Hi Chris

>talk about synchronicity.

:-) Excellent stuff, synchronicity, there's always something deeply 
reassuring about it.

>i heard two tidbits today.  first (note
>that i didn't have time to cross-check this one), the latest data
>indicates that the oceans are even warmer, and warming at a faster
>rate, than had been thought until now.  which means that global
>warming is farther along than previously believed, since about 90% of
>atmospheric warming gets absorbed by the oceans.

For years now, each time there've been new findings they say it's 
worse than they expected it to be. It's ridiculous that people are 
still talking of "12/25" or even 25/25. Let alone "Peak Oil" - as if 
it matters! Peak Heroin?

>second, some dudes
>in australia have shown that whale poop, much like that of grazing
>animals, promotes carbon sequestration by providing phytoplankton with
>valuable nutrients.  whale poqulations worldwide are, depending on the
>species, at 1 to 10 percent of their former levels.  the australian
>team calculates that sperm whales in the southern hemisphere alone, if
>allowed to regain their former numbers, would effectively remove 2
>million tons of carbon dioxide annually.

That's really interesting, I never would have thought of that. Have 
you got a link?

The Aussies are getting very impatient with the Japanese about this, 
putting on all sorts of pressure, more and more so. Good on them. The 
Japanese are either utterly oblivious, or offended that people are 
criticising their "traditions". I'll criticise their traditions - 
just what sort of sociopathic idiot do you have to be to think there 
can ever be any shred of an excuse for killing a whale? Traditions my 

Most Japanese are completely unaware that there's any sort of issue 
or problem over the annual dolphin slaughter at Taiji and elsewhere, 
if they've even heard of it. They haven't got a clue, in spite of all 
the fuss over "The Cove".

Several cinemas here were running "The Cove", in Tokyo and Osaka, but 
they withdrew it, because of threats and harassment by right-wing 
groups. "Nationalists oppose the film as a denigration of Japanese 


That's very unsatisfactory - isn't there a better net-lingo snort of 
derision and contempt than "Hmphh"?



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