Hello Ivan. 
 Somehow I seem to get the impression that  you think that vaccines were 
responsible for getting rid of polio. Maybe I am  mistaken? However, just in 
case I am not, thought I would suggest some reading  that you might find 
interesting. My favourite aunt was afflicted with polio as a  child, which 
resulted in her being crippled for the rest of her life.  I was the flower girl 
at her wedding, it was the only time since  before she got polio that she 
walked without her canes. So I  decided to learn about polio.  I just wish that 
I had looked into it years  before I did - she died from complications when 
she broke her hip several years  ago. Dr Bruno specializes in Post-Polio 
and might have been able to help  her.
   I just don't like crediting people  or organizations with things that 
they are not responsible for.
there is a chart & graph here for polio also.  
by Neil Z. Miller of Think Twice Global Vaccine  Institute
The polio vaccine: a critical assessment of its arcane history,  
efficacy,and long-term health-related consequences. Current disease reduction  
techniques that emphasize short-term gains over long-term health consequences  
to be reevaluated and discontinued while new and safer health paradigms are 
 researched and implemented. SECTIONS: What is polio?; How is polio 
contracted?;  Can polio be treated?; Does a polio vaccine exist?; Which vaccine 
in use  today?; Are polio vaccines safe?; How effective are polio vaccines?; 
Polio  vaccines and cancer; Polio vaccines and AIDS; Didn’t AIDS originate 
in Africa?;  Test the polio vaccines; AIDS within the Gay community; Polio 
vaccines and Mad  Cow disease; AIDS with no identified risk factor (NIR); 
More animal viruses;  Mutated polio strains; How is today’s polio vaccine 
produced?; Are positive  changes possible?; 177 References. Every year, more 
12,000 people in the  United States file vaccine-damage reports with the 
FDA documenting serious  ad-verse reactions to mandated immunizations 
(children are mainly affected). The  FDA estimates that this represents just 10 
percent of the true rate. Yet, even  these figures pale in comparison to the 
number of cases of new diseases  scientifically linked to inoculations: MMR and 
autism, polio vaccines and  cancer, the hepatitis B vaccine and multiple 
sclerosis, the Hib vaccine and  diabetes, to name just a few. I want everyone 
to think through this enigmatic  and controversial subject on their own. I 
believe that parents are capable of  obtaining the facts and making 
knowledgeable choices regarding the care and  welfare of their 
_http://www.thinktwice.com/Polio.pdf_ (http://www.thinktwice.com/Polio.pdf) 

Polio Index:
What part  did vaccines play in the eradication of Polio? A few facts: 
Before the first  Salk vaccine trials, polio incidence had already declined 
greatly. Decline was  even greater by the time the Salk and Sabine vaccines 
into widespread use.  The intensive use in 1958 was followed by more than a 
doubling of incidence. At  no time after the introduction of the two 
vaccines against polio was decline  greater than before vaccine introduction. 
Graph showing Death from  Polio:
Australia; The Polio Death Rate was Decreasing on its Own Before the  
Vaccine was Introduced; 
Polio poster girl cured
Eleanor McBean  (Vaccination The Silent Killer):
"Another typical case of the difference  between the medical and 
non-medical approach to healing is that of THE POLIO  POSTER GIRL for the March 
Dimes. Little Winifred Gardella, had been treated  for polio by medical doctors 
for two and a half years, and the best they could  do was to release her as 
a hopeless cripple wearing crutches and leg braces —  with no hope for the 
rest of her life. Her picture was used on the March of  Dimes posters to 
jerk more donations from people, to carry on more of this  failure system of 
medical mix-up and mess.
After she left the medical  hosptial, her mother took her to a drugless 
doctor, Dr. Lewis Robertson  (Chiropractor), who treated her with special 
drugless methods and had her well  and walking in less than six months. (See 
photographs, Fig. I and 2). These are  just two (flu and polio) of the 
of better and more successful  treatments which the "qualified"  drugless 
doctors have, which should be  used, instead of the damaging medical methods."
Louella Harris: A Missionary For Upper Cervical  Chiropractic
Louella Harris, a patient turned spokesperson, is on a  mission.
In 1958, she became a victim of polio at age 3, eight months after  taking 
a vaccine in Kenya, East Africa. For much of her life, she has endured  the 
crushing disappointment and despair of failed medical treatments. But after  
discovering upper cervical chiropractic care, she has made remarkable 
progress  in her battle against the excruciating pain and relentless fatigue 
plagued  her. And she is telling her powerful story to the public.
