrates about 2 inches into an adult brain, and even farther into  the 
skull of a child. Children’s brains are smaller and protected by  thinner 
bone, permitting deeper penetration. Most cell phone manuals, which are  rarely 
read, recommend that all users keep the phone away from their bodies and  hold 
the device as far from the ear as is feasible. 
Last year, 46% of US children aged 8-12 used cell phones.  Israel, England, 
France and Germany have all issued public health warnings  against cell phone 
use for children. 
Instead of waiting for our own government to issue a public  health warning, 
here are some preventive steps you can take to protect your  family and 
yourself from exposure: 
-- Electromagnetic radiation exposure is through the antenna,  and the closer 
it is to your head, the greater the exposure. The number one  preventative 
step you can take is to use a headset or earpiece to distance your  ear and 
from the radiation. 
-- Cell phone signals can warm the auditory nerve on the side  of the head 
where the phone is used. If you feel your phone is hot or your ear  feels warm, 
end the call and move to a landline or cordless phone. 
-- The highest brain exposure from radiation is on the side of  the head 
where the phone is normally held. Switch the phone from ear to ear  during 
to avoid localizing exposure to one side. 
-- Older cell phones (analog models) emit higher radiation  than newer, 
digital equipment. Have a look at this guide to find out  which newer models 
safer and where your current device lies on the  spectrum. 
-- Children under the age of 12 should not use cell phones  unless in an 
emergency situation. If they must use cell phones, make sure they  connect 
using a 
-- Turn your cell phone off when not in use (especially  overnight if it 
rests on your nightstand) and try to text message instead of  calling. 
Cell phones have been a boon to society, but be aware of the  risks and take 
some simple precautions. It’s no different than wearing seat  belts in a car. 
For more information, check out: 
_http://environmentaloncology.org/_ (http://environmentaloncology.org/)  
_http://www.preventingcancernow.org_ (http://www.preventingcancernow.org) 
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