Minimally Invasive Oxygen/Ozone  Shot Set to Replace Surgery for Pain of 
Herniated Disks  
"The estimated improvement in pain and function is impressive  when we looked 
at [more than 8,000] patients who ranged in age from 13 to 94  years with all 
types of disk herniations." 
A minimally invasive treatment - which safely and effectively  uses injection 
of oxygen/ozone to relieve the pain of herniated disks - will  become 
standard in the United States in the next few years, researchers  explained at 
Society of Interventional Radiology’s 34th Annual Scientific  Meeting. In a 
recent study,(1) the interventional radiologists examined just how  ozone 
the pain associated with herniated disks. 
Back pain is the most common cause of job-related disability  and a leading 
contributor to missed work. While the pain of herniated disks can  be severe, 
it can ease over time, and many people may no longer feel the need  for medical 
care. However, in some, the pain from herniated (or ruptured or  slipped) 
disks is intolerable or persists. 
"Having a herniated disk can affect how you perform everyday  activities and 
can cause severe pain that influences almost everything you do;  but you don*t 
have to undergo invasive surgery," noted Kieran J. Murphy, MD, an  
interventional neuroradiologist and chief of medical imaging at the University  
Toronto, Canada. 
Oxygen/ozone therapy involves injecting a gas mixture of  oxygen and ozone 
into a herniated disk. The treatment can limit pain and  inflammation by 
reducing the disk’s volume. 
Currently, open diskectomy and microdiskectomy (both involving  removal of 
disk material through an incision) are the standards in surgical  treatment for 
herniated disk. "Oxygen/ozone treatment of herniated disks is an  effective 
and extremely safe procedure; interventional radiologists use imaging  to guide 
a needle to inject oxygen/ozone into injured disks," explained Murphy. 
"The estimated improvement in pain and function is impressive  when we looked 
at patients who ranged in age from 13 to 94 years with all types  of disk 
herniations,” he adds. “Equally important, pain and function outcomes  are 
similar to the outcomes for lumbar disks treated with surgical diskectomy,  but 
complication rate is much less (less than 0.1 percent)." 
"In addition, the recovery time is significantly shorter for  the 
oxygen/ozone injection than for the diskectomy," said Murphy. 
"The spine is a stunningly beautiful piece of engineering, or,  as our 
engineers say, the spine is like a complex electromechanical system. And  the 
interventional radiology oxygen/ozone treatment takes a minimalist approach.  
all about being gentle," said Murphy. 
"Ozone shrinks disk volume; this is why it provides pain  relief," said 
Murphy, whose second study explored the mechanism of why  oxygen/ozone 
works. The bones (vertebrae) that form the spine in the  back are cushioned by 
small, spongy disks. When these disks are healthy, they  act as shock absorbers 
for the spine and keep the spine flexible. But when a  disk is damaged, it 
may bulge or break open. 
Surgical diskectomy risks leaving the patient with too little  disk. 
"There are millions of people with back pain who suffer and  who can't work 
because of their pain. Undergoing invasive surgical diskectomy  puts you on a 
path where you may be left with too little disk. Taking out a  protruding disk 
may lose the shock absorption that naturally resides between  them in the 
spine," said Murphy, who predicts this procedure will become  standard in the 
United States within the next five years. 
Researchers conducted a meta-analysis of various results  published for 
oxygen/ozone treatment in regards to pain relief, reduction of  disability and 
of complications.(2) More than 8,000 patients from multiple  centers in 
multiple locations were included in the study. 
• The estimated mean improvement for patients after treatment  based on the 
10-point visual analog scale (VAS), a standard tool for rating the  disabling 
effects of back pain, was a change of 3.9 (with 0 being no pain and 10  
representing worst pain experienced). 
• The estimated mean improvement was 25.7 percent for the  Oswestry 
Disability Index (ODI), which measures one*s ability to manage everyday  life - 
such as 
washing, dressing or standing (with 61 percent or higher  representing back 
pain that has an impact on all aspects of daily living. 
The improvement scores for VAS and ODI outcomes are well above  both the 
minimum clinically important difference and the minimum (statistically  
significant) detectable change, indicating that the improvement in pain and  
function is 
a real change that can be felt by the patient. 
Much research in oxygen/ozone treatments has been done by  interventional 
radiologists in Italy, said Murphy, indicating that as many as  14,000 
individuals have received this treatment abroad over the past five years. 
The mechanism of action in relieving low back pain is complex;  however, the 
primary effect is a volume reduction due to ozone oxidation.  Researchers 
discovered that a simple incompressible fluid model predicted that  reducing 
volume by 0.6 percent results in an intradiscal pressure reduction  of 1 psi 
(1 pound per square inch). 
Thus a very small change in volume creates a large change in  disc pressure, 
which reduces the applied pressure on the nerve and relieves  pain. 
This model confirmed that a minimalistic alternative to a  diskectomy, such 
as oxygen/ozone treatment, is capable of relieving the pain  caused by a 
herniated disk without causing irreparable damage.  

