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Sunday, Sept. 27, 2009

'Cove' debut draws mixed reactions


Staff writer

"The Cove," a film about dolphin slaughters in Taiji, Wakayama 
Prefecture, drew a mixed response from an audience of 150 that 
included foreign journalists in Tokyo on Friday evening, the first 
time the award-winning movie has been screened in Japan.

The 92-minute film, which was first screened in Los Angeles July 31 
and is now being shown in other parts of the United States, Australia 
and some European countries, was screened at the Foreign 
Correspondents' Club of Japan, in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo.

The film contains footage of dolphins being brutally killed and 
reveals that dolphin meat has high levels of methyl mercury, a toxic 

It also explains how Ric O'Barry, a dolphin protection activist and 
the main character of the film, fell in love with dolphins, how local 
fishermen and police tried to block movie crew from filming the 
slaughters and how the crew used ingenious high-tech devices to 
secretly record the slaughters.

The movie, directed by Louie Psihoyos and filmed with hidden cameras 
over a five-year period, won several awards, including the Audience 
Award in the Sundance Film Festival in January.

"It's about contaminating people with mercury, not about animal 
rights," O'Barry, a former dolphin trainer for the 1960s TV show 
"Flipper," said in a news conference after the film. "Most Japanese 
people don't know what's going on in Taiji. They need to know."

However, some in the audience thought the film makes an emotive 
appeal against the slaughters based on their brutality, rather than 
the danger of consuming methyl mercury.

Richard Lloyd Parry, Asia editor of British paper The Times, said 
after the movie and news conference that "(O'Barry) said it's not 
about animal rights, but obviously it's about animal rights."

David Wybenga, an American who runs Japan Cat Network to save 
abandoned cats, agreed with Parry. "The film is more about his 
compassion about dolphins than mercury," he said.

Tetsuya Endo, associate professor in the department of environmental 
chemistry and toxicology of the Health Sciences University of 
Hokkaido, who appears in the movie, said he was disappointed because 
he had heard the movie would adopt a scientific tone but instead 
found it to be more like a drama.

If the movie is about the high mercury level in sea food, the focus 
should be on tuna rather than dolphins because many more people eat 
tuna, he said.

"As a researcher on mercury poison, tuna should be highlighted, not 
dolphins," he said.

Tuna's methyl mercury level can be higher than some types of 
dolphins, according to a Fisheries Agency's study.

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry acknowledges the high mercury 
level of dolphins and other large fish and sea animals and advises 
pregnant women not to eat an 80-gram serving of bottlenose dolphin, a 
type caught in Taiji and one of the most toxic dolphins, more than 
once in two months.

The movie shows former Taiji councilman Junichiro Yamashita saying in 
front of a video camera that dolphin meat should be pulled out of 
school lunches in the town because a test he initiated found high 
levels of mercury in the animal. Consequently, the town stopped 
serving the meat for school lunches.

Endo defended Yamashita's action on the grounds that parents have the 
right to oppose dolphin meat in school lunches because they can't 
choose what is in the lunches, unlike supermarket customers who can 
choose not to buy dolphin meat. He added that everybody, not only 
pregnant women or children, should refrain from eating an excessive 
amount of dolphins. He did not specify how much he considered an 
excessive quantity.

The Tokyo International Film Festival is planning to show "The Cove" 
in October.

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