ISIS Report 01/07/09

Making Fuel from Water

An efficient and robust catalyst for oxidizing water brings us closer 
to converting sunlight into fuel Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

The holy grail of artificial photosynthesis is to mimic and improve 
on the green plant's ability to turn sunlight directly into 
electrochemical energy that can be used as fuel [1] (Harvesting 
Energy from Sun with Artificial Photosynthesis, SiS 43). Research and 
development in this area within the OECD (Organisation for Economic 
Co-operation and Development) countries date back to the 1970s; and 
major efforts have been renewed by the United States Department of 
Energy (DoE)  since 2007 [2].

These efforts are paying off. Important progress has been made by 
researchers Heinz Frei and Feng Jiao at DoE's Lawrence Berkeley 
National Laboratory recently, bringing the dream of making fuel from 
water a closer to market. They've found that nano-sized crystals of 
cobalt oxide improves the status of the art by 1 550-fold

Effective photo-oxidation requires a catalyst that is both efficient 
in using solar photons and fast enough to keep up with the solar flux 
to avoid wasting those photons. Clusters of cobalt oxide nanocrystals 
are sufficiently efficient and fast, and also robust and abundant," 
said Frei [3]. "They perfectly fit the bill."

Efficient and robust catalysts required

The direct conversion of carbon dioxide and water to fuel depends on 
the availability of efficient and robust catalysts for the 
photochemical transformations [4] (see Splitting Water with Ease, SiS 
43). Catalysts need to have high turnover frequency (TOF) and density 
to keep up with the solar flux at ground level (1 000 Wm-2) to avoid 
wasting incident solar photons. For example, a catalyst with a TOF of 
100 s-1 requires a density of one catalytic site per square nanometre.

Catalysts with lower rates or taking up a larger space will require a 
high surface area nanostructure support that provides tens to 
hundreds of catalytic sites per square nanometre. Furthermore, 
catalysts need to work close to the thermodynamic potential of the 
redox reaction [1] so that a maximum fraction of the solar photon 
energy is converted to chemical energy. Stability considerations 
favour all-inorganic materials, as does the ability to withstand 
harsh reaction conditions of pH or temperature.

For the water oxidation half reaction, Jiang and Frei had found that 
iridium oxide fulfils these requirements in robustness, and has a 
reported TOF of 40 s-1 for IrO2 colloidal particles suspended in 
water. The catalyst was driven by a [Ru3+ (bpy)3] unit (bpy, 
2,2-bipyridine), generated photochemically with visible light using 
the established [Ru2+(bpy)3]/persulphate (electron donor/acceptor) 
system and a modest overpotential of 0.37V. (The overpotential is the 
potential in excess of the theoretical electrochemical potential of 
1.23V required [1] due to inefficiencies in the system.)

The researchers have previously demonstrated that the all-inorganic 
IrO2 nanoclusters (~ 2nm) directly coupled to a single centre 
chromium(VI) or a binuclear TiCrIII charge-transfer chromophore (a 
chemical group that gives colour to the molecule) [4] gave oxygen 
evolution under visible light with good quantum yield. While iridium 
oxide closely approaches the efficiency and stability required as 
catalyst for water oxidation, iridium is the least abundant metal on 
earth and is therefore not suitable for use on a very large scale. So 
Jiao and Frei explored more abundant metals, inspired by nature's 
MnCa cluster of photosystem II; nature tends to use the most abundant 
materials [5] (Living with Oxygen, SiS 43). So they focussed on Co3O4 
nanoclusters, and struck gold [6].

Nano-structured cobalt oxide the answer

To form the Co3O4 nanoclusters, they used mesoporous silica (SBA-15) 
as the scaffold. The mesocopic structure of the silica consists of 
hollow channels connected by micropores. The CO3O4 clusters are 
formed exclusively inside the channels as parallel bundles of 
nanorods linked by short bridges, formed by CO3O4 growth in the 
micropores interconnecting the mesoscale channels. They loaded the 
silica at 4.2 and 8.6 percent by weight of CO3O4 in wet impregnation.

Transmission electron microscope images showed that the average 
spheroid-shaped bundle of CO3O4 has a short diameter of 35 nm and a 
long diameter of 65 nm for the sample prepared with 4.2 percent 
CO3O4; for the 8.6 percent sample, the short and long diameters were 
65 and 170nm respectively. X-ray crystallographic analysis showed 
that the 4.2 percent samples were poorly crystallized, while the 8.6 
percent sample corresponds to a 7.6 nm diameter rod structure. The 
4.2 percent sample gave the highest rate of oxygen evolution when 
tested at pH 5.8 and 22 C (with an overpotential of 0.35V), about 40 
percent higher than the 8.6 percent sample. The rate was linear for 
the first 30 minutes before gradually levelling off. When fresh 
Na2S2O8 electron acceptor was added and the pH value readjusted, 
oxygen evolution resumed at the initial rate. This finding confirmed 
that the slowdown was principally due to the consumption of the 
persulfate acceptor, and demonstrated that the activity of the CO3O4 
nanoclusters did not degrade during photocatalysis in the several 
hours investigated.

In comparison, NiO nanocrystals in silica or micron sized CO3O4 
particles were not effective. An estimated TOF of 1 140 s-1 per CO3O4 
cluster was obtained in the 4.2 percent sample. The calculation is 
based on the geometry of the bundles of CO3O4 nanorods, bundle 
diameter 35 nm, rod diameter 7.6 nm, typically 14 rods per bundle, 
average rod length 50 nm. For the larger CO3O4 clusters (8.6 percent) 
the estimated TOF is 3450 s-1. The calculation assumed CO3O4 nanorod 
spheroid bundles of 48 per bundle, rod diameter 7.6 nm, average rod 
length 130 nm. The oxygen yield was 65 times smaller for the aqueous 
suspension of 200 mg of bare CO3O4 particles compared with the 4.2 
percent nanocrystals impregnated in silica. When normalised to the 
same amount of CO3O4 the O2 yield for the silica impregnated 
nanocrystals at 4.2 percent exceeds that of the bare micron-sized 
particles by a factor of 1 550.

This was the first observation of efficient water oxidation, which is 
only half the artificial photosynthesis reaction. Nevertheless, the 
abundance of the metal oxide, the stability of the nanoclusters under 
use, the modest overpotential required, and the mild pH and 
temperature conditions make it a promising catalytic component for 
developing a viable integrated system for converting sunlight to fuel.

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