_http://www.whale.to/a/chiro.html_ (http://www.whale.to/a/chiro.html) 
Polio prevention &  treatment
"According to a survey made in 1946 regarding the  percentage of polio 
recoveries under the various methods of healing we have this  interesting 
report: 91 % to 100% recover under certain Chiropractic  treatment—(not all 
chiropractors understand this method),  97% to 100%  recover under correct 
Hygienic treatment, 72% under Nurse Kenny treatment, 35%  recover with no 
professional care, 17% under medical care."----Eleanor  McBean
Nutrition & infection quotes
"Perhaps  the greatest evil of immunization lies in its diversion of public 
attention from  true methods of disease prevention. It encourages public 
authorities to permit  all kinds of sanitary defects and social problems to 
remain undressed,  particularly in schools. It ignores the part played by food 
and sunlight and  many other factors in the maintenance of health." -----M. 
Beddow Bayly,  M.R.C.S., 1944
"Most people believe that every disease on the following list  has an 
infectious cause: HIV/AIDS, SARS, West Nile, Mad Cow, CJD and other  Spongiform 
Encephalopathies, Foot and Mouth, Hepatitis C, Polio, Avian Flu,  & the 1918 ‘
Spanish’ Flu. There is considerable scientific  evidence that these disease 
do not just have non-infectious co-factors,  but that they are almost 
entirely non-infectious."---David Crowe
--  45 percent of measles deaths associated with low weight and  poor 
Malnutrition is to blame for more than half of all the  deaths of children 
around the world -- including deaths caused by diarrhea,  pneumonia, malaria 
and measles, researchers said on Thursday. Poor nourishment  leaves 
children underweight and weakened and vulnerable to infections that do  not 
have to 
be fatal, the team at the World Health Organization and Johns  Hopkins 
University in Baltimore found.  They estimated that feeding all  children 
worldwide an adequate diet would prevent about 1 million deaths a year  from 
pneumonia, 800,000 from diarrhea, 500,000 from malaria, and 250,000 from  
measles...... They estimate that 52.5 percent of all deaths in young children  
attributable to undernourishment, with nearly 45 percent of measles deaths  
and more than 60 percent of deaths from diarrhea associated with low weight 
and  poor nutrition. [Media, Jun 17] Better Nutrition Could Save Millions 
of  Kids-Study
T'N'T: Tips and Techniques for Polio  Survivors
by Dr. Richard L. Bruno
From: "Ivan Menchero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) >
(mailto:sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org) >
Date:  Thu, 30 Jul 2009 08:22:29 +0800
Subject:  Re: [Biofuel] Things you're not supposed to know about Swine  flu
Message: 4
Hi Charlie,
All went ....OK, I guess I could believe you until point #7, that sounds  
like a Jesus freak selling me his Lord, needless to say that with #10 you  
lost the hole point.
If you actually want to get thru, I agree with part  of the message, 
vaccines work I am not saying that a quick vaccine  would! (I do not see 
people with polio lately)
From: "Kirk McLoren"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) >
Sent:  Wednesday, July 29, 2009 11:49 PM
To: "Charlie Hubbard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) >
Subject:  [Biofuel] Things you're not supposed to know about Swine flu  
> Please share...
> Ten Things You're  Not Supposed to Know about the Swine Flu Vaccineby 
> Adams, the  Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
> (NaturalNews) She was deathly  afraid of the flu.
> So she asked her doc what she should do.
> He  jabbed her unseen
> With a swine flu vaccine
> Blurting, "Darling, I  haven't a clue."
> - by the Health Ranger
> Let's not beat  around the bush on this issue: The swine flu vaccines now 
> being  prepared for mass injection into infants, children, teens and 
>  have never been tested and won't be tested before the injections begin. 
> Europe, where flu vaccines are typically tested on hundreds (or  
> of people before being unleashed on the masses, the European  Medicines 
> Agency is allowing companies to skip the testing process  entirely.
> And yet, amazingly, people are lining up to take the  vaccine, absent any 
> safety testing whatsoever. When the National  Institutes of Health in the 
> U.S. announced a swine flu vaccine trial  beginning in early August, it 
> inundated with phone calls and emails  from people desperate to play the 
> role of human guinea pigs. The power  of fear to herd sheeple into 
> injections is simply  amazing...