Article Citations: 
1. _“Ozone’s  Mechanisms of Action for Relieving Pain Associated with 
Herniated Intervertebral  Disks,”_ 
(  Abstract No. 38, 
Journal of the Society of Interventional  
Radiology (supplement), Feb 2009.

2. _“A  Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness and Safety of Ozone Treatments for 
Herniated  Lumbar Disks,”_ 
(  Abstract No. 37, 
Journal of the  Society of Interventional 
Radiology (supplement), Feb  2009.

Source: Society of Interventional Radiology (_www.sirweb.org_ 
( ) news release, Mar 9,  2009
Ozone Information For Clinicians & the General Public. 
This site  brings together articles and published research on the use of 
ozone in routine  health care. It is presented in the form of a book with links 
the main  chapters, and an index that heads each chapter. The book contains 
an  introduction by Dr Julian Holmes, an Introduction and the History of the 
use of  Ozone, issues in the USA & the FDA, Dental, Medical, Veterinary and  
Agricultural Uses.
_ ( 
Ozone Therapy
What Does Ozone Do; How Does Ozone Work; Routes of  Administration: Ozone 
Therapy Success Story; Ozone has been used to treat .....  ; References
Ozone in Dentistry
links to much info and articles
Oxygen Healing  Therapies : Information and articles on a wide range of 
different oxygen  therapies. Also has a directory of US/Canadian doctors and 
clinics offering  oxygen therapy.
Healing Center - Las Vegas : Angel Healing Center in Las  Vegas can provide 
ozonated steams and ozonated colonics as well as several other  therapies.
Ozone Association : Website of the Medical Society for Ozone  application in 
Prevention and Therapy
Ozone Stimulation : Explains methods,  free radicals, oxygen, and links to 
study results.
The Story of Ozone : An  extensive collection of articles about ozone and its 
uses in medicine and other  fields. Many of the articles are by leading 
experts in the field and containg  references for further reading. : Vaginal ozone  insufflation therapy can help 
dramatically with vaginal discharge, thrush,  odour, Candida and other vaginal 
Ozone Forum : Dr. Gerd H. Wasser's  online resource on using ozone for 
therapeutic purposes. Rheurdt,  Germany. : Center in Tustin, California, providing  ozone/oxygen 
bathing treatment.
The Ozone Gateway - Ozone Services : Site  details comprehensive range of 
home & clinic, ozone therapy equipment and  accessaries. Information on all 
aspects of generators, oxygen concentrators and  other supplies. Also has 
Ozone Therapy Spa, Kare Inn : Ozone  therapy and massage therapy spa in Las 
Cruces New Mexico.

Scientific And Medical References Proving Ozone's Validity As A Medical  
By Ed McCabe. This is the most complete set of English language  Ozone 
Medical references available to date. It took
7 years of hard work  against formidable opposition to bring this into 
existence as a public  service.
Therefore, Ed McCabe requests that his name always be associated  with this 
publication. It is copyrighted under: Ed McCabe 1994.
Chronological  Ozone Medical References - Abbreviated List - With A 
Concentration On Successful  Aids Research

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