Hi All ; 

>From yesterday's Bangkok Post.  This is still being hotly debated, and the 
>gov't may back down this time, but the dark forces behind this won't just stop 
>and go away.  On the list to be regulated as "Hazardous" are Citronella grass, 
>chilli, tumeric, ginger, Chinese ginger, Chinese celery, neem, African 
>marigold, glory lilly, Siam weed, stemona, and tea seed cake. 

Start saving those seeds........ 

Peter G.


Farmers up in arms at herb listing

Chilli, turmeric, ginger branded 'hazardous' 
Published: 11/02/2009 at 12:00 AM 

Farmers and traditional medicine experts have reacted angrily to the listing of 
13 widely used herbal plants as hazardous substances, suggesting there is a 
hidden agenda that favours chemical companies. 

 The Industry Ministry listed the 13 plants as hazardous substances to control 
production and commercialisation.The plants are widely used among farmers as 
alternatives for expensive and toxic farm chemicals, pesticides and herbicides. 
The announcement on listing the plants as "hazardous substances type 1" under 
the 1992 Hazardous Substances Act was approved by Industry Minister Charnchai 
Chairungruang last month. It took effect on Feb 3.Proposed by the Department of 
Agriculture, which is a member of the hazardous substances committee, the 
announcement requires growers, manufacturers, importers and exporters of 
pesticides, herbicides and plant disease control substances made from the 13 
herbal plants to follow safety and quality control regulations issued by the 
committee. Otherwise they will face six months in jail and/or a fine of 50,000 
baht.Farmer advocates yesterday said putting the herbal plants on the 
controlled list would hurt growers as they
 could no longer produce, trade and use botanical pesticides and herbicides 
freely.Farmers and producers of the organic substances might have to pay more 
for registration, packaging and testing as required by the law, said Witoon 
Lianchamroon, of Biothai, a non-government organisation working on organic 
farming.He suspected the motive behind the listing.Multinational chemical 
companies are expected to benefit once production and commercialisation of the 
alternative substances is curbed, he said.Large numbers of farmers have 
switched recently from imported chemicals to botanical substances as they are 
much cheaper and safer, he said."Instead of tightening controls on these 
farmer-friendly herbal plants, the committee should crack down on multinational 
companies who exploit Thai farmers by luring them into buying their highly 
toxic and costly products," Mr Witoon said.Tussanee Verakan, coordinator of the 
Alternative Agriculture Network, said the committee
 produced the list in secret without consulting farmers who would be the 
hardest-hit."The government keeps promoting organic farming and reduction of 
chemical use," she said. "Why did they put such heavy restrictions on organic 
substances which are the heart of organic farming?"Department deputy chief 
Jirakorn Kosaisevi insisted the listing was aimed at protecting benefits for 
farmers."The announcement is not intended to protect chemical producers," Mr 
Jirakorn said."These botanical pesticides are widely used and traded. They 
should be controlled to ensure they are up to standard."The new regulation 
would help promote herbal products, he said.Department for Development of Thai 
Traditional and Alternative Medicine deputy director-general Prapot Paetrakas 
said the 13 plants were core materials in herbal medicines. Controlling their 
manufacture and trade could affect the herbal medicine industry, he said.The 
department will discuss the issue with legal
 experts and others on Friday. 


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