> Back in Europe, of course, everybody gets to be a  guinea pig since no 
> testing will be done on the vaccine at all. Even  worse, the European 
> vaccines will be using adjuvants -- chemicals used  to multiply the 
> of the active ingredients in  vaccines.
> Notably, there is absolutely no safety data on the use  of adjuvants in 
> infants and expectant mothers -- the two groups being  most aggressively 
> targeted by the swine flu vaccine pushers. The leads  us to the 
> conclusion that the swine flu vaccine could be a  modern medical 
> It's untested and un-tried. Its ingredients  are potentially quite 
> dangerous, and the adjuvants being used in the  European vaccines are 
> suspected of causing neurological  disorders.
> Paralyzed by vaccinesI probably don't need to  remind you that in 1976, a 
> failed swine flu vaccine caused irreparable  damage to the nervous 
> of hundreds of people, paralyzing many.  Medical doctors gave the problem 
> name, of course, to make it sound  like they knew what they were talking 
> about: Guillain-Barre syndrome.  (Notably, they never called it "Toxic 
> Vaccine Syndrome" because that  would be too informative. )
> But the fact remains that doctors  never knew how the vaccines caused 
> severe problems, and if the  same event played out today, all the doctors 
> and vaccine pushers would  undoubtedly deny any link between the vaccines 
> and paralysis  altogether. (That's what's happening today with the debate 
> over  vaccines and autism: Complete denial.)
> In fact, there are a  whole lot of things you'll never be told by health 
> authorities about  the upcoming swine flu vaccine. For your amusement, 
> written down  the ten most obvious ones and published them below.
> Ten  things you're not supposed to know about the swine flu vaccine(At 
>  least, not by anyone in authority... )
> #1 - The vaccine  production was "rushed" and the vaccine has never been 
> tested on  humans. Do you like to play guinea pig for Big Pharma? If so, 
> line up  for your swine flu vaccine this fall...
> #2 - Swine flu vaccines  contain dangerous adjuvants that cause an 
> inflammatory response in the  body. This is why they are suspected of 
> causing autism and other  neurological disorders.
> #3 - The swine flu vaccine could  actually increase your risk of death 
> swine flu by altering (or  suppressing) your immune system response. 
> is zero evidence that  even seasonal flu shots offer any meaningful 
> protection for people who  take the jabs. Vaccines are the snake oil of 
> modern  medicine.
> #4 - Doctors still don't know why the 1976 swine flu  vaccines paralyzed 
> many people. And that means they really have no  clue whether the 
> vaccine might cause the same devastating side  effects. (And they're not 
> testing it, either...)
> #5 -  Even if the swine flu vaccine kills you, the drug companies aren't 
>  responsible. The U.S. government has granted drug companies complete 
>  immunity against vaccine product liability. Thanks to that blanket 
>  immunity, drug companies have no incentive to make safe vaccines, 
> they only get paid based on quantity, not safety (zero  liability).
> #6 - No swine flu vaccine works as well as vitamin D  to protect you from 
> influenza. That's an inconvenient scientific fact  that the U.S. 
> government, the FDA and Big Pharma hope the people never  realize.
> #7 - Even if the swine flu vaccine actually works,  mathematically 
> if everyone else around you gets the vaccine,  you don't need one! 
> it can't spread through the population you  hang with.) So even if you 
> believe in the vaccine, all you need to do  is encourage your friends to 
> get vaccinated.. ..
> #8  - Drug companies are making billions of dollars from the production 
>  swine flu vaccines. That money comes out of your pocket -- even if you 
>  don't get the jab -- because it's all paid by the taxpayers.
> #9  - When people start dying in larger numbers from the swine flu, rest 
>  assured that many of them will be the very people who got the swine flu 
>  vaccine. Doctors will explain this away with their typical Big Pharma 
>  logic: "The number saved is far greater than the number lost." Of 
> the number "saved" is entirely fictional... imaginary... and exists  only 
> in their own warped heads.
> #10 - The swine flu  vaccine centers that will crop up all over the world 
> in the coming  months aren't completely useless: They will provide an 
> way to  identify large groups of really stupid people. (Too bad there 
>  some sort of blue dye that we could tag 'em with for future reference... 
> The lottery, they say, is a tax on people who can't do math.  Similarly, 
> flu vaccines are a tax on people who don't understand  health.
> "Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by  those who could 
> hear the music."
> -Angela  Monet
> Dona L Wheeler www.ChironLightMuse .com
> Volunteer  Human Rights Investigator
> Citizens Commission On Human  Rights
> Roanoke, Va. 24018
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